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釣る つる to fish; to angle; to catch; to lure in; to tempt; to attract; to entice; to allure
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釣魚 ちょうぎょ fishing; angling
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批判 ひはん criticism; judgement; judgment; comment
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誘導 ゆうどう guidance; leading; induction; introduction; incitement; inducement
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誘う さそう to invite; to ask; to call (for); to tempt; to lure; to induce
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結核 けっかく tuberculosis; tubercule
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締める しめる to tie; to fasten; to total; to sum; to be strict with; to economize; to economise; to cut down on; to salt; to marinate; to pickle; to put on (necktie)
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締結 ていけつ conclusion; execution (of a contract); entering (into treaty); fastening (as in a joint)
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取締役 とりしまりやく company director; board member
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就職 しゅうしょく finding employment; getting a job
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就く つく to ascend (the throne); to accede; to take (seat, position, course, etc.); to assume; to start (on a journey); to commence; to depart; to study (under teacher); to be an apprentice
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絶滅 ぜつめつ destruction; extinction
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滅ぼす ほろぼす to destroy; to overthrow; to wreck; to ruin
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仰ぐ あおぐ to look up (at); to look up (to); to respect; to revere; to ask for; to seek; to turn to someone; to depend on; to gulp down; to quaff; to take (e.g. poison)
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信仰 しんこう (religious) faith; belief; creed
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仰天 ぎょうてん being amazed; being horrified; being taken aback
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瀬 せ shallows; shoal; rapids; current; torrent; position; place; chance; opportunity
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一致 いっち coincidence; agreement; union; match; conformity; consistency; cooperation
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起伏 きふく undulation; ups and downs; highs and lows
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杉 すぎ Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)
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避難 ひなん taking refuge; finding shelter; evacuation; escape
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避ける さける to avoid (physical contact with); to avoid (situation); to ward off; to avert
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揺る ゆる to shake; to jolt; to rock (cradle); to swing
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動揺 どうよう shaking; trembling; pitching; rolling; oscillation; disturbance; unrest; agitation; excitement; commotion; turmoil; discomposure; feeling shaken
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浦 うら inlet; seashore; beach
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至る いたる to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain; to lead to (a place); to get to; to come; to arrive; to result in
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同盟 どうめい alliance; union; league
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執筆 しっぴつ writing (e.g. as a profession)
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執る とる to take (trouble); to attend (to business); to command (army)
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崩れる くずれる to collapse; to crumble; to crash (stock market); to slump; to decline; to break money into small change; to turn bad (e.g. weather) to deteriorate
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鬼 おに oni; ogre; demon; spirit of a deceased person; ogre-like person; Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); very; extremely; super-
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酸っぱい すっぱい sour; acid sour
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拡大 かくだい magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
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銃 じゅう gun; rifle; small arms
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縄文 じょうもん Jōmon period; straw-rope pattern
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沖縄 おきなわ Okinawa (prefecture); region comprising most of Japan's southwestern archipelago (esp. Okinawa Island); Okinawa (city)
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撤廃 てっぱい annulment; abolition; repeal; rescission
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充実 じゅうじつ fullness; completion; perfection; substantiality; enhancement; improvement; enrichment; upgrading; replenishment; repletion
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鏡 かがみ mirror; looking-glass; barrel head
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仮定 かてい assumption; supposition; hypothesis
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仮に かりに temporarily; provisionally; for example; for argument's sake
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吐露 とろ express one's mind; speak out
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吐き気 はきけ nausea; sickness in the stomach
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下請け したうけ subcontract; subcontractor (person or company)
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請う こう to beg; to ask; to request; to invite
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眺望 ちょうぼう prospect; view; outlook
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眺める ながめる to view; to gaze at
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沖する ちゅうする to rise up into the air; to ascend into the sky
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躍る おどる to jump; to leap; to pound (of one's heart, i.e. with excitement); to throb; to be messily written
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活躍 かつやく activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service; to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role
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躍起 やっき desperation; eagerness
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権威 けんい authority; power; influence
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屈折 くっせつ bending; indentation; refraction; inflection; warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.); distortion
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勘違い かんちがい misunderstanding; wrong guess
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徹夜 てつや all night; all-night vigil; sleepless night
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斎場 さいじょう funeral hall; ceremony site
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謝る あやまる to apologize; to apologise
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感謝 かんしゃ thanks; gratitude
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軍艦 ぐんかん warship; battleship
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催す もよおす to hold (a meeting); to give (a dinner); to show signs of; to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.)
