otázka |
odpověď |
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toaleta, ublikacja w budynku začněte se učit
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przygnębiony, przygnębiony, zniechęcony začněte se učit
He became/grew increasingly despondent when she failed to return his phone calls.
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ostrzeżenie dostarczone z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem začněte se učit
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metalowe nóżki zakrzywione na szpilka do włosów (o 180 stopni) začněte se učit
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za jednym zamachem, za jednym pociągnięciem začněte se učit
przywłaszczenie, zawłaszczenie začněte se učit
The author objected to the appropriation of his story by an amateur filmmaker.
ciastko z kremem oblane czekoladą začněte se učit
jednorzędowy, o marynarce začněte se učit
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punkt zwrotny, punkt krytyczny začněte se učit
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zadziwiać (kogoś), imponować (komuś); to make someone feel great excitement or admiration Ona naprawdę zaimponowała moim rodzicom. / Nie możesz mi zaimponować. Chłopiec próbował zaimponować dziewczynie, która mu się podobała. začněte se učit
She really wowed my parents. / You can't wow me. / The boy tried to wow the girl he liked. / The movie wowed audiences with its amazing special effects.
a type of formal jacket that is a different colour from the trousers or skirt that are worn with it. In the UK a blazer often has the symbol of a school or organization sewn on the front pocket and is worn as part of a uniform začněte se učit
a short sleeve that swells out into a ball shape začněte se učit
bufa, bufka (jeszcze raz) začněte se učit
kolczyki ze zwisającą perłą začněte se učit
(especially of hair, clothes, or shapes) smooth, shiny, and lying close to the body, and therefore looking well cared for; not untidy and with no parts sticking out kontynuacja definicji: 1) wymuskany (np. samochód) / 2) elegancki, zadbany (o osobie) 3) gładki, przylizany (o włosach), lśniący (o futrze) začněte se učit
The cat had sleek fur. / Who owns that sleek black car parked outside your house? / disapproving: He's one of those sleek (= seeming rich and dishonest) businessman types.
1) poziom, szczebel (np. w hierarchii organizacji) 2) rząd (np. krzeseł na widowni), warstwa (np. tortu), kondygnacja (budynku) začněte se učit
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zaskakujący, zadziwiający, zdumiewający začněte se učit
the gaps in performance appear to be startling
ogólnie rzecz biorąc, w sumie, w zasadzie Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, jest to dobre rozwiązanie. začněte se učit
By and large, this is a good solution.
adj: o przeciwnej opinii, wyrażający odmienną opinię (niż inni), odrzucające przyjęte zwyczaje N: przeciwnik začněte se učit
adj: Among academics in the field, she takes a contrarian view. N: He is a contrarian who frequently writes controversial opinion pieces.
skupiać wzrok / to think about something too much and find it difficult to stop: začněte se učit
High achievers sometimes fixate on their own flaws.
brzydki, szkaradny, szpetny / brzydki, szkaradny, szpetny začněte se učit
He had undone the buttons of his shirt, exposing an unsightly expanse of white flesh.
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gargulec, pluwacz, rzygacz (ozdobne zakończenie rynny lub fontanny) začněte se učit
ozdobny, bogato zdobiony; kwiecisty (o stylu mówienia, pisania) začněte se učit
1) a room with an ornate ceiling and gold mirrors 2) Some students are put off studying his work because of the ornate language of the poetry.
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płyta chodnikowa / kostka brukowa začněte se učit
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niebezpieczeństwo, zagrożenie, ryzyko začněte se učit
Twoja szminka starła się. Moje opony ścierają się na tej drodze. začněte se učit
Your lipstick wore down. My tires wear down on this road.
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słupek (blokujący wjazd gdzieś lub znajdujący się na środku skrzyżowania) začněte se učit
istota, sedno, rdzeń, podstawa, centrum / jądro (planety) / rdzeń začněte se učit
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zdarzyć się, stać się (zwłaszcza niespodziewanie) / to happen, or start to happen začněte se učit
How did the problem come about in the first place?
spotkać kogoś przypadkiem, napotkać kogoś, wpaść na kogoś začněte se učit
I came across Sally yesterday.
