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乳 ちち milk; breast; loop; decorative bump (on a hanging bell)
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荒野 こうや wasteland; wilderness; deserted land; prairie; vast plain; wilds; desert; wild land
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荒らす あらす to lay waste; to devastate; to damage; to invade; to break into; to troll (e.g. web forums); to spam
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行き詰まる いきづまる to reach the limits; to come to the end of one's tether
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詰問 きつもん cross-examination; close questioning; demanding an explanation
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詰まる つまる to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.); to be blocked (road, pipe, etc.); to be clogged; to be plugged up; to shorten
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缶詰 かんづめ packing (in cans); canning; canned goods; tin can; confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work); being stuck in a confined space
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栄える さかえる to prosper; to flourish
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栄養 えいよう nutrition; nourishment
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出来栄え できばえ result; effect; performance; success; workmanship; execution; shape and quality of (an article); finishing touches
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寝床 ねどこ bed; berth; crib; cot; kip
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臨床 りんしょう clinical (e.g. pathology, physiology)
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床の間 とこのま tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)
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禁止 きんし prohibition; inhibition; ban
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順 じゅん order; turn; obedient; docile; submissive; meek
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枚数 まいすう the number of flat things; win-loss difference which influences the ranking of wrestlers
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厚生 こうせい welfare; public welfare; social welfare; (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare
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厚い あつい thick; deep; heavy; kind; cordial; hospitable; warm; faithful; serious (of an illness); abundant
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毛皮 けがわ fur; skin; pelt; kanji "fur" radical
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皮 かわ skin; hide; pelt; fur; rind; peel; husk; bark; shell; sheath; wrapping; mask (hiding one's true nature); seeming
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輸入 ゆにゅう importation; import; introduction; afferent
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濃度 のうど concentration; thickness; density; cardinality
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濃い こい deep (colour); dark; strong (flavour, smell, etc.); thick (consistency); dense; strong (possibility, etc.); thick (i.e. "as thick as thieves"); close; deep (love, etc.)
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子孫 しそん descendants; posterity; offspring
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黄葉 こうよう autumn colours; fall colors; leaves changing color (colour); leaves turning red; red leaves; leaves turning yellow; yellow leaves; (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum); venison
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硫黄 いおう sulfur (S); sulphur
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届く とどく to reach; to arrive; to get through; to get at; to be attentive; to pay attention; to be delivered; to carry (e.g. sound)
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絡む からむ to entangle; to entwine; to pick a quarrel; to find fault; to be involved with; to be influenced by; to develop a connection with
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採用 さいよう use; adoption; acceptance; appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
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採る とる to adopt (measure, proposal); to pick (e.g. fruit); to catch (e.g. insects); to take (e.g. a sample); to assume (attitude); to take on (i.e. hire); to engage
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傾ける かたむける to incline; to lean; to tip; to tilt; to slant; to bend; to list; to devote oneself to; to concentrate on
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傾向 けいこう tendency; trend; inclination
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宝石 ほうせき gem; jewel; precious stone
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患う わずらう to be ill; to suffer from; to worry about; to be concerned about; to have trouble doing ...; to be unable to ...; to fail to...
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延長 えんちょう extension; elongation; prolongation; lengthening; Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
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延べ のべ futures; credit (buying); stretching; total (preceding counter, unit, etc.); aggregate; gross
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甘い あまい sweet-tasting; sweet; sugary; sugared; fragrant (smelling); sweet (music); lightly salted; light in salt; not spicy; naive; overly optimistic; soft on; generous
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沈黙 ちんもく silence; being silent; quiet; hush; reticence; inaction
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沈む しずむ to sink; to go under; to submerge; to go down (e.g. sun); to set; to descend; to feel depressed
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販売 はんばい sales; selling; marketing
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欧米 おうべい Europe and America; the West
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土砂 どしゃ sediment; earth and sand
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砂 すな sand; grit; gold dust; silver dust
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尊い たっとい precious; valuable; priceless; noble; exalted; sacred
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尊敬 そんけい respect; esteem; reverence; honour; honor
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本尊 ほんぞん principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter
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尊ぶ とうとぶ to value; to prize; to esteem; to respect
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泊まる とまる to stay at (e.g. hotel); to be docked; to be berthed; to be moored
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出荷 しゅっか shipping; outgoing freight; forwarding
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稲荷 いなり Inari (god of harvests, Uka-no-Mitama); Inari shrine; Fushimi Inari shrine (in Kyoto); fox (said to be messengers of Inari); fried tofu
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枝葉 しよう leaves and branches; foliage; unimportant details; inessentials; side issues
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枝 えだ branch; bow; bough; twig; limb
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依頼 いらい request; commission; dispatch; despatch; dependence; trust
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帰依 きえ devotion; (religious) conversion
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幼児 ようじ infant; baby; child; child over 1 but not yet of school age
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幼い おさない very young; childish; immature
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斬新 ざんしん novel; original; newness
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斬る きる to slice (off); to lop (off); to cut (off); to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.)
