Oxford Vocabulary

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Él estava anonadado o pasmado por la noticia de que su jefe había renunciado.
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He was floored by the news that his boss had quit.
to floor. to make someone feel so surprised and confused that they cannot react.
La pregunta lo dejó pazmado por completo.
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The question floored him completely.
to floor. to make someone feel so surprised and confused that they cannot react.
director o directora de funeraria.
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undertaker... The local undertaker did the funeral arrangements.
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Hearse. is a large car that is used for carrying a coffin to a grave. Carrosa, coche fúnebre.
La funeraria. - - (funeraria casa).
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funeral home.
croar, cantar de las ranas.
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to croak. to make the deep, harsh sound that a frog makes. We could hear the frogs croaking by the pond.
lirio. (planta que crece sobre el agua).
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lily. water lily.
yemas de los dedos.
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finger pads.
sordo. sorda.
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camión de bolteo. (Estados Unidos).
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dumper truck. (US).
camión de bolteo. (Reino Unido)
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dump truck. (UK).
espacio exterior.
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outer space. The area beyond Earth's atmosphere.
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lavamanos. fregadero. (REINO UNIDO).
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basin. a bathroom sink or kitchen sink. (UK).
camara salva vidas. preservador de vida.
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life preserver.
cerradura de la puerta.
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door lock.
barro, arcilla.
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Ella levantó la tapa de la caja........ She (...) (...) the lid of the box.
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She (lifted/picked) (up) the lid of the box.
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Ella levantó sus manos a el cielo.
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She lifted her hands to the sky.
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storekeeper. (US) or. shopkeeper. (UK) someone who owns or manages a shop or store.
Ella levantó liftio al niño Arriba en su regazo.
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She lifted the child up onto her lap.
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Se inclinó para recoger su sombrero.
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He bent to pick up his hat.
Recoge la pelota!.
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Pick up the ball!.
zopilote, buitre.
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Ella levantó al niño en su regazo.
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She picked the child up onto her lap.
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beak. bill.
Ella siempre levanta a su bebé cuando él llora.
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She always picks her baby up when he cries.
una mancha.
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a stain. a spot.
El mantel tenía un par de manchas.
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The tablecloth had a couple of spots, stains.
El vino tinto mancho la alfombra. manchar.
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The red wine stained the carpet. to stain.
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to stain. to leave a mark on something, to be marked or damaged by a stain.
cabrero. cuidador de cabras.
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El cabrero está enfermo hoy.
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The goatherd is ill today.
La yegua.
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Es mejor que te pongas tu abrigo - hara bastante friesco esta noche.
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Better put your overcoat on - there's a nip in the air tonight.
Definitivamente hace bastante fresco. - - - - - - (- -) there's a nip in the air.
Definetly... Surely... Certainly.
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Certainly there's a nip in the air.
obstaculizar. (Hampear)... El proyecto se vio obstaculizado por las restricciones de los pinches Republicanos.
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to hamper. The project was hampered by the fucking republicans restraints.
bote o cesto de la ropa sucia.
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tadpole. is a small creature that becomes an adult frog or toad.
cesto o bote de los papeles cagados.
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(in the US). wastebasket. or wastepaper. (in the UK). wastepaper basket...
She tossed the wrapper into the wastebasket.
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Crow. or Raven.
señoría. antigüedad.
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recuperarse (de una enfermedad).
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to get over. to get better. It took her months to get over the shock of Richard leaving.
mesada, paga, subsidio, pensión.
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allowance. a monthly allowance for household expenses.
mostrador de resepción.
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front desk. or reception desk. You have to ask to the receptionist at the front desk.
palillos chinos.
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chop sticks.
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pelo lacio.
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straight hair.
revisar, repasar.
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go over. to review. to look at or study (something) again in order to correct it, learn it, etc.
Let's go over the instructions. An actress going over her lines. She went over her notes for the speech.
apagar, cerrar.
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to shut off. to shut something off. to stop a machine working, or to stop the supply of something. Shut the engine off. Oil supplies have been shut off.
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tighten. His hand tightened around his mother arm.
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to loosen. He loosened his tie.
cena ligera, refigerio.
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Aunt Emely stopped to pick up some groceries for supper ........ supper.
tienda de abarrotes. tienda de comestibles.
