penis foreskin testicles scrotum prostate bladder ejaculatory duct seminal vesicle vas deferens sperm / semen

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The {penis} is the external organ used for urination and sexual intercourse.
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Penis {ˈpiːnɪs}
The {napletek} is the fold of skin that covers the tip of the penis.
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Foreskin {ˈfɔːrˌskɪn}
The {jądra} produce sperm and testosterone.
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Testicles {ˈtɛstɪklz}
The {moszna} holds the testicles outside the body to regulate temperature.
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Scrotum {ˈskroʊtəm}
The {gruczoł krokowy} produces fluid that nourishes sperm.
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Prostate {ˈprɒsteɪt}
The {przewód wytryskowy} transports semen to the urethra during ejaculation.
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Ejaculatory duct {ɪˈdʒækjʊlətəri dʌkt}
The {nasieniowód} carries sperm from the testicles to the ejaculatory ducts.
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Vas deferens {ˈvæs ˈdɛfərɛnz}
{Plemniki/nasienie} are the male reproductive cells, while {nasienie} contains sperm and fluids.
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Sperm / Semen {ˈsiːmən}

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