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a person or an organisation that owes money is a d........ začněte se učit
the document sent to the debtor by the creditor, showing how much money is owed and for what, is the s...... of an account začněte se učit
when one company joins another to form larger single company, the new company is the result of a m........ začněte se učit
a call to someone in the same area is a l...... call začněte se učit
if you reach a switchboard you will have to ask for the e... you require začněte se učit
a small, specialised part of a market is called a market n... začněte se učit
the luxury end of the market is an u... začněte se učit
what the sakes up says to the potential customer is a sales p....... začněte se učit
a product which can be recoginsed by its name is a b... začněte se učit
if you take a loan from the bank you have to pay i...... on this loan začněte se učit
all the neccessary costs for a company e.g. rent for buildings, electricity, telephone are called o...... začněte se učit
the things you hope to do/achieve within a period of time are your o... začněte se učit
if the company is doing very well it is t... začněte se učit
E...... is a way of advertising when a famous person recommends a product. začněte se učit
the money that is spent by business is called the e... začněte se učit
materials in their natural state used to make something else, e.f. oil is r... m........ začněte se učit
most businesses need to borrow money to finance i........ they need to buy in order to help the company e.g. machines začněte se učit
employee of a company are also called l...... začněte se učit
when i...... is low, prices do not go up začněte se učit
a company of which at least half the share capital is owned company called a parent or holding company is a s....... začněte se učit
ab person or a company that offers the same or better goods of services as another and therefore competes for the same customers is a c...... začněte se učit
money collected from employers and employees, or by the state, and invested to provide future pensions is called a p... začněte se učit
the coins and banknotes that belong to a particular country is its c....... začněte se učit
an arrangement with a bank or a firm that allow the customer to pay in and take out money, settle bills is a b........ začněte se učit
a short list or a short account of what was said or decided at a business meeting is called m...... začněte se učit
a person or an organisation that provides neccessary goods or services is a s....... začněte se učit
the amount of something that is available to use or buy is a s...... začněte se učit
the desire of customers to obtain goods and services is a d........ začněte se učit
i don’t want a full-time job. I’d prefer to work p...... t....... začněte se učit
the giving or receiving of a higher position or a more important job is p...... začněte se učit
the act of stopping work or being asked to stop work and becoming a pensioner is called r...... začněte se učit
the amount you would like to sell in a futury period is a s... t....... začněte se učit
market r... gives you information about what people want, need and buy začněte se učit
an association of two or more people who come together to run a business is called a p...... začněte se učit
the chair declared the meeting c....... just before midday začněte se učit
the protection of books, plays, films, records etc. is ensured by means of a c........ začněte se učit
this car uses less petrol than the other so it is more e....... začněte se učit
before you leave the hotel you have to c....... o........ začněte se učit
any document sent along with the main (cover) letter is called an e........ začněte se učit
an organisational unit of a company is called a d...... začněte se učit
we pay w... in cash to our part-time blue-collar staff začněte se učit
john is doing to many business t... and wants to cut the number of visits to foreign clients next year začněte se učit
the company is r... its prices by 10% this year začněte se učit
one way to safeguard information in your computer is to make b...-up copies začněte se učit
we have a long-term p...... of providing the highest possible levels of customer care začněte se učit
to put money into something for profit is to i...... začněte se učit
appropriate packing is a necessary conditions of q....... delivery začněte se učit
fluctuations in exchange rates require the introductionof respective c... to the contract začněte se učit
money on a c... account can be withdrawn on demand začněte se učit
any cheque we cash must have a g....... signature začněte se učit
then the machines stop running the engineers have the opportunity to carry out the necessary m... začněte se učit
New Zeland’s main r....... are good agricultural land, forests and water power začněte se učit
how many people are going to a...... the meeting? začněte se učit
if a company cannot pay its debts it goes b....... začněte se učit