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grocery store.
Tienda de conveniencia. mini super.
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convenience store.
apenado, avergonzado.
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embarrassed. ashamed. She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
Conserje, encargado de limpieza y mantenimiento de un edificio. (en Estados Unidos)
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janitor. (in the US). The school janitor.
Portero, encargado de limpieza y mantenimiento de un edificio. (en el Reyno unido).
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caretaker. (UK). Janitor (US). ---- The school caretaker.
empleado de almacén. empleado de existencias de almacen.
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Stock clerk.
Stock clerk, is a worker in a stockroom who is in charge of the materials and goods stored in a grocery store, hardware store, etc.
Déjame reenvíarte este correo a ti.
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Let me forward this email to you.
Porfavor renviame my correo a mi nueva direccion.
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Please forward my mail to my new address.
poner algo de regreso en su lugar.
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put back. The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.
abarrotero, bodeguero, tendero.
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grocer, is a person who sells food and other supplies for people's houses. Ask your local grocer if he sells organic fruits and vegetables.
ir de excursión con mochila.
backpacking, is to hike or travel with a backpack. After college, she backpacked through/around Europe.
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to go backpacking.
ir de excursion, excursionismo en las montañas.
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correr trotando ?.
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ir a pasear en balsa.
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rafting. the activity of traveling down a river on a raft.
ir a pasear en velero.
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sailing. the sport or activity of traveling on water in a sailboat.
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ir a caminar. (para ejercicio).
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walking. the activity of walking for exercise Walking is good exercise.
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claxon (de un carro).
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cinturón de asiento de seguridad.
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seat belt.
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escobillas limpia parabrisaswindshield wipers blades. - - escobillas limpia parabrisas.
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windshield wipers blades.
una reclamacion.
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a claim. an official request for something (such as money) that is owed to you or that you believe is owed to you. You'll need to file an insurance claim to pay for the damage. make a claim on your insurance policy,
en los bordes de, en las orillas de, en las margenes de.
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on the fringe(s) of ........ They lived on the fringe of the forest.
on the fringe(s) of. =on the outer edge of something.
Ellos viven el las orillas del bosque.
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They lived on the fringe of the forest.
ajustador de seguros. liquidador de seguros. (persona que decide cuanto sera pagado en una perdida.
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insurance adjuster.
repartir., distribuir.
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to allocate. Money from the sale of the house was allocated to each of the children.
distribuir, repartir, Allocatear.
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allocate. We need to determine the best way to allocate our resources.
¿Se han asignado fondos suficientes para financiar el proyecto ?.
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Have enough funds been allocated to finance the project?.
activos, bienes de un negocio.
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tasar, evaluar.
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to assess. The tests are designed to assess a child's reading skills.
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flequillo. (En Inglaterra).
flequillo. (En US).
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beneficio adicional.
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fringe benefit.
borde con hilos o colguijes. franja con hilos o colguijes.
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fringe... a lampshade with a fringe.
borde ó franja con hilos o colguijes.
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fringe... a fringe around the throw pillow.
salario. salario.
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wage... Emmy makes a huge wage.
Necesitamos evaluar si el sistema esta funcionando.
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We need to assess whether the system is working.
¡No puedo evitarlo!.
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I can not help it!.
No puedo evitar pensar en eso.
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I can't help thinking about it.
(No puedo ayudar enamorarme de ti). - - - - - No puedo evitar enamorarme de ti.
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I can not help falling in love with you.
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La liebre es MUHO GUSTAR muy parecida al conejo.
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The hare is much like the rabbit.
much like=used for emphasizing that people, things, situations etc are very similar.
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La cebra es muy parecida al burro.
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The zebra is much like the donkey.
much like=used for emphasizing that people, things, situations etc are very similar.
El interior de la casa era MUCHO COMO el exterior-fea y deteriodado.
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The interior of the house was much like the outside – ugly and dilapidated.
much like= Muy parecido como al. used for emphasizing that people, things, situations etc are very similar.
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hámster. animal parecido a un raton.
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hamster. a small animal covered in fur with a short tail and large spaces in each side of its mouth which are used for storing food.
periquito Australiano.
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budgie. is a small Australian parakeet).
