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tajny, zastrzeżony
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classified /ˈklæsɪfaɪd; US / adj. officially secret classified information ▶ tajny zastrzeżony
ogłoszenie drobne
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classified advertisement
ˌclassified adˈvertisement (Brit., informal ˌclassified ˈad; ˈsmall ad) noun [countable, usually pl.] a small advertisement that you put in a newspaper if you want to buy or sell sth, employ sb, find a flat, etc. ▶ ogłoszenie drobne
klasyfikować, klasyfikacja
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classify, classification
▶ klasyfikować □ classification /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the classification of the different species of butterfly ▶ klasyfikacja
(classifying; classifies; past tense, past participle classified) classify sb/sth (as sth) to put sb/sth into a group with other people or things of a similar type The books in a library are usually classified according to subject.
kolega, koleżanka z klasy
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classmate /ˈklɑ: smeɪt; US ˈklæs- / noun [countable] a person who is in the same class as you at school or college ▶ kolega koleżanka (z klasy/grupy)
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classroom /ˈklɑ: sru: m; -rʊm; US ˈklæs- / noun [countable] a room in a school, college, etc. where lessons are taught ▶ klasa sala szkolna
stukotać, stukot
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clatter, clatter
□ clatter noun [usually sing.] the clatter of knives and forks ▶ stukot łoskot
clatter /ˈklætə(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make or cause sth hard to make a series of short loud repeated sounds The horses clattered down the street. ▶ stukotać pobrzękiwać łoskotać
zdanie, klauzula
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2 one of the sections of a legal document that says that sth must or must not be done ▶ klauzula paragraf
clause /klɔ: z; US / noun [countable] 1 a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. A clause is usually only part of a sentence The sentence ‘ After we had finished eating, we watched a film.’ contains two clauses. ▶ zdanie
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claustrophobia /ˌklɔ: strəˈfəʊbiə; US / noun [uncountable] fear of being in a small space with walls on all sides ▶ klaustrofobia
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2 (used about sth that makes you feel afraid in this way) a claustrophobic little room ▶ klaustrofobiczny
claustrophobic /ˌklɔ: strəˈfəʊbɪk; US / adj. 1 extremely afraid of small spaces with walls on all sides Hilary always feels claustrophobic in lifts. ▶ cierpiący na klaustrofobię
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collarbone /ˈkɒləbəʊn; US / (also formal clavicle /ˈklævɪkl; US /) noun [countable] one of the two bones that connect your chest bones to your shoulder ▶ obojczyk
pazur, szczypce, szpon
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2 one of a pair of long, sharp fingers that certain types of shellfish and some insects have. They use them for holding or picking things up the claws (kleszcze) of a crab ▶ szczypce
claw1 /klɔ:; US / noun [countable] 1 one of the long curved nails on the end of an animal’s or a bird’s foot Cats have sharp claws. ▶ pazur szpon
drapać pazurami
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claw2 /klɔ:; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] claw (at) sb/sth to scratch or tear sb/sth with claws or with your nails The cat was clawing at the furniture. His hands clawed the air. ▶ drapać (pazurami)
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clay /kleɪ; US / noun [uncountable] heavy earth that is soft and sticky when it is wet and becomes hard when it is baked or dried The students were modelling heads out of clay. clay pots ▶ glina
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2 (used about humour) not about sex a clean joke ▶ przyzwoity  OPPOSITE  dirty 3 having no record of offences or crimes a clean driving licence prawo jazdy bez punktów karnych
1 not dirty The whole house was beautifully clean. Are your hands clean? I think I’ll change into some clean clothes. Cats are very clean animals. ▶ czysty  OPPOSITE  dirty ⇨ noun cleanliness
całkowita wygrana
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a clean sweep
a clean sweep a complete victory in a sports competition, election, etc. that you get by winning all the different parts of it The Russians made a clean sweep of all the gymnastics events. ▶ całkowita wygrana
wypadać komuś z głową
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go clean out of your mind
go clean out of your mind to be completely forgotten I tried to think of his name but it went clean out of my mind. ▶ wypadać komuś z głowy
czyścić, myć
Użycie brush oznacza, że brud usuwa się szczotką; zaś sweep stosuje się wówczas, gdy do czyszczenia używa się miotły (np. do zamiatania podłogi). Do the housework oznacza „sprzątać dom“.
