peak fitness, obsessed with, overdo, pull through, discharged (from hospital), emotional wreck, with hindsight, deducted

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She trained hard to reach {szczyt formy} before the competition.
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peak fitness {piːk ˈfɪtnəs}
He's {obsesję na punkcie} collecting vintage vinyl records.
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obsessed with {əbˈsɛst wɪð}
Don't {przesadzić, przeholować} it at the gym; you might injure yourself.
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overdo {ˌoʊvərˈdu}
Despite the illness, she managed to {wyzdrowieć} and recover fully.
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pull through {pʊl θruː}
After successful treatment, he was {wypisany} from the hospital.
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discharged {dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒd}
After the breakup, she felt like an {emocjonalny wrak}.
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emotional wreck {ɪˈmoʊʃənl rɛk}
{Z perspektywy czasu, po fakcie}, he realized he should have made a different decision.
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With hindsight {wɪð ˈhaɪn(d)ˌsaɪt}
Taxes will be {odjęte, potrącone} from your monthly salary
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deducted {dɪˈdʌktɪd}

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