odkopywać, odkopać, przeszukać, przeszukiwać (np. ruiny, czyjąś przeszłość) začněte se učit
1) skarbiec, skrytka 2) zapas, zasób, kolekcja / a large amount of something that someone has saved and hidden začněte se učit
We found a huge hoard of tinned food in the basement. / synonyms: cache / stash
wartość nominalna (np. banknotu) / the value or price that is shown on something such as stamps, coins, or paper money začněte se učit
The bonds are trading at just 40% of face value.
spustoszenie, dewastacja, zniszczenie začněte se učit
zacząć coś energicznie robić (np. wyruszyć gdzieś, zacząć robić coś nowego) / to begin a new career or activity, usually on your own začněte se učit
He left the corporate banking world with the aim of striking out and setting up his own business. / strike out on your own: She finally struck out on her own, setting up a news blog with a friend.
godzina policyjna (wprowadzona przez państwo), godzina milicyjna (w poprzednim systemie) začněte se učit
Make sure you will return home before the curfew. / A curfew has been introduced along the martial law.
to be well prepared or well organized for something that is going to happen začněte se učit
get/have your ducks in a row They should have had their ducks in a row beforehand, so they were ready to start the job when required. / “Don’t stop and wait to have all the ducks in a row for your business idea, because it will never happen.”
przeciwstawiać się (prawu), ignorować (nakazy), postępować wbrew (komuś, czemuś) začněte se učit
More and more sts are defying their Ts and school rules./A few workers have defied the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike./The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy (= act against) the law of gravity.
rozmoczony na przykład chleb, mokry na przykład grunt začněte se učit
I had to answer the phone and meantime my cereal went soggy.
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narodziny, powstanie, początek začněte se učit
Experience in managing the sales cycle from inception to close.
sprzedaż internetowa lub telefoniczna začněte se učit
krok po kroku, stopniowo; step by step začněte se učit
I know the instructions look confusing, but take them one step at a time and they should make sense.
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śledczy z, sądowy, kryminalistyczny (na przykład technika, analiza, dowód) začněte se učit
dotyczący sztuki dyskutowania začněte se učit
akceptacja (czegoś, dosł. kciuki do góry) začněte se učit
So it's the thumbs up for Brighton's latest nightclub.
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zawilec wielokwiatowy, zawilec leśny začněte se učit
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nadbrzeże, keja (miejsce w porcie morskim gdzie zatrzymują się statki) začněte se učit
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zdać egzamin wstępny, immatrykulować (się), zapisać (się) na uniwersytet začněte se učit
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katedra, kościół klasztorny začněte se učit
przekręt, szwindel; też: bieganina, krzątanina; ścisk, tłok začněte se učit
a long, thin metal pin used for holding together pieces of food, especially meat, during cooking začněte se učit
zakłady pieniężne, totalizator začněte se učit
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The stand-off over tougher coronavirus restrictions for Greater Manchester makes several front pages.
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szczepić przeciw chorobie začněte se učit
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bombardowanie włóczką, dziergane graffiti (pokrywanie architektury miejskie ręcznie wykonanymi dzianinami) začněte se učit
Kot bawił się kłębkiem włóczki. začněte se učit
The cat played with a ball of yarn.
szydełkowanie, robota szydełkowa začněte se učit
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1) gadanina, paplanina, plotki 2) paplać, trajkotać, gadać začněte se učit
1) knuć, przygotowywać (np. spisek) 2) wykluć się (z jajka) začněte se učit
He hatched a plot to forge documents that would embarrass the company.
ubrany, odziany, przyodziany začněte se učit
ozdabiać, ozdobić, upiększyć, upiększać (np. budynek, odzież) začněte se učit
The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves.
flagi, chorągiewki; rows of brightly coloured small flags, often in the colours of a country's flag, that are hung across roads or rooms, or above a stage, as decoration for special occasions or political events začněte se učit
The room was decked with festive bunting. Flags and red, white and blue bunting were hung along the main street.
zdrapać, zarysować (np. farbę, lakier w czasie przesuwania) začněte se učit
I scratched your car when I parked it.
1) przemijający (np. o pięknie), przelotny (o chwili), krótkotrwały (o uczuciu) 2) sezonowy (robotnik), przejezdny (gość) English translation: lasting for only a short time; temporary začněte se učit
A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect. The city has a large transient population (= many people who are living in it only temporarily).
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My grandmother taught me to sew. I made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together. He sewed the badge neatly onto his uniform.
