otázka |
odpověď |
a narrow road or path between buildings The thieves escaped down an alleyway between two shops. začněte se učit
very surprising What an astonishing thing to say! začněte se učit
zdumiewający, nadzwyczajny
to make a very strong and urgent request I begged my father to let me go to the party. začněte se učit
to climb somewhere with dif culty, often needing to use both hands and fee t The baby clambered up the stairs. začněte se učit
wdrapać, wdrapywać się, wgramolić się
wanting to win or be better than other people She’s very competitive. začněte se učit
ambitny, lubiący współzawodnictwo
to help to cause an event or situation His poor diet contributed to his illness. začněte se učit
very pleasant or attractive We had a delightful evening. začněte se učit
needing a lot of your time, attention or effort a very demanding job začněte se učit
making you feel sad and without any hope for the future The news is very depressing. začněte se učit
przygnębiający, depresyjny
to make someone stop giving their attention to something The music distracts me from my worries. začněte se učit
rozpraszać, dekoncentrować, zabawiać, rozerwać
very bad The journey was dreadful. začněte se učit
drive someone to desperation to make someone feel very unhappy or angry Her constant demands nearly drove me to desperation. začněte se učit
doprowadzać kogoś do szału
to write someone a short letter or note I hope you’ll drop me a line soon. začněte se učit
napisać do kogoś kilka słów
not costing much money It’s a very economical car. začněte se učit
extremely happy and excited He was elated at the news. začněte se učit
interesting and enjoyable an entertaining and informative book začněte se učit
zabawny, zajmujący, przyjemny
an untidy pile of things a heap of rubbish začněte se učit
extremely sad I was heartbroken when my boyfriend moved away. začněte se učit
zrozpaczony, załamany, ze złamanym sercem
not important in a particular situation irrelevant information začněte se učit
niezwiązany z tematem, nieistotny
making you feel annoyed an irritating habit začněte se učit
to have a meaning or reason that you can understand Suddenly, my whole life began to make sense. začněte se učit
an extreme interest in or liking for something He has a passion for old cars. začněte se učit
having red cheeks because of embarrassment A red-faced boy stood next to the broken window. začněte se učit
excellent a superb restaurant začněte se učit
doskonały, znakomity, najwyższej jakości,
to give something to someone and get something from them in return I often swap recipes with my friends. začněte se učit
needing a lot of time The legal process was time-consuming and expensive. začněte se učit
very large, great, strong, etc. a tremendous amount of money začněte se učit