Our world

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Jest tam pole
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There's a field
Jest tam las
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There's a forest
Jest tam jezioro
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There's a lake
Jest tam góra
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There's a mountain
Jest tam rzeka
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There's a river
Jest tam miasteczko
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There's a town
Są tam 3 góry
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There are three mountains
Jest tam 5 pól
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There are five fields
Jestem w pociągu
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I'm on the train
Jestem w miasteczku
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I'm in the town
Jest tam autobus
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There's a bus
Jest tam ciężarówka
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There's a truck
Są tam 4 traktory
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There are four tractors
Ile białych furgonetek?
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How many white vans?
Jest tam 5 białych furgonetek
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There are five white vans
Są 3 góry w lesie
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There are three mountains in the forest
Tutaj jest pociąg, Mickey!
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Here's the train, Mickey!
Hej, Mickey! Hej, Minnie! Wskakujcie!
do pociągu
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Hey, Mickey! Hey, Minnie! Hop in!
O tak! Ale zabawa!
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Oh yes! This is fun!
Uważaj, Goofy! Jest tam krowa!
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Look out, Goofy! There's a cow!
look out = watch out
Jestem na wyspie w Grecji
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I'm on an island in Greece
To Santorini!
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It's Santorini!
Oto miasteczko
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This is the town
Jest tutaj dużo małych białych domów
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There are lots of small white houses here

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