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beat about/around the bush
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When I came in she was busily writing something at her desk.
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have no business to do sth/doing sth - You have no business to read/reading my letters without asking me.- nie mieć prawa get down to business - Let’s just have a cup of coffee before we get down to business.- zabierać się do pracy go out of business - zwijać biznes -The shop went out of business because it couldn’t compete with
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centrum biznesowo-przemysłowe začněte se učit
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okresowy bilet autobusowy začněte se učit
a ticket that allows you to travel on any bus within a particular area for a fixed period of time ▶ okresowy bilet autobusowy
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ˈbus shelter noun [countable] a structure with a roof where people can stand while they are waiting for a bus ▶ wiata autobusowa
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rozwalać, przymknąć (informal) začněte se učit
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krzątać się, uwijać się, tętnić zyćiem začněte se učit
He bustled about the kitchen making tea. The streets were bustling with shoppers.
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The market was bustling with life.
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get busy - zabierać się do pracy When I came in she was busily writing something at her desk. The line’s busy at the moment. I’ll try again later. She’s busy with her preparations for the party.
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but for sb/sth - gdyby nie ktoś - We wouldn’t have managed but for your help. but then - zresztą, ale z drugiej strony - We could go swimming. But then perhaps it’s too cold. He’s brilliant at the piano. But then so was his father.
rzeźnik, sklep mięsny, rzeź začněte se učit
butcher, butcher shop, butchery
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the butt of a rifle Butt in on sb/sth - wtrącać się np. do rozmowy
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I’ll cut the bread and you butter it.
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This blouse is too tight – I can’t fasten the buttons. To dial the same number again, push the ‘ redial’ button.
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buy sb out - spłacać kogoś - After the divorce, she bought him out and kept the house for herself. buy time - zyskiwać na czasie - He took a few days’ holiday in order to buy some time before giving them his final decision.
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kupujący, pracownik działu zakupów začněte se učit
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the act of buying enough or all of the shares in a company in order to get control of it ▶ wykup (akcji przedsiębiorstwa
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A large fly was buzzing against the windowpane. Her head was buzzing (w głowie jej huczało) with questions that she wanted to ask. The room was buzzing with activity.
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I could hear the buzz of conversation in the next room. the buzz of insects
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Press your buzzer if you know the answer to a question.
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obwodnica, objeżdzać, omijać začněte se učit
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