Clean jest słowem ogólnym i oznacza wszelkie usuwanie brudu. Wash oznacza czyszczenie za pomocą wody i mydła. Wipe oznacza czyszczenie powierzchni przez pocieranie jej wilgotną szmatką; z kolei dust to czyszczenie przez pocieranie powierzchni suchą szmatk
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clean, wash
Często zamiast clean używa się do the cleaning: I do the cleaning once a week. Sprzątam raz na tydzień.
to make sth free from dust or dirt by washing or rubbing it to clean the windows Don’t forget to clean your teeth! Linda comes in to clean (sprzątać) after office hours. ▶ czyścić myć
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clean sth out
to clean the inside of sth I’m going to clean out all the cupboards next week. ▶ wyczyścić (wnętrze czegoś)
posprzątać coś
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clean sth up
2 to remove sth that has just been spilled Oh no, you’ve spilt coffee on the new carpet! Can you clean it up? ▶ wyczyścić (coś)
1 to remove all the dirt from a place that is particularly dirty I’m going to clean up the kitchen before Mum and Dad get back. ▶ (po)sprzątać (coś)
sprzątaczka / sprzątacz
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cleaner / cleaner
2[countable] a substance or a special machine that you use for cleaning sth liquid floor cleaners a carpet cleaner ▶ substancja lub przyrząd do czyszczenia
cleaner /ˈkli: nə(r); US / noun 1 [countable] a person whose job is to clean the rooms and furniture inside a house or other building an office cleaner ▶ sprzątacz/ka
pralnia chemiczna
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Dry Cleaning
ˌdry-ˈcleaner’s (also cleaner’s) noun [countable] the shop where you take your clothes to be cleaned ▶ pralnia chemiczna
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cleanliness /ˈklenlinəs; US / noun [uncountable] being clean or keeping things clean High standards of cleanliness are important in a hotel kitchen. ▶ czystość
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cleanse /klenz; US / verb [transitive] to clean your skin or a wound To remove make-up properly, use a good cleansing cream ▶ oczyszczać ⇨ look at ethnic cleansing
płyn do zmywania twarzy
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ˌclean-ˈshaven adj. (used about men) having recently shaved ▶ gładko ogolony
wyrażać się jasno, stawiać sprawę jasno
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make it clear, make it clear
make yourself clear; make sth clear to speak so that there can be no doubt about what you mean ‘ I do not want you to go to that concert,’ said my mother. ‘ Do I make myself clear?’ He made it quite clear that he was not happy with the decision.
jasny, oczywisty, nie wymagający wyjaśnienia
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Clear thinking is very important in this job. The answer to the problem is quite clear. ▶ jasny oczywisty, klarowny
clear1 /klɪə(r); US / adj. 1clear (to sb) easy to understand; without doubt There are clear advantages to the second plan. It was clear to me that he was not telling the truth. She gave me clear directions on how to get there.
pewny, wyraźny
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sure, clear
3 easy to see or hear We get a very clear picture on our new TV. His voice wasn’t very clear on the telephone. ▶ wyraźny 4 easy to see through clear glass The water was so clear that we could see the bottom of the lake. ▶ przejrzysty
clear (about/on sth) (used about a person) sure or definite; without any doubts or confusion I’m not quite clear about the arrangements for tomorrow. ▶ pewny ⇨ verb clarify
czysty, wolny od czegoś
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clean, free from anything
7 not guilty a clear conscience ▶ czysty
5 free from marks a clear sky bezchmurne niebo a clear skin gładka cera ▶ bez skazy 6clear (of sth) free from things that are blocking the way The police say that most roads are now clear of snow (odśnieżona). ▶ wolny (od czegoś)
wyraźnie, z dala
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1 in a way that is easy to see or hear We can hear the telephone loud and clear from here. ▶ wyraźnie 2clear (of sth) away from sth; not touching sth Stand clear of the doors. Proszę odsunąć się od drzwi. ▶ z dala
trzymać się z daleka
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keep/stay/steer clear (of sb/sth)
keep/stay/steer clear (of sb/sth) to avoid sb/sth because they or it may cause problems It’s best to keep clear of the town centre during the rush hour.
