Past Simple czas przeszły prosty pytania 1

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czy wstałeś wcześnie?
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did you get up early. did you get up early.
czy wstałeś wcześnie?
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did you get up early. did you get up early...
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early. early. early.
wstałem wcześnie
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I got up early. I got up early. I got up early.
wstałem wcześnie
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I got up early. I got up early. I got up early.
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to get up. get up. get up.
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I got up. I got up. I got up.
o której wstałeś wczoraj?
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what time did you get up yesterday. what. time. did. you get.up. yesterday.
o której wstałeś wczoraj?
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what time did you get up yesterday. what. time. did. you. get up yesterday.
Budzić się
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Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
obudziłem się.
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I woke up. I woke up. I woke up.
wstać z łóżka
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get up. get up
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to bring. to bring. to bring.
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I brought. I brought. I brought. I brought.
Przyniosłem wczoraj paczkę.
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I brought a package yesterday. I brought a package yesterday. I brought. a package. yesterday.
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package. package. package.
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choose. choose. choose. choose.
ja wybrałem.
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I chose. I chose. I chose. I chose.
ja wybrałem to.
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I I chose it. I I chose it.
kto to wybrał
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who. who chose it. who. chose it. who chose it
Czy ty to wybrałaś
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Did you choose it. Did. you. Did you choose it. Did you choose it. Did you choose it. Did you choose it.
Czy ty wybrałaś ten samochód
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Did you choose. this. car. Did. you. choose this car. Did you choose. this car. Did. you choose. this car.
czy ty (dla czasu przeszłego)
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did you. did you. did. you.
Czy ty zjadłeś wczoraj kanapkę
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Did you. eat. a. sandwich yesterday. Did you eat a sandwich yesterday. Did you eat a sandwich yesterday. Did you. eat. a sandwich. yesterday.
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eat. eat. eat.
ja zjadłem.
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I ate. I ate. I ate. I ate. I ate.
Co zjadłeś po południu.
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What. did. you. the. afternoon. What did you eat in the afternoon. What did you eat in the afternoon. What. did. you. the. afternoon.
Co zjadłeś na śniadanie?
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What did you eat for breakfast? What did you eat for breakfast? What. did. you. eat. for. breakfast?
na śniadanie.
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for breakfast. for. breakfast. for breakfast. for breakfast. for breakfast. for breakfast.
Co oni zjedli w barze?
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What did they. the. bar? What did they eat at the bar? What did they eat at the bar? What. did. they. the. bar?
czy smakowało ci to?
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did you like it. did. you. did you like it
czy lubiłeś szkołę?
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did you like school. did. you. like. school. did you like school. did you like school.
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throw. throw. throw. throw.
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I threw. I threw. I threw. I threw.
RZUCIłem piłkę.
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I threw the ball. I. threw. the ball. I threw the ball. I threw the ball.
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see. see. see. see.
on widział mnie
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he saw me. he saw me.he. he saw me.
kto to widział?
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who who. who saw it. who saw it.
kto widział ten film?
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who saw this movie. who. saw. this. movie. who. saw. this movie
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film. movie. movie. film
Czy widziałeś Toma w poniedziałek.
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Did you. see. Tom.on. Monday. Did you see Tom on Monday. Did you see Tom on Monday.
zachód słońca.
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sunset. sunset. sunset. sunset. sunset.
czy widziałeś zachód słońca.
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did. you. see. the. sunset. did you see the sunset. did you see the sunset. did. you. see. the. sunset.
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write. write. write. write.
ja napisałem
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I wrote. I wrote. I wrote. I wrote.
Ja napisałem to pismo.
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I wrote this writing. I. wrote. this. writing. I wrote this writing.
kto to napisał
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who wrote it. who. who wrote it
opuścić. wychodzić, zostawiać
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leave. leave, leave
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I left. I left. I left. I left.
wyszedłem z pokoju.
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I left the room. I. left. the. room. I left the room. I left the room.
zostawiłem buty na przepokoju.
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I left my shoes in the hall. I left my shoes in the hall. I left my the. hall. I shoes. in the hall.
kto tu zostawił buty.
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who left the shoes here. who. left. the. shoes here. who left the shoes here.
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here. here. here.
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there. there. there. there.
oo tam (ze wskazaniem)
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over. there. over. there. over there. over there.
czuć się.
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feel. feel. feel. feel.
czułem się.
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I felt. I felt. I felt.
jak się czułeś w sobotę.
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how. did. you. feel.on. saturday. how did you feel on saturday. how. did. you. feel.on. saturday.
jak się wczoraj czułeś.
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how. did. you. feel. yesterday. how did you feel yesterday. how did you feel. yesterday.
pytania w czasie przeszłym prostym tworzymy stosując operator DID plus osobę i czasownik w formie podstawowej np. czy pracowałaś wczoraj?
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We. create. the simple. past. tense. using. the operator. DID. plus. a person. and a verb. in the basic. form, for example. did. you. work. yesterday
czy prowadziłeś wczoraj samochód.
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did. you. drive. a car. yesterday. did you drive a car yesterday. did. you. drive. a car. yesterday.
czy piłeś coś wczoraj
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did. you. drink. anything. yesterday. did you drink. anything. yesterday.
czy leciałeś samolotem w zeszłym tygodniu.
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did you. plane. last. week. did you fly by plane last week. did you fly by plane last week. did you fly. by plane. last week.
w zeszłym tygodniu.
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last week. last week. last week.
leciałem samolotem.
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I flew by plane. I plane. I flew by plane.
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to repeat. to repeat. to repeat.
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I. repeated. I repeated. I repeated. I repeated.
powtarzać materiał
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to revise. to revise to revise
powtórzyłem wszystko.
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I repeated. everything. I repeated everything. I repeated everything.
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congratulations. congratulations. congratulations. congratulations.

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