żeliwo (wysokowęglowy stop żelaza z węglem) začněte se učit
cast iron (high-carbon iron-carbon alloy) Cast iron is a group of iron-carbon alloys with a carbon content more than 2%.
kiwnąć głową, skinąć głową začněte se učit
mitra, infuła, nakrycie głowy biskupów wschodnich začněte se učit
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She's very upfront about why she wants the job - she'd earn a lot more money. / She’s very upfront about her feelings.
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być źródłem czegoś, zrodzić Jej ostatnia książka zrodziła wiele kontrowersji. začněte se učit
Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.
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She's always chipping in, it's annoying. / Don't chip in. Wait a minute.
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We have to chip in to buy her a present. / I will chip in with 5 dollars.
temporarily unable to breathe, either when hit in the stomach or after taking hard physical exercise začněte se učit
Mark is so unfit - he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs. / winded answer
paid or obtained in advance začněte se učit
The roofer wants 20% of the money upfront.
objadać się, opijać się, obżerać się an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money začněte se učit
a drinking/eating/spending binge / He went on a five day drinking binge.
Czekanie po każdą rzecz w kolejce jest utrapieniem. / Przestać być utrapieniem dla innych! / Co za utrapienie! Zostawiłem swoją komórkę w domu! začněte se učit
It's a nuisance having to queue for everything. / Stop making a nuisance of yourself! / What a nuisance! I left my mobile at home!
przyznawać, oddawać (np. słuszność) to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true začněte se učit
[+ (that) ] The government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster. [+ speech ] "Well okay, perhaps I was a little hard on her," he conceded.
to admit that you have lost in a competition: začněte se učit
He kept on arguing and wouldn't concede defeat. / She conceded even before all the votes had been counted. / A police officer asked him many questions and finally he conceded. / Did your brother concede to taking my money?
ustępować, dawać za wygraną to allow someone to have something, even if you do not want to začněte se učit
The president is not expected to concede these reforms. He is not willing to concede any of his power/authority. Britain conceded (= allowed) independence to India in 1947.
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przykucać / to sit down on your heels začněte se učit
We hunkered down around the campfire, toasting marshmallows. / He hunkered down beside me and asked me what was wrong. (On przykucnął obok mnie i zapytał, co się stało.)
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idealny stan, bardzo dobry stan, doskonały stan začněte se učit
I bought a two-year-old car, in mint condition, with less than 20,000 miles.
the evening before a day when children have to go to school. Adults also use this expression informally to describe the evening before a day when they have to get up to go to work. začněte se učit
I don't usually stay out this late on a school night.
dług nieściągalny, wierzytelność nieściągalna (np. z powodu bankructwa dłużnika) začněte se učit
zastosowanie się, stosowanie się, podporządkowanie się / the act of obeying an order, rule, or request začněte se učit
the inability to ensure compliance / It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations. / The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.
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kwiecisty; krzykliwy, ekstrawagancki začněte se učit
a flamboyant gesture / The writer's flamboyant lifestyle was well known.
płytka podłogowa barwiona enkaustycznie začněte se učit
rozmaity, różnorodny, pomieszany začněte se učit
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makinetka, kawiarka, kafetierka začněte se učit
I always make coffee in a moka pot.
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After a brief hiatus we’re really pleased to have 3 new exhibitions up for you to enjoy across our cafes anytime we’re open.
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szablon (do odrysowywania), matryca, wzornik a piece of card, plastic, metal, etc. into which shapes have been cut, used to draw or paint patterns onto a surface začněte se učit
to draw or paint something using a stencil začněte se učit
The back of the chair was painted solid black with designs stenciled in gold.
1) praktykant, praktykantka, terminator 2) odbyć praktykę, terminować začněte se učit
the quality of being careful when using money or food začněte se učit
She was known for her simplicity and frugality. They taught that frugality must be observed in food and clothing.
small decorative objects of various types and of no great value začněte se učit
They sell antiques and bric-a-brac.
