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otázka odpověď
- Zgubiłem sie
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I’ve got lost.
- Przepraszam, jak dojsc do centrum?
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Excuse me, How can I get to the centre?
- Idz prosto ulica Regent
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Go along Regent Street.
- Idz prosto
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Go straight on.
- Skrec w prawo
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Turn right.
- Skrec w lewo
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Turn left.
- Czy to jest dalekostad?
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Is it far from here?
- Kilka minut pieszo
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A few minutes on foot.
- Prosze pokazac to na mapie
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Show it on the map, please.
- O tu jestesmy
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Here we are.
- Pójdzie pan tedy
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Go this way.
- Czy w pobli u jest bank?
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Is there a bank near here?
- Jest tam, w pobli u centrum handlowego
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Over there, near the shopping centre.
- Przepraszam, gdzie jest dworzec? Excuse me
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Where is the station?
- Apteka jest z prawej strony
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The chemist’s is on the right.
- Sklep spoz ywczy jest z lewej strony
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The grocer’s is on the left.
- Pomiedzy poczta i kwiaciarnia
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Between the post office and the florist’s.
- Przed ksiegarnia
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In front of the bookshop.
- Z tyłu za postojem taksówek
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Behind the taxi rank.
- Obok kiosku
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Next to the newsagent’s.

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