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Tomar el mando, quedarse a cargo. to take control, to be in charge of something.
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Olmedo said, I'd like you to take over during my absence Kika. ------ to TAKE OVER.
Ponerse malhumorado, de mal humor.
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to get crabby. or to get grouchy. (in a bad mood).
Me pongo de mal humor si no duermo lo suficiente.
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I get grouchy or crabby if I don't get enough sleep.
Agunos restos de una jaiva o cangrejo, probablemente comidos por un pajaro.
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Some "remnants" of a crab, probably eaten by a bird.
Porque no usar estos restos de madera para encender fuego.
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Why not use these "remnants" of wood for kindling?.
croar, cantar de las ranas.
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to croak.
Pudimos oir las ranas cantando por el estanque.
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We could hear the frogs croaking by the pond.
remanente, resto, sobrante. usualmente plural.
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Hampear, obstaculizar.
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to hamper.
El mal tiempo podria obstaculizar nuestros esfuerzos de busqueda.
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Bad weather could hamper our search efforts.
La construcción esta obstaculizando el trafico en la autopista.
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Construction is hampering traffic on the highway.
quedarse plasmado, quedarse anodadado.
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to be floored.
Las reservas de petroleo han sido cerradas.
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Oil supplies have been shut off.
Apaga la computadora.
začněte se učit
Shut the computer off.
restraintrestricción, limitación, trava, control.
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a way of limiting, controlling, or stopping something.
El gobierno ha impuesto restricciones sobre importaciones.
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The government has imposed restraints on imports.
(de el). Su molesta respuesta mostro una falta de control o restriccion.
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His angry response showed a lack of restraint.
plataforma petrolífera. plataforma petrolera.
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oil rig.
El proyecto fue obstaculizado por las restricciones de los pinches republicanos.
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The project was hampered by the fucking republicans restraints.
Ella levantó la tapa de la caja.
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She lifted up the lid of the box. or She picked up the lid of the box.
EL pico. (de las aves).
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Beak. Bill.
campo de fútbol. (REINO UNIDO).
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football pitch. football pitch. (UK).
calzoncillos. (de hombre). bragas.
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cuchitril. armario.
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cubby. OR cubbyhole.
poner algo de regreso en su lugar.
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to put something back.
Recuerda poner de regreso la aspiradora en el closet despues de que la haigas usado.
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Remember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you've used it.
Los libros habian sido puestos de regreso ordenadamente sobre el estante.
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The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.
Shut the engine off.
začněte se učit
Apagar el motor.
La escuela evaluará el progreso de los estudiantes cada año.
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The school will assess the students' progress each year.
Necesitamos evaluar ó tasar si o no el sistema esta funcionando.
We need to (- -) whether or not the system is working.
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We need to assess whether or not the system is working.
Despues del huracan, oficiales evaluaron o tasaron las necesidades del pueblo para ayuda.
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After the hurricane, officials assessed the town's need for aid.
Los examenes estan designados para evaluar o tasar las habilidades de lectura de un niño.
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The tests are designed to assess a child's reading skills.
Ella se sintió apenada acerca de desvistiendose enfrente del doctor.
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She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
El no se apena facilmente.
začněte se učit
He doesn't embarrass easily.
distribuir, repartir.
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to allocate.
Dinero de la venta de la casa fue distribuido a cada uno de los niños.
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Money from the sale of the house was allocated to each of the children.
Necesitamos determinar la mejor manera para distribuir nuestros recursos.
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We need to determine the best way to allocate our resources.
Estamos planeando ir de excursion con mochila en un parque nacional este verano.
začněte se učit
We're planning to go backpacking in a national park this summer.
Vamos a repasar las instrucciones.
začněte se učit
Let's go over the instructions.
en ruinas, dilapidado, deteriorado.
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dilapidated. equals in very bad condition because of age or lack of care.
El interior de la casa era muy parecido al exterior-orrible y deteriorado.
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The interior of the house was much like the outside–ugly and dilapidated.
Ella estava viviendo en un deteriorado y viejo edificio de apartamentos.
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She was living in a dilapidated and old apartment building.
El hotel en el que nos quedamos estaba realmente deteriorado.
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The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.
vaquero, vaquera.
