Phrasal verbs - intercambioidiomasonline

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Be into
I am into playing video games on weekends with my friends.
začněte se učit
Be into
He is into girls with long hair, he finds them very attractive.
začněte se učit
be attracted to someone
Be into
Are you into travel literature?.
začněte se učit
be interested in
Be into
I am really into this book, I can't stop reading it, it's the best book I've ever read.
začněte se učit
be enthusiastic about something
Be into
I was halfway into my daily exercise programme when I had to make a phone call.
začněte se učit
to reach a point in an ongoing process
Be on
I am on the huge project that needs to be presented in New York next month.
začněte se učit
dedicate time to
Be on
Your brother has very red eyes, what is he on?.
začněte se učit
be under the influence of something
być pod wpływem np. narkotyków
Be up for
Are you up for going out later? I am not up for anything today, I am feeling depressed.
začněte se učit
fancy/feel like
nie z into
Be up to
What are you up to? You should be at work not playing the computer.
začněte se učit
do sth
Be up to
I think the kids in my class are up to something this weekend, but I'm not sure what exactly.
začněte se učit
be planning something
Blend in
I know he is foreign, but he blends in perfectly native.
začněte se učit
go unnoticed
Blurt out
He is a very open person, he just blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. Maybe he should think a little before speaking.
začněte se učit
say without thinking first
Bump into
I bumped into my ex girlfriend last night, it was really weird.
začněte se učit
see someone by coincidence
na b
Call off
We called off the meeting as half the team couldn ́t come at that time.
začněte se učit
Call off
Will you please call off your dog? It won't stop barking at me.
začněte se učit
to stop or restrain a person or animal that is being aggressive
Calm down
I need to calm down at work, I am overwhelmed.
začněte se učit
nie z chill, wind
Calm down
The boss calmed down the employees that we showing their discontent.
začněte se učit
to become less agitated
Carry on
Shouldn't we carry on with the project? It's due tomorrow morning.
začněte se učit
Carry on
He was carrying on like a mad man.
začněte se učit
act wildly
Carry on
My granddad always carries on about how life was better in the past.
začněte se učit
Carry out
I am confident that we can carry out the project in time.
začněte se učit
do sth/realize an action
np. projekt, research
Carry someone or something out
I stood up and carries his books out.
začněte se učit
to remove something
nie z take, z carry
Catch up with
He is catching up with the work that he missed while he was ill last month.
začněte se učit
get to the same point as
Catch up with
It is great to catch up with old friends, you always have a lot to talk about.
začněte se učit
see someone after a long time
nie z run
Cheat on
My husband was cheating on my with his secretary so I decided to leave him.
začněte se učit
have an affair
Check out
Have you checked out the new restaurant in the city centre?.
začněte se učit
look at sth
Check out
You need to check out of the hotel by 11:00am.
začněte se učit
leave a hotel
Check out
I need to check out with my shopping once I am finished.
začněte se učit
complete a purchase
Check out
Sorry, what did you say? I checked out for a moment.
začněte se učit
become distracted
Cheer up
I was really down last week, until my friends came to my house to cheer me up that is.
začněte se učit
make someone feel happier
Come across
I came across this pen in the office, do you know whose it is?.
začněte se učit
find sth
Come across someone
I came across an old friend in the bar the other day.
začněte se učit
meet by chance
nie z run, bump
Come across
She comes across as being a little bit stupid, but she has a master ́s degree.
začněte se učit
seem/be viewed in a certain way
Come up with
I was extremely concerned because I couldn ́t come up with the solution to the exam question. Have you come up with a plan for the weekend yet?.
začněte se učit
think of
Crack down on
There was a massive problem with violence in my home town, so the police are cracking down on it and making lots of arrests.
začněte se učit
put in extreme measures to stop something
Crop up
We have only just begun the project, but quite a few issues have already cropped up.
začněte se učit
appear suddenly or in a surprising way
Cut down (on)
He needs to cut down on his sugar intake, it isn ́t healthy.
začněte se učit
reduce the amount of
Cut down trees
They are cutting down the rainforests at an unbelievable rate.