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開催 かいさい holding a meeting; open an exhibition
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仁 にん benevolence (esp. as a virtue of Confucianism); consideration; compassion; humanity; charity; human; kernel; nucleolus
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仁義 じんぎ humanity and justice (esp. in Confucianism); virtue; duty; formal greeting (between gamblers); (gang's) moral code
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仁王 におう the two guardian Deva kings
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衝突 しょうとつ collision; crash; running into; conflict; quarrel; clashing
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脚本 きゃくほん script; screenplay; scenario
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猛虎 もうこ fierce tiger; ferocious tiger; Hanshin Tigers (baseball team)
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虎 とら tiger (Panthera tigris); drunkard; drunk; sot
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潮流 ちょうりゅう tide; tidal current; tendency; drift; trend
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潮 しお tide; current; salt water; opportunity
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穴 あな hole; deficit; shortage; missing person; vacancy; opening; flaw; profitable place (or item, etc.); upset victory (with a large payoff); pit (of a theater); hiding place;
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怪我 けが injury (to animate object); hurt
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怪しい あやしい suspicious; dubious; doubtful; dodgy; suspicious (referring to a potential amorous relation); dangerous (e.g. financial situation); ominous (e.g. weather); strange; shady; fishy; charming; bewitching; mysterious
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光輝 こうき brightness; splendour; splendor
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輝く かがやく to shine; to glitter; to sparkle
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緊張 きんちょう tension; mental strain; nervousness
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忍者 にんじゃ ninja (persons in feudal Japan who used ninjutsu for the purposes of espionage, assassination, sabotage, etc.)
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忍ぶ しのぶ to conceal oneself; to hide; to endure
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熱狂 ねっきょう wild enthusiasm; being crazy about
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狂う くるう to go mad; to get out of order; to go amiss
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奪取 だっしゅ usurpation; taking back; dispossession
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略奪 りゃくだつ pillage; plunder; looting; robbery
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奪う うばう to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal
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診断 しんだん diagnosis; medical examination
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診る みる to examine (medically)
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竜巻 たつまき tornado; waterspout
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竜 りゅう dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon); naga; semi-divine human-cobra chimera in Hindu and Buddhist mythology; promoted rook
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鈴 すず bell (often globular)
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振鈴 しんれい hand bell; ringing of a bell
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風鈴 ふうりん wind chime; wind bell
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掲げる かかげる to publish; to print; to carry (an article); to put up; to hang out; to hoist; to fly (a sail); to float; to adopt (a slogan); to stoke a fire; to fan a flame
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熊 くま bear (any mammal of family Ursidae)
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梅 うめ Japanese apricot (Prunus mume); Chinese plum; lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)
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俊英 しゅんえい excellence; genius
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指摘 してき pointing out; identification
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摘み草 つみくさ picking herbs and wildflowers
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項目 こうもく (data) item; entry
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幽霊 ゆうれい ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom
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扱う あつかう to deal with (a person); to treat; to handle; to take care of; to entertain; to deal with (a problem); to handle; to manage; to operate (e.g. a machine); to treat; to discuss;
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交渉 こうしょう negotiations; discussions; connection
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突如 とつじょ suddenly; all of a sudden
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如来 にょらい Tathagata; perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities)
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縮小 しゅくしょう reduction; curtailment
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縮まる ちぢまる to shorten; to narrow; to close
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詳しい くわしい detailed; full; accurate; knowing very well; well-acquainted; well-informed
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一旦 いったん once; for a moment; temporarily; one morning
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考慮 こうりょ consideration; taking into account
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優雅 ゆうが elegance; grace; refinement
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砲 ほう gun; cannon; artillery; ordnance
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参謀 さんぼう staff officer; participating in planning
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懐かしい なつかしい dear; desired; missed
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懐古 かいこ recalling the old days; nostalgia; reminiscences
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懐 ふところ bosom; bust; (breast) pocket; purse; handbag
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内懐 うちぶところ inside pocket; bosom; real intention
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愚痴 ぐち idle complaint; grumble; moha (ignorance, folly)
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舌 した tongue; tongue-like object; clapper (of a bell); talon (of a lock)
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下駄 げた geta; Japanese wooden clogs; turn (in set-type proofing); upside-down character
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無駄 むだ futility; uselessness; pointlessness
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奴隷 どれい slave; servant; slavery
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豆 まめ legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas; soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy; female genitalia (esp. the clitoris); kidney; miniature; tiny; child
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大豆 だいず soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy
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又 また again; and; also; still (doing something)
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小銭 こぜに coins; small change
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抑制 よくせい control; restraint; suppression; constraint; curtailment; inhibition; check; curb
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抑える おさえる to pin something down; to hold something down; to hold something back; to stop; to restrain; to curb; to seize; to grasp; to arrest;
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侍 さむらい warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period); samurai; man in attendance (on a person of high standing); retainer