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cowpuncher, cowhand.
la ingle.
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Ese tipo es un baboso.
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That guy’s a slime.
chita. guepardo.
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cheetah. is a large wild cat that lives in Asia and Africa and that can run very fast.
Español, Española. Persona nacida en España.
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Spaniard. Person born in Spain. Spaniard.
lodoso, fangoso, baboso, viscoso.
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bovine. relating to the family of cows, ox, buffalo, etc.
cieno, fango, lodo. limo.
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colador con agarradera - - - - strainer, sieve, collander.
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Colador. Para colar spaguetti.
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pantalestas, bragas. en los EE.UU.
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pantaletas, bragas. En el Reino Unido.
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knickers. (in the UK.).
regordeta mona.
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toupee. hairpiece.
Equipaje de checkeo area, area de revisión, area de inspección de equipaje.
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baggage check area.
baggage check=security inspection of luggage.
Checar Adentro Mostrador. Mostrador para registrarse. (en el hotel, aeropuerto, etc.).
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check in counter.
forma de declaracion aduanal.
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customs declaration form.
pase de abordaje, boleto de abordaje.
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boarding pass.
La aduana.
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customs and immigration, or just, customs. We went through customs at the airport without any difficulty.
oficial de aduanas. oficial aduanal.
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customs officer.
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to pick out. It took her an hour to pick. or pick out what to wear.
area, zona de recogida de equipaje.
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baggage claim area or baggage reclaim area.
las luces intermitentes, (luces de precausion de un vehiculo.
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flashers... emergency flashers. turn the emergency flashers on.
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hacerle la parada a un taxi.
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to hail a cab. to hail a taxi.
Mi hija Jeiled (Paró) un taxi por mi.
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my daughter (hailed) a taxi for me.
azadon, azadon.
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a hoe. to hoe.
orejeras para el frio.
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forma de declaracion aduanal. formulario de declaración de aduanas.
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customs declaration form.
pasar rapidizimamente. (como el tiempo).
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to slip by. As the hours slipped by
mostrador para registrarse.
začněte se učit
check in counter.
caserola, reflactario de vidrio para ornear.
casserole dish= a deep dish used for baking meat and noodles.
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casserole dish.
chaleco tipo chamarra relleno de plumaje.
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down vest.
el rompevientos.
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cacerola. cazuela, olla.
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olla para cocer al vapor. - - - (steameadora).
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la direccional. (luz para dar vuelta de automóvil).
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turn signal. or blinker. (in the US). indicator. (in the UK).
chuletas de cordero.
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lamb chops.
(parrilla, rejilla). (para asar en la estufa).
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rack. rack. roasting rack.
cuchillo para pelar.
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paring knife.
(Baggage Checkeo). inspección de equipaje.
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baggage check.
mesa, con dos sillones acolchonados.
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batidor de huevos de alambre (que se le da vueltas).
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(tenazas cruzables) en forma de tijeras para poner alimentos en el asador.
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crucible tongs.
las agarraderas para agarrar cosas calientes.
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pot holders.
el rodillo para hacer tortillas de arina.
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rolling pin.
salsa de pepino.
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sandwich de queso a la parrilla.
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grilled cheese sandwich.
canasta freidora para las papas.
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fry basket.
anfitrion, anfitriona del restaurante.
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mesero. camarero.
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waiter. server.
mesera. camarera.
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waitress. server.
cargar, llevar la bandeja de comida o bebidas.
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carry the tray.
garrotero. ayudante del mesero.
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busperson or busboy.
el lugar en la mesa con todos los cubiertos. - - - 1. set place, 2. place setting. 3. setting.
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place setting.
pantalones de vestir.
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pantalones (de cualquier clase).
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tazón hondo, para la sopa.
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soup bowl.
la pradera.
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meadow. or prairie.
traje de vestir (de 3 piezas. Saco, chaleco y pantalon del mismo color).
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three piece suit.
Miré la foto y diga como se dice: (los mayones, medias de colores).
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trench coat.
chorts para nadar.
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swimming trunks.
bata de playa.
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ropa interior. (en general).
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calzoncillos, flojos para hombre.
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(traje de baño) de mujer.
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swimsuit. or bathing suit.
(playera de tirantes blanca) que va bajo la camisa de vestir.