usuwać, rozwiewać się
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2[intransitive] (used about smoke, etc.) to disappear The fog slowly cleared and the sun came out. ▶ rozwiewać się (mgła, dym itp.) opadać
1[transitive] to remove sth that is not wanted or needed to clear the roads of snow/to clear snow from the roads odśnieżać drogi It’s your turn to clear the table. ▶ usuwać uprzątać
przecierać się, oczyszczać z zarzutów
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4[transitive] clear sb (of sth) to provide proof that sb is innocent of sth The man has finally been cleared of murder. ▶ oczyszczać (z zarzutów)
[intransitive] (used about the sky, the weather or water) to become free of clouds, rain, or mud After a cloudy start, the weather will clear during the afternoon. ▶ przecierać się rozjaśniać się
przepuszczać, uzyskiwać zgodę na
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6[transitive] clear sth (with sb) to get official approval for sth to be done I’ll have to clear it with the manager before I can refund your money. ▶ uzyskać zgodę przełożonego na coś
5[transitive] to give official permission for a plane, ship, etc. to enter or leave a place At last the plane was cleared for take-off. ▶ przepuszczać zezwalać
rozliczać, przeskakiwać
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8[transitive] to jump over or get past sth without touching it The horse cleared the first jump but knocked down the second. ▶ przeskakiwać
7[intransitive] (used about a cheque) to go through the system that moves money from one account to another The cheque will take three days to clear. ▶ (czek) być zrealizowanym rozliczać
oczyścić atmosferę, wyjaśnić sytuację
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clear the air
clear the air to improve a difficult or tense situation by talking honestly about worries, doubts, etc. I’m sure if you discuss your feelings with her it will help to clear the air between you. ▶ oczyścić atmosferę
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clear your throat
clear your throat to cough slightly in order to make it easier to speak He cleared his throat and then began his speech. ▶ odchrząkiwać
wysprzątać coś
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clear sth out
clear sth out to tidy sth and throw away things that you do not want I really must clear out the kitchen cupboards. ▶ wysprzątać coś
przecierać się, rozjaśniać
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clear up
clear up (used about the weather or an illness) to get better We can go out for a walk if it clears up later on. The doctor told him to stay at home until his cold cleared up. ▶ przecierać się rozjaśniać się (choroba) przechodzić
posprzątać coś, rozwiązać coś
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clear sth up
Make sure you clear up properly before you leave. ▶ (po)sprzątać (coś) clear sth up to find the solution to a problem, cause of confusion, etc. There’s been a slight misunderstanding but we’ve cleared it up now. ▶ rozwiązywać/wyjaśniać (coś)
usunięcie, oczyszczenie
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2 the distance between an object and something that is passing under or beside it, for example a ship or vehicle There was not enough clearance for the bus to pass under the bridge safely. ▶ (miejsce) przejazd prześwit
clearance /ˈklɪərəns; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the removing of sth that is old or not wanted slum clearance The shop is having a clearance sale (wyprzedaż). ▶ usunięcie oczyszczenie
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permit, clearance
official permission for sb/sth to do sth She was given clearance to work at the nuclear research establishment. ▶ zezwolenie
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ˌclear-ˈcut definite and easy to see or understand It was a clear-cut case of police corruption. ▶ oczywisty
rozważny, roztropny
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ˌclear-ˈheaded adj. able to think clearly, especially if there is a problem ▶ rozważny roztropny
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clearing /ˈklɪərɪŋ; US / noun [countable] a small area without trees in the middle of a wood or forest ▶ polana ⇨ look at glade
wyraźnie, jasno, oczywiście
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clearly, clearly
2 in a way that is sensible and easy to understand I’m so tired that I can’t think clearly. ▶ jasno 3 without doubt She clearly (najwyraźniej) doesn’t want to speak to you any more. ▶ oczywiście
