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used to convince a person to change their attitude or position
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come on!
the fake hair a bald person puts on top of their head (also known as “toupé”).
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white or colored sticks for writing and/or drawing (on a school chalk board).
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a meeting with a romantic intention (can be used to describe both the meeting and the person).
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When something happens unexpectedly
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all of a sudden
I was walking down the street and all of a sudden someone crept out of a dark place, and that scared me shitless.
to result or happen in a particular way, often in an unexpected way.
Impreza okazała się być
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to turn out (to be)
The party turned out to be a blast.
affectionate way to address romantic partner, relative, or close friend
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can be one’s possessions, and when it is used in this context it’s more common than to say ‘things.
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przenosic kogoś rzeczy
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move one's stuff
to stop bothering someone
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leave (sb) alone
Leave me alone, I have work to do and you’re just distracting me.
darkened, clouded, or blurry, usually with liquids
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forget about it. Used to say that you no longer care about something
Do diabła z czymś
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to/the hell with (sth/sb)
To hell with the weather, we’re going out anyway
to speak so everyone can hear you
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[speak/read] out loud
to be feeling pain, in this case emotional
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to hurt
a place that provides adult entertainment, usually in the form of streap tease and other erotic dances. Note: this is different from a “a whore house,” which is a place with prostitutes
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Strip joint
with no boyfriend or girlfriend. Opposite of ‘engaged’ or ‘in a relationship.
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white dress, with veil, used by a bride at a wedding
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Wedding dress
Exclamation used when we’re glad, especially when it is something good after something bad happened.
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Thank God
Common Error: ThankS God
coffee without caffeine
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one of the bride’s best friends that participates in the wedding with the bride (the girl that gets married).
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a thing to pour sauce
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Gravy boat
beautiful or magnificent
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common brand of sweetener used in the U.S. instead of sugar
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Sweet ‘n’ low
to be sexually excited by something
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To be turned on (by sth)
to go into an intense emotional state, feeling either extreme fear, surprise, anger or excitement
Kiedy on zobaczył wypadek zwariował.
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freak out
When he saw the accident he freaked out.
it became apparent/obvious. We say that something hits us when we can finally see or understand something
W końcu dotarło do mnie dlaczego on nie chce grać w FIFA. Wie że z nim wygram a on nienawidzi przegrywać
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It hit me
It finally hit me why he didn’t want to play FIFA with me. He knows I’ll beat him and he hates losing
to slowly become more distant
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Drift apart (from each other)
problem or sth to be discussed
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a TV drama that focuses on relationships between the characters. Common Mistake: Novel (from Novela in Spanish/ Port)
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soap opera
to find a solution for something or develop an understanding of something
Nie potrafię wymyślić jak naprawić mój komputer.
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figure something out
I can’t figure out how to fix my computer
co jest grane, o co chodzi
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what is going on
an instrument similar to a piano but it’s sound comes from air pipes
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Pipe organ
If something matters to you, it is important for you
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To matter
a series of steps between two levels in a house or building
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the individual drops of water when it rains
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baby cat
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A type of winter glove
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a thin material used for tying stuf
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hol, aula, korytarz
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a hall
to flirt with someone, to make sexual advancements on someone
Kevin podrywał Marry przez lata i zaprosił ją na randkę.
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hit on (sb)
Kevin has been hitting on Mary for ages and he asked her out
Apparatus, like the doorbell, but with a buzz sound, to notify you of visitors
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press the button on the inter phone (audio communication tool) to let someone into the building
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Buzz him in
to ask sb (especially a girl) to go out with you on a date
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ask (sb) out
to continue, to get moving
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Go on
a young girl writes in her diary about her personal life, generally related to boys
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a dear diary moment
I didn’t hear you name
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I didn’t catch your name
to remove something, generally with physical force
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Pull (sth) out
short protective hairs at the end of your eyelids
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going to, to be on your way to a place
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To be headed for (a place)
when a man and a woman go to some romantic place after their wedding
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When we introduce Paul
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This is Paul
To assemble (a piece of furniture in this case)
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Put together
to spend time somewhere without doing anything particularly important
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Hang out (somewhere)
means to spend time together with a friend
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hang out with someone
: to sit in a crouching position with knees bent.
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to squat
a large number of objects or people
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a bunch of
used to intensify indefinite pronouns
Twoje wyjaśnienie w ogóle nie ma sensu.
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Your explanation does not make sense whatsoever
to throw or place something in a careless way
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Dump something
everything is done
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All Finished
you get tricked, or as in this case, to get a bad deal
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To get screwed
to start becoming suspicious about something
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To catch on
passing through a situation- in this case a negative situation
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Going through
an unorganized, bad state
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A mess
I decided to choose=
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I went for
referring to the answering machine, disconnected her call
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The machine cut me off
discourse marker used to change subjects while speaking
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an ice cream flavor that contains marshmallows and nuts.
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Rocky Road
raw ingredients of a cookie before baking it. Ice-cream flavor.
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Cookie dough
sweet cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy.
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Whipped cream
slightly vulgar way to say sexually excited or aroused- also turned on
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When your partner (husband, wife, boyfriend etc) leaves you.
Rachel zostawiła Barrego
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Walked out on (someone)
Rachel walked out on Barry.
przeliterować coś
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Spell it out
he act of revealing something private or confidential
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to do an activity that requires training or skill
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to eject saliva from the mouth
Monika opluła Paula
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Spit (on sb)
Monika splits on Paul
to break something usually glass related cup window door
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to take hold of something with your hand
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when you want to emphasize something that may be contrary to the idea
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Here’s the thing
to stop acting in a reckless or non-productive way or to get in the right mind state to do something positive or beneficial for oneself
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get it together
when you have momentum with lots of success with something
jestes teraz na fali
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on roll
you're on roll now
a facial expressions of disapproval
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a container for plants
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Plant pot
to broadcast or show a movie or TV series again
uwielbiam oglądać powtórki friendsow
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I love watching Friends re-runs
a metal or plastic triangle used to hang clothes in your wardrobe
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a story or phrase used (generally by men) to make someone sexually interested in you
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A line
a signaling or guiding device that emits light to show where you are, or give warning
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to leave a place without being taken seriously by anyone
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Laughed out of a place
optimistic, happy, cheerful
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to be supported financially by someone or something
Rachel zyje na koszt rodzicow
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Live off of someone/ something
Rachel lives off her parents
front window of a car that protects you from the wind
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to stay the night at a friends’ house sleeping on the couch/sofa
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Crash on the couch
to share something by dividing into equal parts. In a more general sense, to divide or break something up
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Split it
to have a strong desire for someone; infatuation with someone, generally without the other person knowing (kind of common with teens.)
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Have a crush on (sb)

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