My english 23

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reputation, rank, or position in an area of activity, system, or organization:
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As a political ingenue who has not held office at any level before, she represents an audacious, if outside, threat to establishment figure Cuomo who has powerful standing in the party.
zuchwały, bezczelny
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audacious, impertinent
to chase or follow someone in order to catch them:
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go after sb
Nixon went after Cuomo early in the exchange, calling him corrupt and a liar and saying experience doesn’t matter if a politician is ineffective.
a short conversation or argument:
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There was a brief exchange between the two leaders.
to criticize something or someone strongly, or to cause someone to experience unpleasant thoughts or feelings
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And, with her leftwing platform of education reform and social and economic equalityshe taking advantage of a populist wave of candidates assailing establishment figures with challenges from the left.
someone who is an accepted member of a group and who therefore has special or secret knowledge or influence:
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According to insiders, the committee is having difficulty making up its mind.
pstryknąć palcami
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snap your fingers
Cuomo responded that Nixon did not understand the challenges of leading the nation’s fourth largest state and lived in a “world of fiction”, while he resided in the real world where you don’t just “snap your fingers” and change happens.
to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done
upominać, karcić, ganić (także rzeczownik)
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Kenyan president rebukes Theresa May on last day of Africa trip
to think or talk about something a lot of the time:
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dwell on sth
Yes, it has been 30 years, but I don’t want to dwell on the past – we want to look to the future
If you "..." someone's confidence or pride, you make them feel less confident or proud:
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Brexit is not going to dent our ability to further strengthen and deepen trade and investment between two countries
causing harm or damage
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I don’t see Brexit as meaning anything detrimental to trade ties we already have
an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you, mainly uk an officially organized plan or system
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That’s because the scheme gives workers lots of options, and people with options often prefer to work in shops and bars rather than muddy fields or food processing plants
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specialized electronics If the quality of something electrical or electronic "..." or is "...", it becomes less good or less correct.
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also: to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something:
To improve one's performance, or the quality of one's work.
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step up sb game
Phil lost another case? He really needs to step up his game if he wants to stay at this firm.
in a very bad situation that is difficult to fix:
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in dire straits
These kids are in dire straits, and the schools are doing nothing to help them!
farbować włosy (u fryzjera)
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dye her hair (the hairdresser)
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możny, potężny
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smutek, żal, cierpienie, boleść, żałość
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produce or maintain raised pressure artificially in (a gas or its container).
utrzymywać zwiększone ciśnienie
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All they have to do is pressurize the cabin and get your box to the right place.
the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands, or the ability to think quickly and effectively:
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a dexterous robots
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Or the extreme ideologue whose ascent will strike a hammer blow to women, tilt America to the right for a generation
less than
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shy of
If I’m reading this right, it’s just shy of half way through processing the c. 7k items it created over the two runs
włóczyć się, wędrować
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błazen, żartowniś
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burdel, dom publiczny
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przyczaić się
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lochy zamku
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dungeons of the castle
to move your face so you are not looking at something
odwracać głowę
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turn away
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przebić, przekłuć
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to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra:
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live (from) hand to mouth
My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we lived from hand to mouth.
to keep someone informed of what is happening
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loop in
Please loop me in on any developments.
a path through a countryside, mountain, or forest area, often made or used for a particular purpose
szlak, ściezka, ślad
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zarys, szkic
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żyła (w ciele)
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grzeczność, kurtuazja, uprzejmość
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uradować się
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zwyciężyć, pokonać kogoś
w walce
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przeważać liczebnie
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kwiczeć, piszczeć
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miejsce pobytu
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spadaj stąd, spieprzaj
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piss off
poddać sie, ustąpić, ulec
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lackey, butler
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orzeczenie sądu
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court ruling
punkt zwrotny, przełom
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wada, skaza
także uszkodzić.
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to provide what is wanted or needed by someone or something
obsługuje, dostarcza
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cater for sb/sth
She runs a specialist company that caters for people with food allergies.
the process of examining problems in order to decide which ones are the most serious and must be dealt with first
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Triage folder contains Error Messages
to make someone come out of the place where they are:
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rout sb out
His wife had to rout him out of the crowd.
podkopać, osłabić
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to undermine
skłonny, skory
willing, eager
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to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before:
podwoić wysiłki
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double down on
Expect to see Fox double down on its marketing efforts to give the movie a big boost

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