OD I do Y co 2 | 2.01.2023

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otázka odpověď
przyłączyć się
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join in
We're going for a picnic tomorrow. Why don't you join in?
zapisać coś na szybko
začněte se učit
jot down
She called the helpline and jotted down a few telephone numbers.
trzymać daleko od czegoś
začněte se učit
keep away
Keep away from him or you'll get into trouble.
začněte se učit
keep on
Why you always keep on asking me about Mark? I don't want to talk about him!
začněte se učit
land up
He landed up living in a cardbox under the bridge.
śmiać się z czegoś
začněte se učit
laugh at
What are you laughing at?
spoglądać w przeszłość
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look back
When I look back, I must admit that I don't regret anything in my life.
badać, przyglądać się
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look into
The police are looking into the cause of the accident.
poruszać się w kierunku czegoś
začněte se učit
make for
He tried to make for the exit but was too drunk to reach it.
začněte se učit
make it up to sb
They helped me so much... I don't know how I am going to make it up to them.
zmusić kogoś, przycisnąć
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nail down
She told us just the news - we will need to nail her down to reveal more details.
nazwać po kimś
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name after
sprzeciwiać się
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object to
The President objected to the idea of further cuts in defence spending
začněte se učit
pass away
przechodzić, przejeżdżać obok
začněte se učit
pass by
Every day I pass by this shop when I'm on my way to work
odkładać, przełożyć na później
začněte se učit
put off
Can you put off the meeting? I need to talk to you.
odstręczać, zniechęcać
začněte se učit
put off
ględzić, rozwlekać
začněte se učit
ramble on
I almost fell asleep when he started rambling on about his childhood.
sięgnąć po coś
začněte se učit
reach out
Could you reach out to press this button, please.
zrobić coś z łatwością
začněte se učit
sail through
She sailed through all the examinations. We sailed through the passport control.
začněte se učit
save up
zaczynać od nowa
začněte se učit
start over
I made so many mistakes that I better start everything over again.
zapobiec czemuś
začněte se učit
stave off
In this climate you should drink a lot of water to stave off dehydration.
začněte se učit
take aback
I was taken aback when I heard Sue married Tom.
być podobnym do kogoś
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take after
Peter takes after his father, he's very tall.
pociągać za sobą
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trigger off
This street fight may trigger off more serious events.
przymierzać coś
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try on
Try on the red blouse, I think it suits better.
wyszarpnąć/ wyciągnąć
začněte se učit
yank out
He fought for a while with the cord but finally yanked out the plug from the socket.

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