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Remove rights to write in a file for the file owner
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chmod u-w myfile
Remove rights to read in a file for the file owner
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chmod u-r myfile
Add rights to read and write in a file for the file owner
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chmod u+rw myfile
Remove rights to read in a file for the owner, group and others
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chmod -r myfile
Remove rights to write in a file for the owner, group and others
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chmod -w myfile
How to add group in the system?
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groupadd finance
How to list all groups?
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getent group or cat /etc/group
How to change owner for the file or catalog
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chown user: group file or directory
Remove rights to write in a file for the group
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chmod g-w myfile
Remove rights to read in a file for the group
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chmod g-r myfile
Add rights to read and write in a file for the group
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chmod g+rw myfile
Remove rights to write in a file for the others
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chmod o-w myfile
Remove rights to read in a file for the others
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chmod o-r myfile
Add rights to read and write in a file for the others
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chmod o+rw myfile
How to add user to the group
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usermod -G finance user // relog to enable access to finance
How to remove execute rights on files?
začněte se učit
chmod ug-x -R finance
How to remove execute rights on directories?
začněte se učit
chmod ug+X -R finance
How to add rights for all: owner, group and others for the file?
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chmod a+r test1
What is setgid
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permission bit - gives permission as a group
What is setuid
začněte se učit
permission bit - gives permission as a user
How to add setgid?
začněte se učit
chmod g+s test1

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