prepositions 1

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otázka odpověď
At a glance
I could tell at a glance that he was furious.
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Na pierwszy rzut oka
at a loss
The employee was at a loss to explain his lateness.
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w rozterce
at the latest
The boss wants the work finished by 3 o’clock at the latest!
začněte se učit
by chance
Some people say that it is only by chance that she has advanced so far in her career.
začněte se učit
przez przypadek
at the expense of
Some people say that women’s entry into the workplace is at the expense of men.
začněte se učit
by accident
The technicians found the solution entirely by accident, while they were working on something else.
začněte se učit
przez przypadek
at odds with
Despite the fact that the two partners are always at odds with one another, their business thrives.
začněte se učit
nie zgadzać się
at first hand
The boss arrived at the site to see at first hand what progress was being made.
začněte se učit
osobiście, z pierwszej ręki
by nature
The boss is a patient man by nature.
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z natury
by law
By law, all new business plans must first be approved by the local authorities.
začněte se učit
zgodnie z prawem
by surprise
He was taken by surprise to hear he’d got the job.
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z zaskoczenia
by now
He should have finished the job by now.
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do tego czasu
At random
He filled in the betting slip without a system; just choosing numbers at random.
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at all events
My secretary might not be back from holiday today, but at all events she’ll be in tomorrow.
začněte se učit
cokolwiek się stanie, cokolwiek się dzieje, w każdym razie
by far
She is the best by far at that kind of work.
začněte se učit
o wiele, zdecydowanie
by all means
By all means, tour the factory; we would be very happy for you to do that.
začněte se učit
oczywiście, jak najbardziej, za wszelką cenę
At an advantage
Due to the great height of their players, that team is always at an advantage.
začněte se učit
mieć przewagę, na korzyść
by degrees
This product is, by degrees, beginning to gain popularity over the others.
začněte se učit
stopniowo, powoli
At peace
When you are at peace with yourself it’s easier to get along with co-workers.
začněte se učit
w spokoju, na stopie pokojowej, w zgodzie (z czymś)
at a distance
When I’m at a distance from my work, solutions to problems are easier to find.
začněte se učit
z dużej odległości, z dużego dystansu

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