Poverty in a rich world

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We are living in a wealthier world. The number of people living in extreme poverty has halved in recent decades.
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A recent report by Oxfam and Credit Suisse revealed how divided we all are when it comes to wealth.
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inequality = when some people have a lot of money and opportunities and others don't
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minimum wage = the least a worker receives in payment for their labour
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philanthropic describes people who help the poor by giving money
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How come?
How come you’re not at work today?
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Jak to się stało?
there's still a lot of inequality in different countries. Inequality - in other words some people have a lot of money and opportunities and others just don't.
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As we said, experts have concluded that more people are living better when you look at the world as a whole, but in individual countries you can find people with hardly anything to eat
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and others with lots of houses, cars, land and so on... So, Rob, how can this situation be reversed?
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And they've been taking just some really sensible measures – measures around having more progressive tax, around investing in a higher minimum wage
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And they've been taking just some really sensible measures – measures around having more progressive tax, around investing in a higher minimum wage
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Środki dzialania
reverse this tide
these things that all governments can do that start to reverse this tide.
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odwrócić tę falę / rozwój sytuacji
See, the tide is going down over the sand.
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turn the tide
Most of the time I believe we will turn the tide.
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odwrócić bieg
seek a better education
He meant that if people are paid a higher minimum wage, they can eat better, seek a better education, and their children can have a better job in the future.
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dążyć do lepszej edukacji
people who are unemployed and actively seeking work. He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.
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szukać/ ubiegać się
seek sought sought
An example of sought is a family looking for their lost dog.
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to lift out
They can be lifted out of poverty.
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podnieść się
lift out of poverty
They can be lifted out of poverty.
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wydźwignąć się z biedy
Well, their obligation of course is to pay their taxes, but our advice to them is that they all look at taking their wealth and being philanthropic
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but our advice to them is that they all look at taking their wealth and being philanthropic - both in their own country and to help the global poorest.
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So rich people have to be 'philanthropic'! It means they have to help poor people by giving their money.
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and so on and so forth
and others with lots of houses, cars, land and so on... So, Rob, how can this situation be reversed?
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i tak dalej, i tak dalej

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