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Which file system is best used with LVM volumes?
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For an MBR partition, what is the max disk size a partition can be?
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How many primary partitions can a GPT partition table have?
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What is the limit for primary partitions when using the MBR partition type?
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Which file on the operating system contains information about which partitions the OS is reading?
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Which tool(s) would you use to manage GPT-based partitions?
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gdisk, parted
Which command displays information about a swap device?
začněte se učit
swapon -s
Which command is used to assign a swap signature to a device?
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After adding 50 GB more of physical storage to your existing volume group, you need to extend your /dev/battlestar/galactica logical volume group to include an additional 20GB of storage. How might you accomplish this task?
začněte se učit
vextend -L +20G /dev/battlestar/galactica
You are extending a logical volume. To do this, you have to add the /dev/xvdj device to the volume group "battlestar". Which command would you issue to accomplish this task?
začněte se učit
vgextend battlestar /dev/xvdj
What is the maximum disk size for a GPT-based partition?
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8 ZiB
Select the correct order of tasks for creating an LVM for the first time.
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Create the physical volume (pvcreate), create the volume group (vgcreate), create the logical volume (lvcreate)
You're in the middle of the Red Hat certification test and forget which LVM commands you need to use to perform the specified tasks. What option(s) do you have?
začněte se učit
man lvm, info lvm
You've just increased the size of the /dev/battlestar/galactica LVM volume. This volume is mounted in /mnt/mydir; which command would you issue for the operating system and file system to recognize the increase in size on the device?
začněte se učit
xfs_growfs /mnt/mydir
After making partition changes, the partition changes do not appear in the /proc/partitions. How can you force the kernel to reload the partition tables?
začněte se učit
issue the partprobe command
Given the volume group "battlestar" and a physical volume in the volume group /dev/xvdf1, which command would accurately create a 19 G logical volume out of /dev/xvdf1 with a volume name of "galactica"?
začněte se učit
lvcreate -n galactica -L 19G battlestar
Swap space can be created out of GPT-, MBR- and LVM-based partitions/volumes.
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What command is used to inform the OS of partition table changes?
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What are two ways to find information about swap devices enabled on the system?
začněte se učit
swapon -s, cat /proc/swaps
The file system needs to be created on the device after the logical volume is created (lvcreate).
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What command would you use to install the star utility?
začněte se učit
yum install star

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