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base sth on sth
He has based his theory on scientific facts and figures.
obawiać się, bić się w pierś
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beat yourself up
When you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up – we learn from our mistakes.
zepsuć się
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break down
What happened when the car broke down?
włamać się do
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break into
In the past, burglars used to break into houses to steal TVs and DVD players
spalić coś (np kalorie)
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burn off sth
If you work out at the gym, you burn off calories.
odwiedzić kogoś
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call on sb
Why don’t you call on Mary and see how she’s feeling?
začněte se učit
carry on
You’ll make yourself seriously ill if you carry on working so much.
dopingować kogoś
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cheer sb on
There were thousands of fans in the stadium, all cheering their team on.
sprawiać wrażenie
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come across as
Be careful you don’t come across as shallow or vain.
napotkać natknąć się na
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come across sb/sth
I came across this photograph among some old newspapers.
pochodzić z
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come from
His father came from France.
dotrzeć, pojawić się, o przypływie
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come in (of tide)
The tide comes in.
wychodzić, być wydanym
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come out
When does his new book come out?
skoncentrować się na
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concentrate on sth
I want to concentrate on my career for a while.
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cut sth off
I only like lean meat so I cut off the fat and leave it on the side of my plate.
odciąć kogoś od
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cut sb off from sth
It’s common to complain that computers cut us off from reality.
radzić sobie z
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deal with sth
These kinds of fires are very difficult to deal with.
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die out
The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.
wystroić się
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dress up
It’s only a small party. You don’t need to dress up.
podrzucić kogoś samochodem, wysadzić kogoś
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drop someone off drop sb off car, drop someone off
I’ll drop you off on my way home.
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fall into sth
I slipped and fell into the hole.
spaść z
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fall off sth
He fell off his bike and broke his wrist.
pokłocić się
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fall out (with sb)
Nina’s fallen out with her brother.
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fall over
Our big apple tree fell over in the storm.
dowiadywać się
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find sth out
We never found out who sent the letter.
być w dobrych stosunkach z
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be on good termsget along/on (well) with sb with
They get along really well together.
dostać się do
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get into sth
You’ll have to work harder if you want to get into university.
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get off
Let’s get off at the next stop.
wstać, wydostać się
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get out of sth
There’s a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
dawać za darmo
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give sth away
In my local coffee shop, I tried to give away a cup of coffee.
poddać się, rzucić coś
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give (sth) up
Mark has given up trying to teach me to ski.
1. odbyć się, dojść do skutku; 2. proszę bardzo! (wyrażenie zgody)
začněte se učit
go ahead
1. The sale went ahead as planned. 2. ‘Do you mind if I open the window?’ ‘No, go ahead.’
začněte se učit
go away
We’re going away for the weekend
wziąć udział w
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go in for sth
I go in for competitions.
1. zepsuć się (o jedzeniu) 2. zadzwonić (o budziku)
začněte se učit
go off
1. The cheese and bread had to be eaten before they went off. 2. I continue sleeping in spite of my alarm going off in the morning.
1. wychodzić 2. (of tide) ustępować (o przypływie)
začněte se učit
go out
1. Are we going out tomorrow? 2. Where does the water depth only change by ten centimetres when the tide comes in and goes out?
podejść do
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go over to sb/sth
The gorilla went over to the boy.
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go through sth
Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys.
začněte se učit
hand sth over
I handed over my bag but took out one racket.
spędzać czas z
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hang out with sb
They hang out with their friends a lot.