i have to c... the appointment with my lawyer tomorrow because I am not very well, I’m afraid začněte se učit
night s... workers will get paid double time for working unsocial hours začněte se učit
we will pay an extra b... at Christmas začněte se učit
she analyses the general e...... problems faced by companies operating within traditional industries like shipbuilding začněte se učit
many complaints relate to f... goods začněte se učit
the employees aho are responsible for preparing cheques, pay packets, are a........ začněte se učit
the right to manufacture copies of a protected work is given by a l... začněte se učit
the importers of cars manufactured in Belgium pay import d... on them začněte se učit
the place of departure of a consignment was Beeton and the d........ was Norton začněte se učit
in 1980 Nissan bought a s... in Motor Iberica Spain začněte se učit
the different m... for advertising include TV, radio, newspapers etc. začněte se učit
some customers haven’t paid their bills yet, we will send them a r....... začněte se učit
i enclosed a full c...... vitae začněte se učit
if you want to save money use c... paper, not the photocopier začněte se učit
i’m happy to give George Philips a r...... for the job of a filing clerk začněte se učit
e........ secretary wanted to work in a small office (newspaper advertisement) začněte se učit
Simon is in c...... of the stationery warehouse začněte se učit
the suppliers send the goods and then an i...... to the customer začněte se učit
the part of the Stock Exchange where shares are bought and sold is called the f....... začněte se učit
to q... a price means to give the price at which one is prepared to buy or sell goods začněte se učit
the money paid to shareholders out of company’s profits is the d....... začněte se učit
when an economy is in a period od reduced and slow business activity it is in r... začněte se učit
when a company makes neither a profit nor a loss it b........ začněte se učit
the percentage of the local sales of a product in a particular area or country obtained by one company is called a m... s....... začněte se učit
a person who owns shares in a company and is, therefore, a member of the company is a s........ začněte se učit
the total business done by an organisation in a given period of time is a t........ začněte se učit
at the end of the year we should get a good p... r... začněte se učit
a t...... is a person, usually an employee, who is learning to do a job by having his/her work directed by someone more experienced začněte se učit
the amount you think you will sell in a future period e.g. next year is a s... f...... začněte se učit
a business activity in which two or more people or organisations work together is called a j... v...... začněte se učit
at least we got to the main i...... on the agenda začněte se učit
a b... is a person who helps you decide which company has the best insurance policy začněte se učit
many complains relate to f... goods začněte se učit
the headmaster had been caught trying to b... a government minister začněte se učit
problems in computer programmes are caused by b... začněte se učit
recording financial transations is called b........ začněte se učit
if the company fails, it will stop t... and go into liquidation začněte se učit
western companies had problems selling refrigerators in Japan until they changed the d... to make them quieter začněte se učit
managers are responsible for leading the people under them, who are called s...... začněte se učit
for companies who want to xpand into foreign markets, setting up a f...... is the safest and most profitable way začněte se učit
i was a sales e...... but i didn’t sell office equipment začněte se učit
we haven’t got enough money to ...f... to buy a new house začněte se učit
Picasso’s paintings are considered to be ...s........ of art začněte se učit
cuckoos are funny birds. They drop their eggs in.e... s of other birds začněte se učit
wheneer I travel by train, I try to find a free seat in a non-smoking ...p....... začněte se učit
we knew nothing about your plans. Why didn’t you inform us in ...v.... that you were going to Rome? začněte se učit
could you tell us what exactly happened? We’re not ...l... with the story začněte se učit
King Richard the Third built the ...s... and lived in it till he died začněte se učit
we like doing shopping in the ...t.... store because they have everything that we need začněte se učit
Alan’s father is a musician. He plays the trumpet in a ...n. začněte se učit
our daughter has been given a.w... in recognition of her great involvement in her school activities začněte se učit
the last night storm has done a lot of ...m... to the houses and trees začněte se učit
Mr Jenkins works as a ...d... He passes sentences in court of justice začněte se učit
you won’t get rubber boots here. They are not ......b... in our shop začněte se učit
if you want to ...h.... a success in sport, you must practise a lot začněte se učit