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ropa interior de invierno. Larga pordebajousar
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long underwear.
la trusa donde se pone la concha que proteje los huevos.
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jockstrap. or athletic supporter.
(faja elastica para hacer cintura) que usa la mujer.
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girdle. a long strip of cloth worn tied around the waist, especially in the past.
(liguero), para sostener las medias de la mujer.
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garter belt.
camisola. blusa lijera de mujer que usan debajo de una blusa.
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berengena (fruta morada en forma de huevo o calabacita.
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eggplant. a somewhat egg-shaped vegetable with usually purple skin.
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celery. a vegetable that is grown for its long light green stems.
el jugo de apio contiene dos tallos de apio.
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The celery juice contains two stalks of celery.
ciruelas (las rojas grandotas).
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plums. a round, juicy fruit that has red or purple skin, sweet yellow flesh, and a hard seed at the center.
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calabasita, amarillosa larga que se come no tan tierna.
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carne dejada en concerva con sal y agua. que luce como jamon.
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corned beef. a beef that has been preserved in salt water. a slice of corned beef.
el menudo, mondongo.
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tripe........ is the stomach of an animal (such as a cow or ox) that is eaten as food.
pollo tierno listo ya para asar o para hornear. (rouster) ó broiler)
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Roaster ... or ... Broiler. __________________ a young chicken that is suitable for broiling.
Broilear horno de la estufa de mero abajo.
Suena como: Hermanotrailer.
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broiler oven.
is the part of an oven that becomes very hot and that food is placed under to be broiled. Put the chicken under the broiler.
pequeño herror, desliz.
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slip. is a small mistake. Enrique iglesias performance was very good except for a few minor slips.
La actuacion de Enrique Iglesias fue muy buena ecepto por unos pequenos herrores.
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Enrique Iglesias performance was very good except for a few minor slips.
nacer, salir del cascaron.
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to hatch. We watched the chicks hatch.
Vimos los pollitos salir del cascaron.
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We watched the chicks hatch.
la cintura del pantalon.
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to hatch. is to bring a birds or chickens eggs to life by sitting on them. The hen hatched three eggs this week.
La gallina empollo tres huevos esta semana.
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The hen hatched three eggs this week.
balancearse, balanceo.
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to swing. He swings briskly (equals energetically) along the basketball court bouncing the ball skillfully.
Michael Jordan (escriba:) se BALANCEA enérgicamente alo largo de la cancha de basketball rebotando la pelota habilmente.
briskly=, enérgicamente.
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Michael Jordan swings briskly along the basketball court bouncing the ball skillfully.
limbrama larga de arbol, extremidad.
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limb. is a tree branch. The landscaper cut some low hanging limbs off the tree to make it easier to walk underneath the tree.
Una rama quebrada cayo en la calle esta manana.
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A broken limb fell on the street this morning.
las comillas. (para resaltar algo importante entre comillas).
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quotation marks.
energia geotermal. geotermica.
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Geothermal energy. is energy from the heat inside the Earth, usually carried to the surface by superheated water and steam.
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to remain. means to stay after others are gone. He remained to guard the camp while others went to look for food.
figurilla. el mono de adorno.
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figurine. is a small model of a human, usually made of clay or porcelain.
La garra, la pulga, el bazar.
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Swap meet. flea market.
is an event in a public place where people sell their unwanted possessions, often from the backs of their cars.
Margaret vendio todos sus viejos zapatos y ropa en la garra el domingo pasado.
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Margaret sold all her old shoes and clothes at the swap meet last sunday.
meter, meterse sin que se note.
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to slip in. The burglar slipped in through an open window.
Notaste la manera en que ella se las arrego para RESBALAR ADENTRO una referencia A su famoso hermano.
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Did you notice the way she managed to "slip in" a reference to her famous brother.
palitos de una rama, ramitas.
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twig. is a small thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves. We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
poner, meter.
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to slip in. Then just slip in the casset and you're ready to start recording.
Obama usualmente METE RAPIDAMENTE una o dos bromas durante una charla solo para animar las cosas un poco.
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Obama usually SLIP IN one or two jokes during a talk just to liven things up a bit.
