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interesować się czymś po amatorsku, parać się czymś začněte se učit
to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject, or try a particular activity for a short period: He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school. She dabbled with drugs at university. I have started to barely dabble with french at the time when I kicked off with my university semester.
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an act of staying awake, especially at night, in order to be with a person who is very ill or dying, or to make a protest, or to pray: His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died. Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit vigil outside the cathedral.
inspektor, nadzorca (budowy; METAFORYCZNIE), GEODETA Marek - his past occupation začněte se učit
a person whose job is to measure and record the details of areas of land. a person who is specially trained to examine buildings and discover if there are any problems with their structure
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a curved part of a coast that partly surrounds an area of water. Coves usually have narrow, restricted entrances, are often circular or oval, and are often situated within a larger bay.
boja, utrzymywać na powierzchni (nie dać utonąć); figuratively: podnieść na duchu; wpływać korzystnie na coś začněte se učit
a floating object on the top of the sea, used for directing ships and warning them of possible danger. to prevent someone or something from sinking: to make someone feel happier or more confident about a situation: to support something and make it success The very salty water buoyed her (up) as she swam. She was buoyed (up) by the warm reception her audience gave her. House prices have been buoyed (up) in the area by the possibility of a new factory opening.
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In Germanic paganism, a seeress is a woman said to have the ability to foretell future events and perform sorcery. They are also referred to with many other names meaning "prophetess", "staff bearer", "wise woman"
odprężać się, relaksować się, wrzucić na luz začněte se učit
I want to wind down after a long day at work.
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hide sth in the bosom. He clutched the flowers to his bosom
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a small village, usually without a church
dwór, sala biesiadna (w średniowieczu w zachodniej Europie) začněte se učit
przypisywać sobie zrobienie czegoś, zebrać za coś laury začněte se učit
take credit for something
plugawy, podły (zamiar, czyn), brudny (dom), nędzny, obskurny začněte se učit
(of situations and activities) not moral; involving sex and drugs, etc. in an unpleasant way:(of places) extremely dirty and unpleasant, often because of lack of money It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses. Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places.
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The name stood for its powerful 2000 cubic-centimeter engine and two doors
potwierdzenie! potwierdzać začněte se učit
corroboration! corroborate to support with evidence or authority: make more certain the witnesses corroborated the policeman's testimony
wrodzony talent, smykałka; wysoka jakość czegoś začněte se učit
We guarantee a high level of flair for all our products. You have a flair for constructing robots. He may even be looking for people with an aptitude to run them.
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smalic cholewki; zabiegać o začněte se učit
gallant He always courts every girl he meets. Mark is courting the teacher's respect.
oddzielić, rozdzielać; oddzielenie začněte se učit
to consider as separate and not related. The evaluation of materials cannot be carried out in dissociation from the contexts of particular classrooms. I can't dissociate the man from his political opinions - they're one and the same thing. The work finds a fairly complete dissociation between learning and sleep.
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Our men are conditioned to hard physical work.
obliczeniowy, informatyczny začněte se učit
involving the calculation of answers, amounts, results, using computers to study something The children had limited linguistic and computational skills. computational techniques. computational chemistry
karta do głosowania, tajne głosowanie začněte se učit
the action or system of secret voting. Now any kind of secret voting, by ball, piece of paper, or voting machine, is called a ballot. So is the right to vote itself She was elected by secret ballot.
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a dark brown substance like soil that was formed by plants dying and becoming buried. It is sometimes added to ordinary garden soil to improve it and is sometimes used as fuel.
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I'll give you pheroxydycillin, which is an anti-inflammatory drug.
ugiąć się (pod ciężarem); ugiąć się (pod czyimś wsplywem); odksztalcenie začněte se učit
give in. to bend something or become bent, often as a result of force, heat, or weakness: Both wheels on the bicycle had been badly buckled. I felt faint and my knees began to buckle. But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain. the flimsy bridge buckled under the weight of the caravan of trucks
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typical of an original thing from which others are copied. an archetypal English gentleman They live in an archetypal country village.
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a boot that stops at the ankle, usually made of suede (= a type of leather) and tied with laces
trąba u słonia, pień; tułów, kufer, szkrzynia začněte se učit
the main part of a person's body, not including the head, legs, or arms The elephant's trunk is hairy. I've hidden my diary in a trunk. The statue shows the head, trunk, and arms of an old man.
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a short simple song There was a popular ditty a number of years ago which went by the name.