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There are various tellings of quite why Harry and Meghan pulled the pin on their sensational announcement so precipitously.
zbłąkany, wiarołomny (np. żona, mąż) / behaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home začněte se učit
an errant husband / errant children
nieprzenikniony, enigmatyczny, zagadkowy Synonyms: cryptic / mysterious začněte se učit
inscrutable matriarch / an inscrutable face/expression/smile
zakręt, zgięcie łokciowe / a bent part of something, esp. the inner part začněte se učit
Launer handbag nestled in the crook of her arm. / Kids should learn to sneeze and cough into the crooks of their elbows.
nieustępliwy / completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, demand, etc. začněte se učit
That is, hardly a fearsome, unyielding opponent. / Korea is unyielding in its demands for a new treaty.
nieugięty (o osobie), niezłomny (o postanowieniu) Podziwiam jego niezłomną determinację. / On jest osobą o nieugiętej woli. začněte se učit
I admire his steely determination. / He is a person of steely willpower.
monarcha, monarchini, władca, władczyni, suweren začněte se učit
To be the sovereign is to be a CEO of sorts, ultimately responsible for the survival and longevity of an institution whose history can be traced back to the 9th century.
Someone's stewardship of something is the way in which that person controls or organizes it. začněte se učit
That stewardship clearly requires her to put duty ahead of personal feelings. / The company has been very successful while it has been under the stewardship of Mr White.
intended as a punishment: The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the invading country. She is suing the newspaper for $5 million punitive damages, claiming they knew the article about her was untrue. začněte se učit
Looking at the Queen’s decision to deny Harry and Meghan the opportunity to brand themselves as royal, it could be interpreted as having a punitive edge to it, a cutting public punishment for daring to trounce the status quo and to go their own way.
to defeat a competitor by a large amount: France trounced Germany by five goals to one in the qualifying match. / She trounced her rivals in the election. začněte se učit
Looking at the Queen’s decision to deny Harry and Meghan the opportunity to brand themselves as royal, it could be interpreted as having a punitive edge to it, a cutting public punishment for daring to trounce the status quo and to go their own way.
z natury; connected with a quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned I don't believe that human beings are innately evil. He has the ability to create characters we can innately understand. začněte se učit
Her great-grandchildren might call her Gan Gan and she might look like a kindly nanna whose handbag is full of mints but this is a woman who understands innately that she has a job to do, no matter the emotional sacrifice required.
przezwisko; a name or nickname začněte se učit
without: It's great to have a grown-up meal in a restaurant, [...] kids! začněte se učit
Sans their HRHs and ‘royal’ imprimatur, they are ploughing on with building their US brand, one high-profile Zoom conversation after another.
official permission to do something that is given by a person or group in a position of power / Synonym: endorsement začněte se učit
Sans their HRHs and ‘royal’ imprimatur, they are ploughing on with building their US brand, one high-profile Zoom conversation after another. / When he suspended the constitution and dissolved Congress, he had the imprimatur of the armed forces.
zdumiewający, szokujący, oszałamiający začněte se učit
There is a staggering amount of work here with some amazing outcomes in terms of the quality and quantity of product. / It costs a staggering $50,000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.
(of weather conditions or the conditions in a room) extremely cold začněte se učit
Few plants can grow in such a frigid environment.
oziębły (nieczujący pociągu seksualnego) (of a woman) having difficulty in becoming sexually excited začněte se učit
wyć, ryczeć (o wietrze, zwierzeciu, czlowieku - np o smiechu) začněte se učit
An injured dog lay in the middle of the road, howling with/in pain. We were howling with laughter. figurative The opposition howled down the government's proposal (= shouted loudly to express disapproval).
wypisz wymaluj; to look extremely similar to someone Ona to wypisz, wymaluj jej matka. začněte se učit
be the spitting image of sb (also be the spit (and image) of sb) She is a spitting image of her mother. / Josie is the spitting image of her granny at the same age. / The old man was the (dead) spit of Winston Churchill.
klawisz spacji na klawiaturze začněte se učit
obowiązek (nieprzyjemna praca) začněte se učit
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yes, the darker nights and mornings are not so good, roll on spring...
(UK informal) said when you want time to go quickly because you are looking forward to something It's the same definition as the previous one. But this one is taken from En-En dictionary. začněte se učit
roll on the weekend, five o'clock, etc. I can't wait to be finished with this project - roll on October!
pierwszy, czołowy, przodujący (o osobie) začněte se učit
He is now the foremost designer of biological weapons in the world.
pogarda, lekceważenie / the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they do not deserve your interest or respect začněte se učit
His disdain for life is legendary. He regards the political process with disdain.
ciało niebieskie (zwykle o kulistym kształcie) začněte se učit
jabłko królewskie (wykonane ze złota, noszone jako symbol władzy monarszej) začněte se učit
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to intercept - stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place: začněte se učit
Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America. Barry intercepted Naylor's pass and scored the third goal.