Mr Sliper Downy said that Richard Voughn (- -) DOWN into the driving seat - - - - - - - - - - DIVE, SLIP, FALL.
Dejarse caer.
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SLIP DOWN - - - - Richard slipped down into the driving seat. Kaztenni slipped down into the pool every hot day.
slipear, dejarse caer.
ordenar papeles, documentos.
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to collate. to arrange (sheets of paper) in the correct order to collate information. to collate papers.
Cagarla, meter la pata.
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to slip up. to do something wrong, to make a mistake. I added the numbers, but the total was wrong; I slipped up because I forgot to add tax.
meterse a la cama. irse a dormir.
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Turn in. is a verb that you use to say that you go to bed. Well, it's getting late, I think I'm going to turn in now.
cuidadora, niñera, nana.
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caregiver. is someone who looks after a person who is young, old or ill. We need to hire a caregiver to take care of my grandmother.
Necesitamos contratar una cuidadora para que cuide a mi abuela.
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We need to hire a caregiver to take care of my grandmother.
cuidar a un niño ó bebe.
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to babysit. if you or someone else babysit, you take care of someone's baby or child while that person is out, usually by going to their home.
Yo voy a cuidar los niños por Jane los Martes por la tarde mientras ella va a su clase de Yoga.
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I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she goes to her yoga class.
dependiente, despachador, empleado de un negocio.
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salesclerk. is someone who serves customers in a shop. ask the salesclerk about the price.
algas marinas. la hierva marina.
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seaweed. is a green, brown or dark red plant that grows in the sea or on land very close to the sea.
mujer militar.
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servicewoman. is a woman who belongs to the armed forces. She was abroad as servicewoman in the army.
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is a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf. It was springtime and the fruit trees were in bud. tulip bulbs. garlic bulbs.
herror al hablar. herror freudiano.
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Freudian slip. a word or phrase, said accidentally, which is different from what you intended to say, and which seems to show your true thoughts.
El esposo hizo un herror al hablar al llamar su esposa por el nombre de su mama.
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The husband made a Freudian slip by calling his wife by his mother's name.
escabullirse sin ser visto, salirse sin ser visto.
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The cat slipped out through the open door. ---------- to SLIP OUT.
titiritiar, escalofrio.
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to shiver.
if you shiver you shake a little the body from cold, fear, excitement, etc. (syns.) to tremble, to quiver.
Ella estava titiritiando mientras espero por un autobus en la nieve.
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She was shivering as she waited for a bus in the snow.
montaña de arena en la playa o decierto hecha por el viento.
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sand dune.
camisa con manga larga.
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long sleeved shirt.
camisa con manga corta.
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short sleeved shirt.
descarga, disposicion (de basura, desechos, etc.).
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disposal. is the throwing away or dumping of something unwanted. the disposal of trash.
escaparse. pelarse.
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slip away. or slip off. -------- We managed to (slip away or slip off) without attracting notice.
Esa noche Oviedo se escapo ala barra por un trago.
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That night Oviedo "slip off" or "slip away" to the bar for a quick drink.
la costa, la orilla. (del mar).
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ponerse algo, resbalarse algo (como ropa, zapatos, etc.).
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slip into. or slip on. He quickly slipped his trousers on and went to answer the door.
el pico de la montaña.
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mountain peak.
escabullirse através, pelarse.
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to slip through... Nurses were vetted strictly but a few negligent ones slipped through.
Enfermeras fueron imvestigadas extrictamente pero unas pocas negligentes se escabulleron.
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Nurses were vetted strictly but a few negligent ones slipped through.
falda larga.
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long skirt.
falda corta.
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short skirt.
pedazo, pedazito de papel.
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slip. a small piece of paper that has a specified use or purpose. a slip of paper. a slip of paper.
Deberiamos juntar ramitas para la fogata de campo.
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We should gather up small twigs for the campfire.
La cortadora de zacate de las orillas.
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weedwacker. is a pole like instrument with a thread at the bottom that spins to cut weeds.
El ladrón de vecindario se escabulló através de una ventana abierta.
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The cat burglar slipped in through an open window.
Ella estubo en el extranjero como mujer militar en el ejercito.
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She was abroad as servicewoman in the army.
ladrón de vecindario.
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cat burglar.
azar a la parrilla. y parrilla. (para azar afuera).
