SES1-At the university

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hola amigos
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Hello friends
bienvenidos al primer episodio de super easy Spanish
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welcome to the first episode of super easy Spanish
hoy nos encontramos en el Campus Central
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today we are in the Central Campus
de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México o UNAM
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of the National Autonomous University of Mexico or UNAM
vamos a recorrerla y a conocer algunos de sus espacios
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we will visit it and know some of its spaces
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let's go
estas son letras gigantes
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these are giant letters
esa es una A
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that is one
me acercaré a la A
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I will approach the A
la a i yo somos del mismo tamaño
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the ai I are the same size
¿cómo está el clima hoy?
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how is the weather today?
hoy el clima está muy soleado
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today the weather is very sunny
hace mucho calor
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it is very hot
por eso traigo mis lentes de sol
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that's why I bring my sunglasses
¿qué es eso?
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what is that?
eso es un vendedor de papas fritas
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that's a french fries seller
¿y que hay adentro de la caja de cristal?
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And what's inside the glass box?
esas son papas fritas
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those are french fries
esas son dos bicicletas
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those are two bicycles
¿bicicletas? sí, chiquitas
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bikes? yes, small ones
¿qué día es hoy?
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What day is today?
hoy es domingo
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Today it is Sunday
los domingos vienen las familias a relajarse a la universidad
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On Sundays families come to relax at the university
¿qué más vienen a hacer?
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What else come to do?
vienen a pasear a sus perros
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they come to walk their dogs
bueno, pues también vienen a jugar voleibol
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well, they also come to play volleyball
vamos a ver
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we'll see
eso es una red
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that's a network
qué es esa cosa amarilla
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what is that yellow thing
eso es un balón
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that's a ball
el hombre patea la pelota
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the man kicks the ball
¿que están haciendo ellos?
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What are they doing
ellos juegan fútbol
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they play football
que vende ese carrito
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who sells that cart
ese carrito vende raspados
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that cart sells scrapes
¿qué es un raspado?
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What is a scrape?
un raspado es mucho hielo molido con el jarabe del sabor que tú quieras
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a scraping is a lot of crushed ice with the syrup of the flavor that you want
suena Rico
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sounds delicious
¿de qué sabor es tu raspado favorito?
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What flavor is your favorite scrape?
mi raspado favorito es sabor grosella
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my favorite scrape is redcurrant flavor
Juan me dijo que su raspado favorito es de limón
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Juan told me that his favorite scraping is lemon
¿qué hacen ellos?
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what are they doing?
ellos montan una bicicleta
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they ride a bicycle
¿qué haces?
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What do you do?
yo estoy caminando sobre el carril de las bicicletas
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I'm walking on the bicycle lane
eso no se hace
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you don't do that
estoy rompiendo las reglas
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I'm breaking the rules
me saldré de carril
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I will leave lane
ahora camino sobre el paso
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now I walk on the step

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