začněte se učit
chop down trees
Cut down to size
She seemed to think a lot of herself, you know, very arrogant. So I cut her down to size with a few simple words.
začněte se učit
make someone feel humble
Cut out
She should cut out smoking so much, it is bad for her health.
začněte se učit
stop using/doing
Cut out
The children cut out the shapes for the exercise in technology class.
začněte se učit
use scissors to remove something
Cut out
They cut us out of the fun because we arrived late.
začněte se učit
exclude someone from something
nie z leave
Drop off
My dad dropped us off at the airport before we went travelling.
začněte se učit
leave in a place
Drop off
The subscriptions seem to be dropping off recently, it is worrying.
začněte se učit
Drop off
The kids dropped off at about 9pm.
začněte se učit
go to sleep
Drop out (of)
I dropped out of university as I didn ́t enjoy the course.
začněte se učit
stop studying/going to school
Drop out
My wallet must have dropped out of my pocket because I can ́t find it.
začněte se učit
fall out of
End up
So, last night we ended up meeting your sister in the bar.
začněte se učit
final result
End up
She ended up the holiday in a 5 star hotel in London.
začněte se učit
terminate something
Face up to
She should face up to the fact that her marriage is over.
začněte se učit
accept a difficult situation as true
Face up to
I needed to face up to the consequences of my actions.
začněte se učit
accept the consequences
Fall for
I fell for her as soon as I saw her.
začněte se učit
fall in love with
Fall for
I don't normally fall for his lies.
začněte se učit
be tricked by
Fall out
She fell out of the car because she was drunk.
začněte se učit
fall from within something
nie z drop
Fall out
He is worried about his baldness because his hair is falling out. One of his teeth fell out last week, so he went to the doctor to see if he has scurvy.
začněte se učit
lose hair/teeth
Fall out with
I hardly ever fall out with my siblings, we get on like a house on fire.
začněte se učit
argue with
Figure out
We stumbled upon a huge problem with my university thesis and it took us 4 weeks to figure out what the problem was.
začněte se učit
find a solution to
nie z find, sort, work
Find out
I only found out about the job offer when it was too late to accept it.
začněte se učit
discover information
Get around
I normally get around my city on foot as it is a small place.
začněte se učit
move from place to place
Get (a)round to
What time did you get around to writing your essay last night?.
začněte se učit
start (after planning)
Get at
I think he is getting at what we discussed in last week's meeting.
začněte se učit
nie z come
Get at
Can you stop that please, you are really getting at me.
začněte se učit
annoy/get on (somebody's nerves)
Get at
I am trying to pick up the pen I dropped behind the desk, but I can't get at it.
začněte se učit
Get by
I find it difficult to get by on my salary. I can get by in Japanese, however, I don ́t speak fluently.
začněte se učit
manage with little money
Get into
I only got into jogging last year, I started because I wanted to get in shape.
začněte se učit
start liking
nie z take
Get into
I forgot my keys so I couldn't get into my flat.
začněte se učit
manage to enter
Get into trouble
He is always getting into trouble at school.
začněte se učit
find oneself in problems
zwrot, nie z mess
Get into a mess
I didn't pass the exam because I got into a mess on the final question.
začněte se učit
become confused or have problems with something
bardziej zwrot niż phrasal
Get stuck into
It is time to get stuck into this project so that we can finish once and for all.
začněte se učit
start to work on something (a lot)
ze stuck
Get on
You need to get on the bus at 17:00.
začněte se učit
enter a bus or plane
Get on with
I told my students to get on with their work.
začněte se učit
continue doing
nie z go, keep, carry
Get on with
I get on really well with my boss and workmates.
začněte se učit
have a good relationship with
nie zwrot
Get rid of
We were moving house and no longer needed our electrical appliances, so we decided to get rid of them instead of keeping them in storage.
začněte se učit
throw away, sell or give as a present
pozbyć się
Get together
At Christmas our family always gets together to celebrate.
začněte se učit
meet to spend time together
Get up
I normally get up at about 6 am so that I can go for a run.