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grill. She put the hamburgers on the grill.
azador. (para azar afuera).
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La Camilla.
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gurney. stretcher.
El rapidamente se puso sus pantalones y fue a contestar la puerta.
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He quickly slipped his trousers on and went to answer the door.
Añadí los numeros, pero el total estaba equivocado; me (RESBALAR ARRIBA) equivoqué porque olvide añadir impuestos.
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I added the numbers, but the total was wrong; I slipped up because I forgot to add taxes.
Entonces solo mete el cassette y tu estas listo para empezar a gravar.
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Then just slip in the cassette and you're ready to start recording.
Kaztenni se deja caer en la alberca cada dia caluroso.
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Kaztenni slipped down into the pool every hot day.
camión para viajar o acampar con cama y todos los servicios adentro.
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marmota de las praderas.
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Prairie dog. is a small wild mammal that lives on the prairies of Canada and the US.
placa de Petri.
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petri dish. is a small clear round dish with a cover, which is used in scientific tests, especially for growing bacteria.
ornitorrinco. el ornitorrinco.
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platypus. a small animal from Australia that has a bill like the bill of a duck, webbed feet, and a wide flat tail.
el carrusel, que refleja la luz de la pelicula en la pared.
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carousel slide projector.
cordillera, rango, montañas en hilera.
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mountan range.
fuera del lente.
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out of focus.
el rollo donde se graba una, (pelicula).
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plantita recien nacida que acaba de brotar de una cemilla.
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seedling. is a very young plant which has grown from a seed.
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courier. or messenger.
la blusa plana, (lisa sin dibujos).
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plain blouse.
culebra rayada.
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garter snake.
estar a la disposicion.
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to be at someone's disposal. to be available for someone use. I was at her disposal whenever she needed my advice.
darse la escapada.
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to give the slip.
if you give the slip you get away from someone who is following you.
signo de exclamación.
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exclamation mark.
toma de corriente.
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........ outlet........ There's no electrical outlets here... A wall with many outlets.
Fondo (prenda de mujer).
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slip. a silk slip under her dress. is a piece of women's underclothes that looks like a dress or skirt. Full slip. half slip.
la andadera para bebe o para personas que necesitan ayuda al caminar.
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walker. a frame that is designed to support someone (such as a baby or an injured or elderly person) who needs help walking.
el faro. la luz giratoria que avisa a los barcos.
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lighthouse. a tower with a powerful light that is built on or near the shore to guide ships away from danger.
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to slip. to fall or almost fall because of slippery. She slipped on the wet grass.
el llano, la llanura, la planisie.
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El lunar (en la piel).
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beauty mark. birth mark. or mole.
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irse de entre las manos.
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slip through the fingers. to be unable to catch or kept something. Norman let the championship slip through his fingers.
banco de 3 o 4 patas largas.
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la niñera.
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pescador comercial de oficio.
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comercial fisher.
empleado o compania de mudanzas.
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trabajador que recoje la basura en el camion de l basura.
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sanitor worker.
resbalón. un resbalón.
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a slip. is a movement or fall caused by slippery. a slip on a banana peel. a slippery surface. The bruise is from a slip on the ice.
paso, cruce de peatones, paso de cebra.
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crosswalk. or pedestrian crossing.
guantes con cuatro dedos y el pulgar para el frio.
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insane asylum. or mental hospital.
panal, o nido de abejas, o avispas.
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Escurridor de platos.
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Dish rack.
Acusado (en un tribunal)... Defendante.
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cruce escolar.
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school crossing.
el fiscal. el fiscal de distrito.
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district attorney. or prosecuting attorney.
reportero de la corte. el escribiente. que escribe todo en una corte.
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court reporter.
ser liberado. salir en libertad.
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be released.
la sala del tribunal. sala de justicia.
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courtroom. courtroom.
sentenciar al acusado.
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sentence the defendant.
el maremoto.
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tidal wave.
transfer. or transfer ticket. is a ticket that allows a passenger on a bus or train to continue traveling on another bus or train.
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el ticket de transferencia para abordar otro autobus o tren.
la mordedera. (para las ensias del bebe).
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teething ring.
pañales de entrenamiento.
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training pants.
