phrasal verbs

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
ask somebody out
Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.
začněte se učit
zaprosić kogoś na randkę
invite on a date
abide by
If you want to keep your job here, you must abide by our rules.
začněte se učit
To respect or obey a decision, a law or a rule
account for
I hope you can account for the time you were out!
začněte se učit
wytłumaczyć, rozliczyć, stanowić
To explain, give a reason
add up
The facts in the case just don’t add up.
začněte se učit
zgadzać się
To make sense, seem reasonable
advise against
I advise against walking alone in this neighborhood.
začněte se učit
To recommend not doing something
allow for
We need to allow for unexpected charges along the way.
začněte se učit
wziąć coś pod uwagę, wliczyć coś, uwzględniać
To take into consideration
appeal to
He appealed to the court to change its decision. A vacation of sunbathing doesn’t appeal to me.
začněte se učit
odwołać się, apelować, podobać się
To plead or make a request To be attractive or interesting
back away
When he saw the bear, he backed away in fright
začněte se učit
wycofać się
To move backwards, in fear or dislike
back down
Local authorities backed down on their threats to build on that part of the beach.
začněte se učit
wycofywać się
To withdraw, concede defeat
back up
I’m going to be very strict with him. I hope you’ll back me up on this? You should back up all your computer files in a secure location.
začněte se učit
zrobić kopię, uzasadnić, poprzeć
To give support or encouragement To make a copy of (file, program, etc.)
bank on
I’m banking on you to help with the charity event.
začněte se učit
liczyć na kogoś
To base your hopes on something / someone
black out
Jenna fell in the parking lot and blacked out.
začněte se učit
tracić przytomność
To faint, lose consciousness

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