začněte se učit
remove yourself from a bed
Get up to
What did you get up to last night? You shouldn't leave the children alone, when they are together they normally get up to no good.
začněte se učit
do sth/do sth you shouldn't
Go for
I went for the fish instead of the steak because it is healthier.
začněte se učit
Go off
I went off eating cheese because I ate too much over the Christmas period.
začněte se učit
stop liking
Go off
We need to buy more milk, this carton has gone off.
začněte se učit
go out of date
Go off
The lights went off in the middle of the film, it must be a power-cut.
začněte se učit
turn off
o światłach, że się wyłączyły
Go off
The bomb went off at around 8:30am.
začněte se učit
nie: blow up
Go off
We need to fix that alarm, it is always going off at night.
začněte se učit
np. alarm clock
Go out
I ́ll see you in half an hour. We normally go out at the weekend to the bar area in the city.
začněte se učit
go outside/go clubbing
Go out with
I have been going out with my girlfriend for about 2 years now.
začněte se učit
be in a relationship with
Hang on
You will need to hang on until we finish lunch.
začněte se učit
Hang out (of)
The dog loves hanging out of the car window as we drive.
začněte se učit
be a little outside of
Hang out (with)
I always hang out with my friends on Thursday evenings.
začněte se učit
spend time (with)
Hold up
We are waiting for the boss ́ decision that is what is holding up the process.
začněte se učit
nie z put, ale phrasal
Hold up
How is your sister holding up after losing her job?.
začněte se učit
remain strong/successful
Join in
We were playing football with my friends and suddenly some other children asked to join in.
začněte se učit
participate in
Keep on
Just keep on studying in the same way, you will soon notice the progress.
začněte se učit
nie z go, carry, get
Kick off
Let ́s kick off this meeting by reviewing the last financial quatre.
začněte se učit
start something
na k
Kick off
What time do you kick off this evening?.
začněte se učit
finish work
Let down
I feel that you have let everyone down with your lack of productivity at work.
začněte se učit
nie z put
Let down
We need to let down the tire on my bike a little, the pressure is too high.
začněte se učit
deflate slowly
Let off
I can ́t believe that they let him off with such a serious offence, he should be in prison.
začněte se učit
not punish/forgive
Let off
The bus driver stopped the bus to let me off.
začněte se učit
allow to get off
Look after
I almost never look after my siblings as we have a babysitter.
začněte se učit
take care of
Look after
My wife looks after the family's financial affairs.
začněte se učit
be in charge of
nie: take care of
Look down on
You shouldn't look down on your brother so much, everyone makes mistakes.
začněte se učit
think badly of
Look down on
We can look down on the university campus from our balcony.
začněte se učit
look downwards at
Look forward to
I am looking forward to our next holiday.
začněte se učit
be excited about
jak w listach
Look up to
I look up to my father, he is a very respectable man.
začněte se učit
Make up
It's true, I'm not making it up.
začněte se učit
invent information or a story
Make up
I think it is time to make up with my brother, we have been arguing for way too long.
začněte se učit
make peace with
jak np. pogodzić się z kimś po kłótni
Make up for
We should get on with our work to make up for the delay we had yesterday.
začněte se učit
recuperate or compensate for
Make up
The exam is made up of 4 tasks.
začněte se učit
składać się, nie z consist, phrasal
Mess about
The kids are messing about in the garden until you are ready to leave.
začněte se učit
kill time by doing something
Mess about
I got a new computer so I have been messing about on it in the evenings.
začněte se učit
use something without a clear objective or purpose
Mess about
I always got into trouble at school form messing about.
začněte se učit
behave badly
Mess around
Get on with your work and stop messing around on Facebook.
začněte se učit
waste time doing sth
Mess around
Those kids are always messing around with the sports equipment.
začněte se učit
behave in a stupid way
Pass away
My granddad was the greatest man I have ever known, I really looked up to him.
začněte se učit
Pick up
My dad is going to pick us up in half an hour.
začněte se učit
Pick up
If you do lots of speaking practice, your fluency will pick up.
