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It is important to have preventive measures to make sure all money is handled properly.
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intended to stop something before it happens
The manager tracked the progress of the team using a simple time management app.
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follow the development or progress of something
The package's daily location was logged on the website.
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record something
My sister nudged me to start my own company and I saw how much she believed in me.
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encourage someone, in a gentle way, to do something
When others feel anxiety I like to be the one who calms their fears
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The quality of their products regrettably declined after they lost sight of their mission statement.
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a gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value.
Our supply chain was disrupted by the Covid-19 outbreak.
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interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a problem.
She felt trapped in the urban jungle, so she moved to the country.
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Czuła się uwięziona w miejskiej dżungli, więc przeniosła się na wieś.
For the company it was important that every new employee be nurtured by a mentor.
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help someone to develop
The party was very extravagant, with expensive champagne, caviar, and a string orchestra.
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excessive, lacking in moderation
The government is making reforms to the education system. It means a lot of changes.
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changes in policies or practices
It's her birthday coming up, should we pool some money together for present?
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combine resources, e.g. money
I feel that we should allocate some of our budget to employee health and wellbeing.
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give to someone for a specific purpose
The hotel booking came with a complimentary breakfast.
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given or supplied free of charge
He needs advice and guidance.
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Potrzebuje porady i wskazówek.
start off with a bang
It's important to start off each project with a bang.
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begin with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success
start with a clean slate
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starting an activity or process again, not thinking about what has happened in the past at all:
to make up for lost time
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do something faster or more often in order to compensate for not having done it quickly or often enough before.
. My sister ______________(fly) home from London today. Her flight ___________________ (arrive) in an hour so I ___________________ (leave) for the airport right now to get there in time.
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My sister is flying (fly) home from London today. Her flight will arrive (arrive) in an hour so I am leaving (leave) for the airport right now to get there in time.
Andy and Mary _____________(go) to a concert tomorrow night. They ____________________________ (look forward to) it the whole week.
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Andy and Mary are going (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They have been looking forward to (look forward to) it the whole week.
. I _______________ (sleep) when the fire broke out.
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. I was sleeping (sleep) when the fire broke out
. I __________________(just see) the film “The Da Vinci Code”. – ___________________ (you see) it too? – No, I ___________________ (not have) but I ___________________ (read) the book.
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. I have just seen (just see) the film “The Da Vinci Code”. – Have you seen (you see) it too? – No, I haven’t (not have) but I read (read) the book.
While he ______________(wait) for the bus there ___________________ (be) a robbery at the bank. After the robbers ___________________ (go) away the police ___________________ (come) but they ___________________ (not can) to catch them.
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While he was waiting (wait) for the bus there was (be) a robbery at the bank. After the robbers had gone (go) away the police came (come) but they were not able (not can) to catch them.

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