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勇気 ゆうき courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness
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勇ましい いさましい brave; valiant; gallant; courageous; stirring; vigorous; rousing
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上昇 じょうしょう rising; ascending; climbing
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昇る のぼる to ascend; to go up; to climb; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to; to advance (in price)
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寿司 すし sushi; anything made with vinegared rice (may also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies)
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寿 ことぶき congratulations; felicitations; best wishes; longevity; long life
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菜 な greens; vegetables; rape (Brassica napus); rapeseed
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券 けん ticket; coupon; bond; certificate
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手袋 てぶくろ glove; mitten; mitt
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袋 ふくろ bag; sack; pouch; skin of an orange (and other like fruits); dead end; plot of land surrounded by water
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燃える もえる to burn; to get fired up
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毒 どく poison; toxicant; harm; evil influence; ill will; spite; malice; abusive language
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改札 かいさつ examination of tickets; ticket gate; ticket barrier
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名札 なふだ name plate; name tag; label
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脇 わき armpit; under one's arm; side; flank; beside; close to; near; by; aside; to the side; away; out of the way; off-track; off-topic; supporting role; second verse
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卒業 そつぎょう graduation; completion (e.g. of a course); outgrowing something; moving on
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卒中 そっちゅう cerebral stroke; apoplexy
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副作用 ふくさよう reaction; secondary effect; side effect
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敬う うやまう to show respect; to honour; to honor
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方針 ほうしん objective; plan; policy
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針 はり needle; pin; hook; stinger; thorn; hand (e.g. clock, etc.); pointer; staple (for a stapler); needlework; sewing; malice; counter for stitches
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参拝 さんぱい visit to a shrine or temple; paying homage at a shrine or temple
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拝む おがむ to assume the posture of praying; to press the palms and fingers of both hands together; to do reverence (e.g. before a statue of the Buddha);
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入浴 にゅうよく bathing; to bathe; to take a bath; to enter a bath
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浴びる あびる to dash over oneself (e.g. water); to take (e.g. shower); to bask in (e.g. the sun); to bathe in; to be flooded with (e.g. light); to be covered in;
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苦悩 くのう suffering; distress; affliction; anguish; agony; trouble
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悩む なやむ to be worried; to be troubled
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汚い きたない dirty; filthy; foul; unclean; disordered; messy; untidy; poor (e.g. handwriting); indecent (language, etc.); dirty; vulgar; coarse; dastardly
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汚染 おせん pollution; contamination
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汚らわしい けがらわしい filthy; unfair; dirty; untouchable; disgusting; nasty; foul; odious; repulsive
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坊ちゃん ぼっちゃん son (of others); young master; green young man from a well-to-do family
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尻 しり buttocks; behind; rump; bottom; undersurface; bottom; last place; end; consequence
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目尻 めじり outer canthus; outer corner of the eye
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涙 なみだ tear; tears; lachrymal secretion; sympathy
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感涙 かんるい tears of gratitude
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停止 ていし suspension; interruption; stoppage; ban; standstill; halt; hang-up; deadlock; stalemate; abeyance; suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person
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汗 あせ sweat; perspiration; moisture; condensation
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全幅 ぜんぷく full; wholehearted; utmost; all; every; overall width
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大幅 おおはば big; large; drastic; substantial; full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing)
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虫 むし insect; bug; cricket; moth; worm
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埋める うめる to bury (e.g. in the ground); to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall); to cause to be packed; to plug (a gap); to stop (a gap)
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埋蔵 まいぞう buried property; treasure trove
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闇 やみ darkness; the dark; dark; bewilderment; despair; hopelessness; black-marketeering; shady; illegal; under-the-table
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貨物 かもつ cargo; freight; money or assets
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肌 はだ skin; body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); surface; grain (e.g. of wood); texture; disposition; temperament; character; type
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心臓 しんぞう heart; guts; nerve; cheek; gall; spine; central part
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塩酸 えんさん hydrochloric acid
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塩 しお salt (i.e. sodium chloride); common salt; table salt; salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, etc.); hardship; toil; trouble; saltiness
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損なう そこなう to harm; to hurt; to injure; to damage; to fail in doing
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損害 そんがい damage; injury; loss
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膝 ひざ knee; lap; knee and thigh (while sitting)
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辛い からい spicy; hot; salty; harsh (criticism); severe (punishment); strict; painful; bitter; difficult; tough
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辛い つらい painful; bitter; heart-breaking; difficult (emotionally); tough; difficult; hard (usu. of situations); cruel; harsh; cold
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双方 そうほう two way; both parties; mutual; both
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軒先 のきさき edge of the eaves; house frontage
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成績 せいせき results; record; grades; marks
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梅干し うめぼし umeboshi; pickled ume; pickled plum
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干す ほす to air; to dry; to desiccate; to drain (off); to drink up; to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)
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百姓 ひゃくしょう farmer; peasant; country bumpkin; farming; the common people
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掘る ほる to dig; to excavate; to hollow; to delve into; to dig up (e.g. vegetables); (for two men) to have anal sex
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発掘 はっくつ excavation; exhumation; discovery (e.g. new talent)
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掘削 くっさく digging out; excavation
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国籍 こくせき nationality; citizenship; nationality (ship, airplane, etc.); registration; flag
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珍しい めずらしい unusual; rare; curious; new; novel; fine (e.g. gift)
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珍重 ちんちょう prizing; valuing highly; esteeming
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訓練 くんれん practice; practising; training
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預ける あずける to give into custody; to leave (a child) in the care of; to entrust; to deposit; to lean on; to put one's weight on
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預金 よきん deposit; bank account
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漁業 ぎょぎょう fishing (industry)