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to make something last for a long time or last longer than necessary: drawn-out I have no desire to protract the process. Their guest did not protract his stay an hour longer. protracted negotiations
zagmatwane wielosłowie, oględna wypowiedź začněte se učit
(an example of) an indirect way of saying something, especially something unpleasant: Economical with the truth" is a circumlocution for "lying". Politicians are experts in circumlocution.
euforyczny, w stanie euforii začněte se učit
For the first time in weeks I was happy, almost euphoric.
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a letter of introduction sent with a CV explaining one's suitability for the job They requested that I send them my CV and a covering letter
"odpicować", podrasować, alfons začněte se učit
to customize and adorn (something, such as a car or apartment) in an ostentatious or lavish way. a criminal who is associated with, usually exerts control over, and lives off the earnings of one or more prostitutes This is a parallel world where teenagers pimp out their motorboats, customizing them with dazzling LED lights and powerful stereo systems ... pimped out with private rooftop pools,
bieg, tok (wydarzeń), rozwój (wypadków); trajektoria začněte se učit
the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air: the trajectory of a bullet/missile. This decision affected the trajectory of his carreer.
puch (u ptaka), puch (śnieżny) začněte se učit
Chicken's down is yellow. We made snow angels in the powder.
nadawać się, sprostać postawionym wymaganiom; dać sobie radę idiom. wyrażenie stosowane w negacji (Nie jestem przekonana, czy ona się nadaje na najwyższym poziomie.) začněte se učit
I am not convinced that she can cut it at the top level. This situation is stressful and I don't think I'll be able to cut it. Sometimes simple solutions just don't cut it. Sorry doesn't cut it.
zwiększyć skalę czegoś (powiększyć coś začněte se učit
You can scale the image up endlessly without losing the definition.
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przestarzały, antykwaryczny začněte se učit
old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society: anachronic It will take many years to modernize these antiquated industries. Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
nowatorski, oryginalny, nie mylić z nowelą, powieść začněte se učit
new and original, not like anything seen before: a long printed story about imaginary characters and events: a novel idea/suggestion Keeping a sheep in the garden is a novel way of keeping the grass short. historical/romantic novels Have you read any of Jane Austen's novels?
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a statement or principle that is generally accepted to be true, but need not be so. a formal statement or principle in mathematics, science, etc., from which other statements can be obtained It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists. Euclid's axioms form the foundation of his system of geometry.
wysunięcie(oczu) występ(skalny), wypukłość (np. na skórze) STEGOSAURUS? začněte se učit
something that sticks out from a surface, or the act of doing this: It has a series of protrusions along its back. The condition results in weight loss, rapid heart beat and protrusion of the eyes.
odprawa(instruktaż), odprawa wojskowa začněte se učit
information that is given to someone just before they do something, or a meeting where this happens: They received thorough briefing before they left the country. We had to attend a briefing once a month.
kłus, kłusować; trucht, biec truchtem začněte se učit
If a horse or similar animal with four legs trots, it runs at its slowest speed, using short steps in which a front leg and the back leg on the opposite side move together: When people trot somewhere, they go there in a quick or busy way: She was trotting along on her pony. The dog trotted down the path to greet me. She came trotting down the street after me. to speak or do something too quickly: She was rather nervous and trotted through her speech a bit too quickly.
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the symbol -, used to join two words together, or to show that a word has been divided into two parts at the end of one line and the beginning of the next: There are hyphens in "well-to-do".
pominięcie; przeoczenie; zaniedbanie začněte se učit
the act of not including something or someone that should have been included, or something or someone that has not been included that should have been deliberate omission. Measures to control child employment are a glaring (= very obvious) omission from new legislation to protect children. There are some serious errors and omissions in the book.
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any of several types of tree, found especially in Australia, that produce an oil with a strong smell. Eucalyptus oil is used in medicine and industry:
statek małego rozmiaru, zawód (rzemiosło) začněte se učit
an occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill. a boat especially of small size borrowed a craft to get across the river. the craft of writing plays. the carpenter's craft
konopie (i te do robienia liny, i do narkotyków), konopie siewne juta začněte se učit
a family of plants, some of which are used to make rope and strong, rough cloth and others of which are used to produce the drug cannabis No one can give a date when and why man started to use hemp.
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błędne koło, sytuacja bez wyjścia začněte se učit
an impossible situation where you are prevented from doing one thing until you have done another thing that you cannot do until you have done the first thing. Joseph Heller’s satirical novel the show-business catch-22—no work unless you have an agent, no agent unless you've worked
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to attempt to influence or sway (someone, such as a public official) toward a desired action lobbying senators for tax reform