Pañales de tela.
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cloth diapers.
alfileres para abrochar los pañales.
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diaper pins.
el bote, el cubo de los pañales sucios.
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diaper pail.
el biberón.
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baby bottle.
el chupón de una mamila. o el pezón.
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el chupón.
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la sonaja.
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calzado deportivo, tacos, tachones, zapatos de fútbol.
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robo domiciliario.
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accidente de aviación. accidente aereo.
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airplane crash.
tormenta de nieve.
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la ficha, el vale.
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tarjeta prepagada y con saldo para trasbordar.
Justa Tarjeta.
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Fare card ... or ... Farecard ....... a farecard act as a digital wallet.
is our electronic fare card which acts like a “digital wallet.” This unique card contains a microchip that stores your cash balance directly onto your card. Fares are automatically deducted each time you pay to ride, just like a debit card.
caseta de la parada del taxi.
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taxi stand.
sin salida.
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no outlet.
taxista. chofer de taxi.
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cab driver. or taxi driver.
subirse al taxi.
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to get into the taxi.
bajarse del taxi.
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to get off the taxi.
salirse del highway.
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to get off the highway.
llamar, parar un taxi.
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to hail a taxi ........ She went out onto the street to hail a taxi.
asalto. atraco.
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cubo, balde, bote, cubeta.
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la olla doble para coser al vapor.
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double boiler.
el hidratante para los bomberos.
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fire hydrant. or fireplug.
recoger al bebé.
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to pick the baby up.
dejar al bebé.
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to drop off the baby.
el ensayo (de redaccion).
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paper. is a piece of writing that is done for a course at a school. He handed in a paper [essay] about the nesting habits of birds.
el rascacielos.
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high-rise building. or skyscraper.
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traffic light.
el borde, el cordon de la banqueta.
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parking meter.
centro de copiado. centro de copias.
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copy center.
la imprenta.
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print shop.
la lampara de la calle, el farol, la luz de la calle.
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street light.
camion de la basura.
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garbage truck. garbage truck.
óptico, óptica, oculista.
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puestos de comida rapida.
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food court.
la escalera electrica.
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Bebe carruaje. La carreola, Cochecito. (para bebes chicos o recien nacidos).
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(US). baby carriage. (UK). Pram.
La carreolita, Silla empujadora de bebes., (para niños ya grandes).
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(US). Stroller, Baby Buggy. (UK). Pushchair.
trabajador de la guarderia.
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childcare worker.
mecedora. la silla mecedora.
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rocking chair.
mecer al bebé.
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rock the baby.
la silla alta donde come el bebe. la periquera.
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high chair.
el babero, para el bebe.
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baby bib.
el pequeño toilet para entrenar a los bebes a cagar.
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potty seat.
el corralito.
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el portabebé. el portador de bebé.
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baby carrier.
la mochila, el arnes para cargar al bebé.
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baby backpack.
toallitas humedas.
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atraco, asalto, robo.
pañales desechables.
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disposable diapers.
catre, cama dobladiza.
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cot. (camp bed).
(cama individual, litera) en un barco, tren, cabaña, etc.
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bunk. a narrow bed attached to a wall on a ship, train, etc.
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a pipe made of lead. a pipe made of lead. a heavy and soft metal that has a gray color. The screen was made of lead to prevent X-rays from passing through.
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bello pubico de mujer.
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muff. (Slang).
el atracadero para los botes o barcos.
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boat slip.
excremento duro.
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Una pipa hecha de plomo.
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a pipe made of lead.
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folleto. panfleto.
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leaflet, pamphlet, or brochure.
(tierra mina). mina terrestre.
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Molde, sartén para hornear (pie).
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pie pan.
Dar un zarpazo, arañar, razguñar.
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to claw. - - - - Antonny tried to claw his face with her fingernails.
Antonia intentó arañar su cara con las uñas.
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Antonny tried to claw his face with her fingernails.
Las noticias me acaban de dejar asombradó...... (Las noticias solo suelo me).
The champion floored Packio with an uppercut.
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The news just floored me.
the champion floored Close with an uppercut"
to floor: to knock (someone) to the ground, especially with a punch.
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Director de funeraria.
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ir de excursión con mochila.
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to go backpacking.

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