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My uncle decided to buy a very old car. začněte se učit
My uncle decided to buy a very old car.
In his opinion only old cars have souls and are unique začněte se učit
In his opinion only old cars have souls and are unique
His wife was very angry with him začněte se učit
His wife was very angry with him
when she learnt that he was going to spend money začněte se učit
when she learnt that he was going to spend money
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In her opinion old cars break down all the time začněte se učit
In her opinion old cars break down all the time
and you have to spend a lot of money začněte se učit
and you have to spend a lot of money
not only on the car itself začněte se učit
not only on the car itself
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Nevertheless uncle George said začněte se učit
Nevertheless uncle George said
he would not change his mind začněte se učit
he would not change his mind
and one day he bought the car he wanted. začněte se učit
and one day he bought the car he wanted.
It was made in 1930 in Germany. začněte se učit
It was made in 1930 in Germany.
My uncle believed in German quality začněte se učit
My uncle believed in German quality
and his car generally didn't disappoint him. začněte se učit
and his car generally didn't disappoint him.
He spent a lot of time polishing his car začněte se učit
He spent a lot of time polishing his car
and repairing small details začněte se učit
and repairing small details.
He was very proud of the car začněte se učit
He was very proud of the car
and one day he invited his wife for a ride začněte se učit
and one day he invited his wife for a ride
My aunt was scared that such an old car začněte se učit
My aunt was scared that such an old car
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but my uncle tried to convince her začněte se učit
but my uncle tried to convince her
that it was the safest car in all the world začněte se učit
that it was the safest car in all the world
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my uncle spending a few hours a day začněte se učit
my uncle spending a few hours a day
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