there’s not a grain of ...u.. in what he says. He’s a notorious liar začněte se učit
our car has been out of ...d.. for three months now. The engine is broken začněte se učit
The Chief Manager is not working this week. He has been on sick.e... since Monday začněte se učit
our neighbour, Mr Halley, hasn’t got a wife. He’s still ...g.. začněte se učit
i have been ...b.. to move the middle finger even since I fell off a tree ad ==nd brok it začněte se učit
recently, some scientists have made a ...c..... of a new planet in a very remote system začněte se učit
there’s no ... e for cancer........ začněte se učit
Monica can speak Spanish.l....... začněte se učit
Gambling can be as dangerous a ...b.. as smoking is začněte se učit
The Greenpeace activists protest against the destruction of the natural ...r...... and demand freedom for animals kept in captivity začněte se učit
The workers who hadn’t been given a rise were really ...s.. začněte se učit
There are a few good articles on natural medicine in the lastest.s... of the Health magazine začněte se učit
our son has won the championship again this year. We’re very ...u. of him začněte se učit
although Bob and Andy are twins, they are not ...i... to each other začněte se učit
i forgot to ...v.. this letter to Mr Dean yesterday začněte se učit
to prove the thief’s guilt, we need tangible ...d.... like his fingerprints or a video recording začněte se učit
gold is more ...u.... than silver ....... začněte se učit
don’t.p...... the tiger’s cage...... začněte se učit
the burglrs couldn’t take away one of the paintings because its ornamented ...m. was too heavy to carry začněte se učit
an apple pie isn’t difficult to make. You don’t need many ...g........ začněte se učit
have you got a cigarette ...h...? začněte se učit
the plane with the hijackers on board hasn’t taken off yet. It’s still standing on the ...w.. začněte se učit
parents should teach children not to drop ...t.. in the street začněte se učit
i didn’t pay much for the car because it wasn’t new. Actually, it was ...c...-...n. začněte se učit
this is a huge factory. They employ a ...a.. of more than five hundered začněte se učit
Mr Clark retired last month. Alice has been in ...g. of the accounting department ever since začněte se učit
We arrived too late. All the rooms in the hotels had already been ...o... so we had to sleep in the open air začněte se učit
The Washington Post is not a magazine. It’s ...y začněte se učit
no cars or other vehicles are allowed in the city centre. This is an area only for ...d.......s začněte se učit
on hot days, we let our kids put up a ...n. in the garden and sleep in it at night začněte se učit
our neighbour is a ... w. His wife died two years ago začněte se učit
as a vet, Mrs Dove knows how to look after both wild and ...m..... animals začněte se učit
yesterday was my ...c.. day. My car was stolen and I lost all my documents. začněte se učit
litthe children are usually very ...r.... about everything začněte se učit
although we haven’t seen each other for more than a year, we still keep in ...u.. začněte se učit
amazingly, the Browns are very well off although Mrs Brown doesn’t work at all. Her husband is sure to earn a good ...l... each month začněte se učit
........ g to the lastest forecast, it’s going to be another stormy night začněte se učit
it wasn’t easy to get a ticket for the final game. I had to stand in a long ...e.. from early morning začněte se učit
could you speak up. please. We can ...r... hear what you’re saying at the back of the hall začněte se učit
m husband sings in a church ...i.. He’s a baritone začněte se učit
the jewellery stolen from the window display was worth nothing. It wasn’t genuine. It was ...f..... začněte se učit
i always have to write phone numbers down. I have poor memory for ...g... začněte se učit
the.o... h... is the seat of our local authority. It’s also one of the oldest buildings in the ciy začněte se učit
Tons of food are needed to reduce the umber of victims of ...m... začněte se učit
our students do not have to ...t... all he lectures, but they do have to take the exams začněte se učit
whenever I’m dog-fired, I love sitting in complete ...n.. without listening to any music or watching TV začněte se učit
my baby suffered from a terrible stomach ache an he vomited a few times at night. The doctor said he must have eaten something stale and got food ...o.... začněte se učit
strict safety ...a.... s were introduced before the Pope’s visit. začněte se učit
Mr Doe is stone deaf. He will not hear anything you say without his hearing.i. začněte se učit
we’re still in.e... We owe a lump sum of money to the bank začněte se učit
you only compliment and reward the workers from your department, but you keep forgetting about the other employees. How can expect them to tolerate such grave ...u..... začněte se učit
Paula and James have been ...g.. for almost year now and they are planning to get married next summer začněte se učit