My english 11

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
kolejka (w sensie alkohol dla wszystkich)
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round of drinks
It's your turn to buy a round.
zwyczaj, obyczaj
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Is this the custom?
może wykorzystać
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can make use
The artifacts: name variable can make use of any of the predefined variables
o co chodzi z tym ..., o co ten cały hałas z tym...
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"what's the buzz about sth
to bring you up to speed on what all the buzz is around Docker and containers.
funt (brytyjski)
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An analysis or summary of something by a knowledgeable person.
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Here's a rundown on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors.
zrozumieć, chwycić, pojąć, załapać
to understand something, especially something difficult
začněte se učit
I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
po pierwsze, przede wszystkim
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first things first
First things first, let's have something to eat.
to start or continue doing something, especially more quickly or with more energy after a pause
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crack on
Let's crack on. We'll crack on with the rest of the job this month
w większości, przeważnie
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for the most part
to get something, especially after an effort
zdobyć, wystarać się o coś
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She's managed somehow to procure his phone number
wciskać, ściskać
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take applications and squeeze them into one server
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siła napędowa
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driving force
almost completely
prawie całkiem.
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pretty much
I’ve pretty much finished packing now.
to a great degree; in large amounts.
z dużym natężeniem lub ilością
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heavily used
To move something to a specific location. In this usage, a noun can be used between ... and...
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bring sth around to
You need to bring around your car to the garage so the mechanic can take a look at it.
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to be so excited about something that you cannot control what you say or do:
začněte se učit
be/get carried away
There’s far too much food – I’m afraid I got carried away!
be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.
začněte se učit
Rebecca always excelled in languages at school.
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najnowocześniejszy, supernowoczesny
highly advanced; innovative or pioneering.
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cutting edge
a company at the cutting edge of mobile communications technology
Pozytywna odpowedź, wyrażenie poparcia lub podkreślenie pozytywnego nastawienia.
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right on
You passed your class? Right on! "Right-on, brother."
nastawienie, postawa, stosunek
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rój, rojowisko
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a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.
lokal, teren
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a set of programs with a uniform design and the ability to share data.
także apartament
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All the programs in the suite have a coherent desig
to stay close to someone, or to continue to do something
trzymać się kogoś lub czegoś
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stick with someone/something
Stick with me, and we’ll do lots of interesting things. Once Stephen takes up a hobby, he sticks with it.
to begin to do something:
zacząć coś robić, podjąć się czegoś
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take up sth
prawdziwy, autentyczny
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If you are '...' with a subject or activity, you have all the latest information about it and are able to do it well
wprowadzić w temat
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get up to speed with
(get or bring up to speed)
Before we start the meeting I'm going to get you up to speed with the latest developments.
ciągłe updaty
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rolling updates
starting to work correctly with sth
zacząć działać, działąć
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get up and running with
you'll be able to get up and running with Docker
rzucić światło na coś
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shed light on something
we'll be shedding light on each installation type
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there literally are loads of ways and places to install Docker.
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začněte se učit
mind you
Mind you, if the changes are minor and I don't...
to tell someone that something is going to happen
daj znać (że coś się stało)
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give sb a heads up
začněte se učit
If an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea '...', you gradually start to believe it, understand it, or realize the effect it will have on you
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sink in
How many times do I have to tell you something before it sinks in? Take a second or two to let that sink in.
od razu
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liczyć się z czymś
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I recon it'll probably make its way to mainstream Windows 10
to start moving towards a place
also to start to make progress in a career or activity
začněte se učit
make your way
I recon it'll probably make its way to mainstream Windows 10

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