clearly /ˈklɪəli; US / adv. 1 in a way that is easy to see or hear It was so foggy that we couldn’t see the road clearly. ▶ wyraźnie
trzeźwo, jasno myślący
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ˌclear-ˈsighted adj. able to understand situations well and to see what might happen in the future ▶ trzeźwo/jasno myślący
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cleavage /ˈkli: vɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the space between a woman’s breasts ▶ miejsce między piersiami kobiety dekolt
tasak kuchenny
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cleaver /ˈkli: və(r); US / noun [countable] a heavy knife with a broad blade, used for cutting large pieces of meat ▶ tasak kuchenny topór rzeźniczy
prawo łaski
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clemency /ˈklemənsi; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) kindness shown to sb when they are being punished; willingness not to punish sb so severely a plea for clemency prośba o łagodniejszy wymiar kary ▶ prawo łaski łaska
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clementine /ˈklemənti: n; US / noun [countable] a type of small orange ▶ klementynka
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clench /klentʃ; US / verb [transitive] to close or hold tightly He clenched his teeth in pain. She clenched her fists and looked as if she was going to hit him. ▶ zaciskać
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clergy /ˈklɜ: dʒi; US / noun [pl.] the people who perform religious ceremonies in the Christian church a member of the clergy ▶ duchowieństwo kler
biurowy, klerykalny
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clerical /ˈklerɪkl; US / adj. 1 connected with the work of a clerk in an office clerical work ▶ biurowy urzędniczy 2 connected with the clergy ▶ duchowny klerykalny
urzędnik, urzędniczka
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clerk, clerk
clerk /klɑ: k; US klɜ: k / noun [countable] 1 a person whose job is to do written work or look after records or accounts in an office, bank, court of law, etc. an office clerk ▶ urzędni-k/czka
zdolny, utalentowany
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zręczny ⇨ note at intelligent 2 (used about things, ideas, or sb’s actions) showing skill or intelligence a clever device We made a clever plan. ▶ pomysłow
1 able to learn, understand or do sth quickly and easily; intelligent a clever student How clever of you to mend my watch! Naprawiłeś mój zegarek? Jaki ty jesteś zdolny! She’s so clever with her hands (ma tak zręczne ręce) utalentowany
zręcznie, pomysłowo
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zręczność, pomysłowość
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banał, utarty frazes
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cliche, cliche
a phrase or idea that has been used so many times that it no longer has any real meaning or interest the usual cliché of the middle-aged businessman leaving his wife for a twenty-year-old girl ▶ komunał utarty zwrot wytarty frazes banał
trzask, klik
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click, click
click2 /klɪk; US / noun [countable] 1 a short sharp sound I heard the click of a key in the lock. the click of a switch ▶ trzask pstryk 2 the act of pressing the button on a computer mouse ▶ klik
na który można kliknąć
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clickable /ˈklɪkəbl; US / adj. if text or an image isclickable, you can click on it with the mouse in order to make sth happen ▶ (komput.) na który można kliknąć, aby uruchomić jakąś funkcję
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Uwaga! Słowa client nie używa się, mówiąc o ludziach w sklepie czy w restauracji. Tacy ludzie to customers. Clientele to słowo o znaczeniu ogólnym, używane w języku formalnym. Znaczy zarówno clients, jak i customers.
noun [countable] 1 a person who receives a service from a professional person, for example a lawyer to act on behalf of a client ▶ klient/ka 2 one of a number of computers that is connected to a server ▶ komputer przyłączony do serwera
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clientele /ˌkli:ənˈtel; US ˌklaɪ- / noun [uncountable] all the customers, guests or clients who regularly go to a particular shop, hotel, organization, etc. ▶ klientela
kliff, urwisko
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cliff, cliff
cliff /klɪf; US / noun [countable] a high, very steep area of rock, especially one next to the sea the white cliffs of Dover ▶ klif ściana skalna urwisko

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