Nuevo metodo 1.

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The movie was unsettling.
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La película fue inquietante.
The officer's stare was unsettling.
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The officer's stare was unsettling. v angličtině
La mirada del oficial era inquietante.
The forest was eerie at night.
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El bosque era escalofriante ó espeluznante de noche.
An eerie silence filled the room.
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Un silencio espeluznante ó escalofriante ó inquietante llenó la habitación.
They ventured into the dark cave.
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Se aventuraron en la cueva oscura.
She ventured to ask a question.
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Ella se atrevió a hacer una pregunta.
The King's bed was draped in white sheets.
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La cama del Rey estaba cubierta en sábanas blancas.
Elon Musk draped a blanket over his shoulders.
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Elon Musk se cubrió con una manta sobre los hombros.
The news unsettled all immigrants.
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La noticia inquietó a todos los inmigrantes...
Donal strange behavior unsettled everyone.
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El extraño comportamiento de Donal perturbó a todos.

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