passion for, for the sake of, sounds like something, is on the same page (i.e. thinking in a similar manner, agreeing on something), merge, reap, perception, cross-post, set goals, to be known for, post about, dictatorship, interfere

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She has a strong {pasję do} painting, which she pursues every weekend.
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Passion for
He sacrificed his free time {dla dobra} his family's well-being.
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For the sake of
It's important that the entire team {ma takie samo zdanie} about the project goals.
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Is on the same page
The two companies decided to {połączyć się} to create a stronger market presence.
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Merge {mɜːrdʒ}
You will {zebrać} the benefits of hard work in the long run.
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Public {postrzeganie} of the company improved after the new campaign.
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Make sure to {udostępnić na kilku platformach} the announcement on all social media platforms.
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It's important to {wyznaczać cele} for the upcoming year.
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Set goals
The city {jest znane z} its beautiful architecture.
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To be known for
She likes to {pisać o} her travel experiences on her blog.
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Post about
The country suffered under a brutal {dyktaturą} for many years.
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He didn't want to {ingerować} with her plans.
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Interfere {ˌɪntərˈfɪr}
The new policy was positively {postrzegana przez} the employees.
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Perceived by {pərˈsiːvd baɪ}
The government's report was seen as an attempt to {zamydlić oczy} the public.
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