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śmiałość, zuchwałość, tupet / courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking or rude začněte se učit
It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman. / disapproving He had the audacity to blame me for his mistake!
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moment trzymający w napięciu začněte se učit
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łania (samica jelenia lub daniela) začněte se učit
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having a spine (= back bone)
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An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash. There has been a surge in house prices recently. At the end of the game, there was a surge of fans onto the field. A tidal surge caused severe flooding in coastal areas.
zrobiony na zamówienie; specially made for a particular person začněte se učit
a bespoke suit / bespoke furniture
the act of directing someone to a different place or person for information, help, or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge or power začněte se učit
The doctor gave him a referral to (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.
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a doctor's prescription / a prescription for sedatives / The doctor should give you a repeat prescription (= another piece of paper allowing more of the same medicine to be given, often without the person seeing the doctor again).
środek uspokajający; a drug used to calm a person or animal or to make them sleep začněte se učit
bielizna damska; women's underwear začněte se učit
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I hate those listicles called things like "10 Things You Didn't Know About Cats".
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I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos. / The hotel offers a tranquil haven of peace and serenity, away from the bustle of the city.
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1) military supplies, especially weapons and bombs 2) large guns on wheels
brytyjski urząd kartograficzny začněte se učit
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luki / a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something začněte se učit
tax loopholes / The company employed lawyers to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.
wzruszający / causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness začněte se učit
The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days. / It is especially poignant that he died on the day before the wedding. Synonimy
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rozmaity, różnych, pomieszany začněte se učit
przymusić; to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do začněte se učit
The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.
wybielić; mydlenie oczu; tuszowanie sprawy; an attempt to stop people finding out the true facts about a situation začněte se učit
The official report on the killings has been denounced as a whitewash.
zbzikowany, stuknięty; strange and unusual začněte se učit
She's a member of a group that promotes cranky ideas about food and exercise.
światło stroboskopowe; a light that quickly flashes on and off začněte se učit
The strobes and loud music in the club made her want to dance.
odroczenie, zawieszenie kary; the temporary ending of a meeting or trial, or the period of time during which it is temporarily ended začněte se učit
This trial has a history of delays and repeated adjournments. The judge granted the request for an adjournment. The Senate passed the bill, but the House didn't vote on it before adjournment.
niemrawy, ociężały, ospały (o osobie); moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power (very lazy) začněte se učit
A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon. Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels sluggish. The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.
praktyka (np. zawodowa), terminowanie; a period of time working as an apprentice začněte se učit
He is now serving an apprenticeship as a joiner. / My father believed that if I got an apprenticeship to a proper trade I'd be financially secure for life. / an engineering/construction/plumber's apprenticeship
zachęcać, motywować (np. do ciężkiej pracy); to make someone want to do something začněte se učit
We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.
communication between people or groups who work with each other začněte se učit
He blamed the lack of liaison between the various government departments. The police have appointed a liaison officer to work with the local community.
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Madame Theressa / Delphine
spóźniony, opóźniony; coming later than expected začněte se učit
a belated happy birthday / a belated apology They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise. Belated birthday greetings!
rowek między piersiami, dekolt začněte se učit
Clare was wearing a low-cut dress that showed off her cleavage.
wejście na rynek nowego produktu lub usługi začněte se učit
A media campaign is expected to roll out early next year. / roll sth out The company plans to roll out the scheme across Europe in the coming months.
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1) wydać (pieniądze) 2) zużywać, poświęcać (czas, energię, pieniądze) začněte se učit
This is a favourable time to open our hearts, to ask ourselves concrete questions about how and for whom we expend our lives.
trwać, utrzymywać się (np. o zapachu, smaku) začněte se učit
lingering fog. She gave him a long, lingering kiss. She says she stopped seeing him, but I still have lingering doubts. The defeat ends any lingering hopes she might have had of winning the championship.
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Driving snow and sleet brought more problems to the county's roads last night.
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kąśliwy, uszczypliwy (np. uwaga, komentarz) / unkind and intending to upset someone začněte se učit
a cutting remark/comment. He can be very cutting when he chooses to be!
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makabryczny, okropny, straszny začněte se učit