My english 44

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otázka odpověď
powstrzymać się od czegoś
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kindly refrain from sending direct emails to Eilidh and Karl,
ratownictwo medyczne
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emergency medical Services
An ... pain or illness is one that quickly becomes very severe. If a bad situation is ..., it causes severe problems or damage
ostry, gwałtowyny, przenikliwy ale także bystry, lotny
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a person who is trained to give medical help, especially in an emergency, but who is not a doctor or a nurse
ratownik medyczny
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domagać się
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to demand
The union is demanding a seven percent pay rise this year.
systemie ochrony zdrowia
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the health care system
obrót handlowy
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a turnover approaching $4 million
zamyślony, zadumany, melancholijny
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a pensive mood
to manage a problem that has many different parts step by step:
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work through something
here are a lot of details we need to work through
chory (sick)
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consult a doctor if you feel unwell
willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
podatny na, wrażliwy, chłonny
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the institution was receptive to new ideas
to drive dangerously close behind another vehicle
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He hit the car in front of him because he was tailgating.
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throw up
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If material... it forms a lump (= mass) or folds, and if something... it..., it pushes the material into a lump or folds
upakować, ugnieść w nieładzie
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ruck (sth) up
also: When military personnel say this, it means to grab your ruck sack (or your other gear) and prepare to move out.
Her white skirts were rucked up over her thighs.
skarga, zażalenie
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A special committee has been appointed to handle prisoners' grievances. file a grievance.
a statement or action that hides the truth, or the act of hiding the truth
podstęp, matactwo, oszustwo
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Most advertising involves at least some deception.
domowa niewola
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domestic servitude
co mnie naszło, co mnie napadło
to influence someone suddenly to behave in a particular way:
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what came over me
I'm sorry! That was a stupid thing to say - I don't know what came over me
Wypaść/wyglądać na całkiem znudzoną/ inteligentną
to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic
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come across / come over
She comes over as quite naive. He comes across as a bit of a bore in interview.
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful:
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We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport. She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg.
usiłowanie zabójstwa
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attempted murder
awantura domowa
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domestic disturbance
rany kłute
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stab wounds
sekcja zwłok
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post-mortem examination, autopsy
przedstawić zarzuty
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bring a charges
The police brought a charge of theft against him.
areszt tymczasowy
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Pre-trial Detention
olej na płótnie (obraz)
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oil on canvas painting
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podsłuch (urządzenie)
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eavesdropping device
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president, chairman
sensacyjne informacje
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sensational information
dotrzeć do informacji
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get to the information
easily annoyed and complaining in a rude way like a child
zirytowany, rozdrażniony
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The only words that I can think of to describe the actions of NEJM in this matter are petty and petulant.
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He gave a lecture on crop and animal husbandry
to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way:
also (to study or explain something again)
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go over
Remember to go over your essay to check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
wywóz śmieci
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garbage collection/waste disposal
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branża budowlana
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construction industry
text that can be copied and used in legal documents or in computer programs, with only very small changes
gotowiec (IT)
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to complete the last part of something that you are doing:
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finish off
also: to eat, drink, or use the last part of something
I'm going to finish or my US by the end of the day
to remove water or other liquid from something using a pump:
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pump out
We took turns pumping out the boat ||| The doctors had to pump the alcohol out of his stomach before his body went into toxic shock.
to fill something with air using a pump:
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pump sth up
Have you pumped up the balloons yet? ||| The wastewater, which is pumped up from reactor basements and treated to remove all but one radioactive material, has built up at the site since the plant suffered a triple meltdown in March 2011.
nagromadzić, zbudować
to increase in quantity, or to add more of something so it increases in quantity:
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build up (sth)
At this time of year, stores are building up stock for Christmas --- She does exercises daily to build up her strength
all exept one
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all but one
All but one of the passengers were killed in the accident. --- Of 50 runners, all but one finished the race
to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else
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Dilute the juice (with water) before you drink it --- The government and Tepco said in April that work to release the heavily diluted water would begin in the spring of 2023 and take decades to complete
morskie środowisko
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marine environment
Neighbouring South Korea, which still bans seafood imports from the region, has repeatedly voiced concern, claiming that discharging the water represented a “grave threat” to the marine environment.
to officially take a factory or other industrial building out of use and make the area safe:
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Japan’s government says releasing the water is the most realistic option and will enable workers at the site to proceed with decommissioning the plant – a costly operation that is expected to take about 40 years
uratować sytuację
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save the day
He took back sensitive admiral's data and save the day
licznik (chodzi o np w samochodzie)
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Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów
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Prime Minister's Office/ Chancellery of the Prime Minister
prymat, pierwszeństwo
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Poland respects this right and recognizes its primacy over national laws
most important or main
also: the person in charge of a group or organization, or the ruler of a tribe:
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The weather was our chief reason for coming here.
niepodległe, niezależne
having the highest power or being completely independent
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sovereign, independent
We must respect the rights of sovereign states/nations to conduct their own affairs
to leave work with permission, usually at the end of the day
to leave work with permission or as scheduled
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get off
What time do you get off work? --- We get off early on Fridays

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