phrasal verbs 2

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začněte se učit
make up
this class is made up entirely of boys.
women make up 40% of the employees here
skonczyc (gdzies, jako ktos)
začněte se učit
end up
you will end up without a job if you are rude to your boss
they ended up passing the last exam, even though they failed all the other exams.
patrzec w gore, spojrzec
začněte se učit
look up
i called his name, but he didn’t look up
she looked up from her computer/ her book
wyjąć (z)
začněte se učit
take out (of)
he took his clothes out of the suitcase and put them away in wardrobe
she took the letter out of the envelope
obmyslac, opracowywac
začněte se učit
work out
zrozumiec, rozgryzc
začněte se učit
work out
she couldn’t work out how the bird had got into the living room
narzekajacy, marudzacy
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
rzucac cos, przestawac cos robic
začněte se učit
give up
i will give up chocolate after the holidays

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