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heat sth up
I heated up the remains of last night’s supper.
opóźniać/wstrzymywać kogoś
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hold sb up
I don’t want to hold you up – I know you’re in a hurry.
pospieszyć się
začněte se učit
hurry up
Hurry up! We’ll miss the bus.
dotrzymywać komuś kroku
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keep up with sb
Dave isn’t keeping up with the rest of the class in reading.
zawieść kogoś
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let sb down
Sometimes it’s difficult when you let your team down.
zamknąć kogoś na klucz
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lock sb (up)
The guards locked the prisoner up in the cell.
opiekować się
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look after sb/sth
We look after his children in the evening.
patrzeć na
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look at sb/sth
‘It’s time to go,’ said Patrick, looking at his watch.
začněte se učit
look into sth
We’re looking into the cause of the fire.
podziwiać kogoś
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look up to sb
He looks up to his older brother.
przerabiać na
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make sth into sth
It has been made into a museum
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make sth out
I can’t make the sign out.
spartaczyć coś
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mess up
If you mess up on stage, don’t worry about it. Just carry on.
nauczyć się, podłapać
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pick sth up
She picked up how to windsurf as soon as she could swim.
odebrać kogoś (samochodem)
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pick sb up
Mum’s picking me up at midday.
zauważyć, zwrócić uwagę (na to, że)
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point out
Art critics pointed out that a child could not produce those paintings.
zjechać na bok / na pobocze
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pull over
He pulled the car over.
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put sth in
They’re having a new bathroom put in.
zniechęcić kogoś do
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put sb off sth
Don’t be put off by the title – it’s a really good book!
zakładać, wkładać
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put sth on
Put your hat on – it’s cold outside.
wystawić (sztukę)
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put on
One summer the children put on a play.
przybrać na wadze
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put on (weight)
Mary put on weight when she quit smoking.
przenocować kogoś
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put sb up
I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days.
rozkładać, składać
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put sth up
The kids were putting a tent up in the garden.
polegać na
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rely on sb/sth
We’re relying on him to help.
wyczerpać się, nie mieć już
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run out of sth
I’ve run out of milk.
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sell out
I’m sorry, but the tickets are all sold out.
wyruszać (w podróż)
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set off (on a journey)
We’d better set off now, before it gets dark.
założyć, utworzyć
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set sth up
In 2000, he set up his own company.
zapisać się na
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sign up for
I’m thinking of signing up for a yoga course
siedzieć bezczynnie
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sit around
We sat around for a bit, chatting.
przespać coś
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sleep through sth
How did you manage to sleep through that thunderstorm?
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speed up
The truck speeded up going down the hill
rozstać się, zerwać z
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split up with
Eve’s parents split up when she was three.
zadebiutować, zacząć
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start out
When the band first started out, they played at small clubs.
przebywać poza domem
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stay out
She lets her children stay out until midnight.
1. wzburzyć, poruszyć 2. wzbudzać
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stir sth up
1. The wind had stirred up a powdery red dust. 2. These clips stirred up our emotions.
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switch sth off
My phone switches itself off if I don’t use it for a while.
być podobnym do, wdać się w
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take after sb
Sue takes after her Dad
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take sth away
Voluntary work could take time away from your studies.
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take sth off
He took off his shoes
przyjąć (wyzwanie)
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take on (a challenge)
I like taking on new challenges.
zająć się (np. zacząć coś uprawiać)
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take sth up
My best friend is going to take up running.
zajmować (czas, miejsce)
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take up sth
Voluntary work can take up a lot of time.
namówić kogoś na
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talk sb into sth
Has anybody ever talked you into taking up a sport or joining a team?
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throw sth away
Do you need these newspapers, or can I throw them away?
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try sth on
Would you like to try these jeans on?
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try sth out
Can I try out your new motorbike?
zmienić się w
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turn into
The company has turned into a global corporation.
pojawiać się
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turn up
Danny turned up late as usual.
obudzić się
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wake up
I woke up at 7 a.m. today.
zrezygnować z, porzucić
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walk away from sth
You can’t just walk away from fiftteen years of marriage!
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wear off
When you feel you are stuck, keep practising and eventually the feeling will wear off.
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write back
I sent them a card once, but they never wrote back
1. trenować, ćwiczyć 2. rozwiązać się, wyjść
začněte se učit
work out
1. She works out at the gym twice a week. 2. Don’t worry. I’m sure everything will work out fine.

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