otázka |
odpověď |
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crossing the street in the wrong place – nieprawidłowe przechodzenie przez jezdnię
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publicly lying about sb – {speaking} zniesławienie, oszczerstwo, potwarz
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publishing lies about sb – {writing} zniesławienie, paszkwil
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remaining in a public place without obvious reason – podejrzane zachowanie
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illegally entering sb’s property – wkraczanie bez pozwolenia na czyjś grunt, naruszenie czyjejś własności
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if the police act on a tip-off, they use information they have been given to try to prevent a crime or seize a criminal/illegall goods – działać na podstawie informacji (o policji)
TO BE CONVICTED OF A CRIME začněte se učit
to be found guilty in a court of law of a crime you have been accused of committing – być skazanym
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to have escape from prison and not been captured by the authorities – chodzić wolno po ucieczce z więzienia
to say that sth is not possible – wykluczyć możliwość
if the judge sentences sb, he or she states in court what their punishment is going to be – być skazanym na
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to be accepted as true or satisfactory when it is carefully examined in court – obronić się w sądzie (o alibi, o dowodzie)
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to provide the court with information that shows that sb is guilty of the crime that they have been accused of committing – zeznawać przeciwko
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to tell the police where and when a crime will be committed or where a criminal or illegal, stolen goods can be found – dać cynk policji
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to press your lips together – zaciskać usta
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the cells in a prison for prisoners who are waiting to be killed as punishment for a serious crime – cele, w których przebywają więźniowie skazani na śmierć
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to make weak crying sounds, especially with fear or pain – kwilić, piszczeć, skomleć
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execution by electricity – śmiertelne porażenie prądem, krzesło elektryczne
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to give sb information so that they understand sth better – oświecić, objaśniać
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extremely unpleasant or bad; terrible – okropny, przerażający, potworny, koszmarny
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extremely unpleasant and frightening and usually connected with death and violence – przerażający, makabryczny
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a curved or round shape made by a line – pętla
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a circle like this in a rope that is used for hanging a person – stryczek
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to do sth badly – spartaczyć
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to put sth into sth or between two things – wkładać, umieszczać
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to experience, to suffer – odnieść
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to make a stupid mistake – popełnić gafę
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not as strict as expected – łagodny, pobłażliwy, wyrozumiały
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to rise very fast/to fly high in the air – szybować/wzbijać się, zwyżkować
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TO WRIGGLE – wiercić się, wić się
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a person who is new to an organization or an activity
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a small piece of metal, cloth or plastic with a design or words on it that you wear on your clothing – odznaka, znaczek
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a person from Spain, Portugal, Italy or South America
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liberals who cuddle and comfort murdererers, rapists and child molesters
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not capable or going wrong or being wrongly used – nie do zepsucia, niezawodny
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a small problem or fault that stops sth working successfully – usterka
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to include, especially different types of things – obejmować
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a legal representative who officialy accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a court of law – oskarżyciel publiczny, prokurator
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a police officer of the lowest level - posterunkowy
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a higher – ranking lawyer
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spełnić swój obowiązek, wnieść swój wkład
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to leave sb/sth – rzucać, porzucać
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walczyć z przestępczością
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SCARY, straszny, z dreszczykiem
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odebranie, pozbawienie przywileju
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to officialy cancel sth so that is no longer valid – unieważniać, uchylać
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