Sentencje 04

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I found, however
I found, however, that understanding the model well enough...
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Znalazłem jednak / Okazało się jednak
Looking under the hood
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Patrząc pod maskę
it seemed so out of place for me
My previous associations with these buses were mostly big cities like London so it seemed so out of place for me
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wydawało mi się to nie na miejscu
to take the world by a storm
Git itself has taken the world by a storm
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podbić świat
Let us distill how it works
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Wypróbujmy, jak to działa
commit suicide
Some people commit suicide when they find it impossible to carry on living after a major disaster in their lives, like bankruptcy in business
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popełnić samobójstwo
working on commision
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praca na zlecenie
from scratch
saving the time, energy, knowledge, and resources that would have gone to training a language-processing model from scratch
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od zera
wrap one’s head around
There are a number of concepts one needs to be aware of to properly wrap one’s head around what BERT is
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zastanowić się nad tym
dispensing with
based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely.
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rezygnacja z
superior in quality
these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable
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najwyższa jakość
state of the art approaches
Recurrent neural networks have been firmly established as state of the art approaches
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najnowocześniejsze podejścia
have been firmly established
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zostały mocno ugruntowane
in plain terms
Gradient, in plain terms means slope or slant of a surface
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w prostych słowach
operates upon
the objective function that the gradient descent algorithm operates upon
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działa na
stick to
So, it is always good to stick to low learning rate such as 0.01.
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trzymać się
This is followed by
This is followed by a chapter on structured programming
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Po nim następuje
just to make clear
just to make clear that what we are talking about is a function rather than some other kind of Python expression
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żeby było jasne
at the outset
we only mention them at the outset to give newcomers a sense of the power and creativity of programming
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Na wstępie
slightly complicated
This example is slightly complicated
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nieco skomplikowane
the chief measure
In the history of artificial intelligence, the chief measure of intelligence has been a linguistic one, namely the Turing Test
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główna miara
This can range from
This can range from the very basic, such as an Excel spreadsheet, to the very advanced, like a humanoid robot that can walk and talk
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Może to wahać się od / może mieć formę
Ever since
Ever since the first mammal decided to rise on its hind legs to see above the grass
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The choice of whether or not to use
The choice of whether or not to use lists or sets depends on intended use.
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Wybór, czy użyć, czy nie
the city is shelled
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miasto jest ostrzelane
I know you cheated
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Wiem, że zdradziłeś
just to name a few
Animals often have yearly migration patterns; students usually have weekly schedules for classes; and the usage of bedroom, toilet, and kitchen could have daily periodicity, just to name a few.
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żeby wymienić tylko kilka
unless otherwise stated
For the rest of the paper, unless otherwise stated, we always refer the word “period” to “prime period”.
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o ile nie zaznaczono inaczej
come up with
What ideas have you come up with
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wpaść na coś, wymyślić coś
sworn allegiance
The dataset is a single social network graph made up of individuals that have sworn allegiance to one of two karate clubs after a political rift
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przysięgła wierność
how do we go about
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jak sobie radzimy?
serves as
A foundation model is itself unfinished but serves as the common basis
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służy jako

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