My english 3

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a loud laugh that you can't control
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Neil surprised us with his deep guffaw.
laugh very loudly for a long time
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laugh your head off
It's a really funny movie – you'll laugh your head off!
to stop breathing because something is blocking your throat
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I nearly choked to death on a cheese sandwich
the sheet of muscle separating your lungs from your stomach
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Do opera singers have more powerful diaphragms than other people?
having difficulty breathing
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być rozbawionym
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be amused
to laugh quietly
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The audience chuckled through the show but they didn't seem very amused
to accept or choose from whatever is available, without knowing whether it will be good or not
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take pot luck
I took pot luck at the airport and just got on the first available flight.
said when you do not understand a situation or someone's behaviour
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It beats me
It beats me how she got the job.
ryk, huk
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zbliżać się
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close in
szczątki, resztki, ruiny
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uciekać, szukać schronienia
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run for cover
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ocknąć się, odzyskać przytomność
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come round
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pochylać się, zginać
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bend down
pomagać komuś wstać
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help someone to their feet
opatrywać rany
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dress wounds
czuwania, jawa
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waking moments
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to set off
to decide
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make up sb mind
to leave a place because you are angry or unhappy about something
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walk off
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rozciągać się
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to stretch over
ten lub inny sposób
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one way or another
przejść do sedna sprawy
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get down to business
w imieniu
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on behalf of
wbiegać, wpadać w pośpiechu
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rush in
coś komuś dobrze robi
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sth does sb good
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śledzić, namierzać
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rozglądać się za czymś, polować na coś
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fish around
scary often in an exciting way
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having little or no hair on your head
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no longer young
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of a certain age
Are you referring to the fact that men of a certain age can be follically challenged?
is something you say to somebody you have argued with or beaten in a game or contest to say you’d still like to be friends
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no hard feelings
“I always get the quiz questions right – unlike you Neil. But no hard feelings, OK?”
In English '... ' something means to improvise
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Wing it
He's never had a speech ready, he just wings it and people love it.
'...' means 'here', or 'somewhere near here'.
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about, around
Hi, is Sue about? Just need to give her some files.

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