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začněte se učit
should. should. should. should.
začněte se učit
I should. I should. I should. I should. I should.
začněte se učit
you should. you should. you should. you should.
začněte se učit
he should. he should. he should. he should.
začněte se učit
should you. should you. should you. should you.
czy ty powineneś tu pływać? začněte se učit
should you swim here. should you swim here. should you swim here. should you swim here.
czy ty powineneś tu zostać? začněte se učit
should you stay here. should you stay here. should you stay here. should you stay here.
začněte se učit
you shouldn't. you shouldn't. you shouldn't. you shouldn't.
začněte se učit
you should not. you should not. you should not. you should not. you should not.
ty nie powineneś tutaj palić. začněte se učit
you shouldn't smoke here. you shouldn't smoke here. you shouldn't smoke here. you shouldn't smoke here. you shouldn't smoke here.
ty nie powineneś tutaj palić. začněte se učit
you should not smoke here.
ty nie powineneś tutaj parkować. začněte se učit
you shouldn't park here. you shouldn't park here. you shouldn't park here. you shouldn't park here.
ty nie powineneś tutaj parkować. začněte se učit
you should not park here. you should not park here. you should not park here. you should not park here.
Powinnaś z nim porozmawiać. začněte se učit
You should talk to him. You should talk to him. You should talk to him. You should talk to him.
začněte se učit
You should go to bed. You should go to bed. You should go to bed. You should go to bed.
Powinnaś iść wcześnie spać. začněte se učit
You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. You should go to. bed. early. You. should.go. to bed. early.
Czy nie powinieneś zmienić ubrań? začněte se učit
Shouldn't you change clothes? Shouldn't you change clothes? Shouldn't you change. clothes? Shouldn't. you change. clothes? Shouldn't. you change clothes?
Czy nie powinieneś iść do lekarza? začněte se učit
Shouldn't you see a doctor? Shouldn't you see a doctor? Shouldn't you see a doctor? Shouldn't you see a doctor?
Czy nie powinieneś kupić bilet? začněte se učit
Shouldn't you buy a ticket? Shouldn't you buy a ticket? Shouldn't you buy a ticket?. Shouldn't. you. buy. a ticket? Shouldn't. you. buy. a ticket?
začněte se učit
Where should we go? Where should we go? Where should we go? Where should we go?
Dokąd powinnam włożyć wszystkie te części začněte se učit
Where. should. I put. all. these. parts. Where should I put all these parts. Where. should. I put. all these parts.
začněte se učit
What should I eat? What should I eat? What should I eat? What should I eat? What should I eat?
začněte se učit
should i help you. should i help you. should i help youshould i help you
začněte se učit
should we be here. should we be here. should we be here. should we be here.
nie powinniśmy się martwić. začněte se učit
we shouldn't be worried. we shouldn't be worried. we shouldn't be worried. we shouldn't. be worried. we shouldn't.be. worried.
začněte se učit
we should not be afraid. we should not be afraid we should not be afraid. we should not be afraid
začněte se učit
should i do something. should i do something should i do something should i do something
Dlaczego powinniśmy cię zatrudnić? začněte se učit
Why should we hire you? Why should we hire you? Why should we hire you? Why. should. we hire. you?
začněte se učit
nie powinniście wychodzić po północy. začněte se učit
you shouldn't go out midnight. you shouldn't go out midnight. you shouldn't go out midnight.
jak długo powinnśmy tutaj tańczyć začněte se učit
how long should we dance here.