začněte se učit
np. język
Pick up
He was late for the meeting so he picked up the pace to make up for lost time.
začněte se učit
increase in speed
phrasal na p
Put off
They put off the football match due to the bad weather.
začněte se učit
Put off
They were put off from going on the trip because it was very expensive.
začněte se učit
dissuade from
odwodzić, wyperswadować, nie z talk
Put on
I usually put on my trousers before my socks.
začněte se učit
dress oneself
Put on
I put on the light as I entered the house.
začněte se učit
turn on
Put on
I have put on over 10 kilos this year.
začněte se učit
gain weight
Put on
He wasn't really injured, he was just putting it on.
začněte se učit
nie z make
Put on
We thought the horse was going to win so we put $10 on it.
začněte se učit
bet/risk money
Put up
We are putting up my brother in law at the moment while they reform his house.
začněte se učit
allow someone to stay in your house
Put up with
I find it hard to put up with his lies, he never stops.
začněte se učit
Put up
I am going to put up a painting in the hall this afternoon.
začněte se učit
np. obraz na ścianie
Run out
He got up and ran out of the room because he was afraid.
začněte se učit
nie z get
Run out (of)
Laura went to the shop because she had run out of bread.
začněte se učit
not have any left/remaining
See off
I always accompany my son to the airport to see him off.
začněte se učit
say goodbye at the airport etc
See off
The man was trying to protect his house and he used a baseball bat to see off the thieves.
začněte se učit
get rid of
phrasal, nie z throw
Set off
What time should we set off tomorrow? We don't want to get there too late.
začněte se učit
start a journey
Set up
I ́m going to set up a new company that provides computer equipment to larger businesses.
začněte se učit
start a business
Set up
We need to set up a meeting with our partner company in the USA.
začněte se učit
Set up
It was all set up to cause us problems.
začněte se učit
lay a trap
Sign up for
At university I signed up for the football and swimming teams.
začněte se učit
do/join a team or club
nie z join, zapisać się, phrasal
Snow under
Lately my projects at work have snowed me under, I just can ́t keep up with it all.
začněte se učit
be overwhelmed/have too much work to do
Stand for
I find it really hard to stand for this type of behaviour.
začněte se učit
tolerate/protect or defend
Stand for
The image on the front page stands for his struggle with the disease.
začněte se učit
Stand for
Do you stand for pro or anti-bull fighters?.
začněte se učit
Stand for
Jeremy Corbyn is standing for the next general election.
začněte se učit
be a candidate
Stand out
He stands out in all aspects at school.
začněte se učit
be different/remarkable
Stay up
We shouldn ́t stay up so late on a work night, we are too tired in the morning.
začněte se učit
not go to bed
Take off
What time does the plane take off tomorrow?.
začněte se učit
the plane leaves the ground
Take off
The courses have really taken off since we started email marketing.
začněte se učit
become successful
Take on
We took on 4 new accountants last year due to the increase in volume of clients.
začněte se učit
Take on
If someone breaks into your house, you shouldn't ever take them on as it is dangerous.
začněte se učit
nie z face
Take to
Recently, I have really taken to running.
začněte se učit
become good at/do frequently
Take a fancy to
They have taken a fancy to baking over the last few years.
začněte se učit
zwrot z fancy
Take an exception to
I normally take an exception to these types of questions.
začněte se učit
zwrot z take, nie phrasal
Take up
I want to take up a new hobby, playing tennis or something like that.
začněte se učit
start doing
np. hobby
Tell off
The teacher is always telling off the same two boys in the class.
začněte se učit
shout at
Turn down
I went for the job, but they turned me down because of my lack of experience.
začněte se učit
Wear out
My computer has worn itself out through so much overuse.
začněte se učit
use so much that it no longer works
Wind down
The huge project we were working on at the office is winding down, therefore we need to be on the lookout for a new one.
začněte se učit
slowly come to an end
Wind up
My little brother used to wind me up all the time when we were kids, but now we get along fine.
začněte se učit
na w
Wind up
Things at work wound up early, so we all took the evening off.
začněte se učit
come to an end (wind down)

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