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He knows nothing about medicine–he’s a complete charlatan.
urok, wdzięk, amulet
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something that you wear because you believe it will bring you good luck a lucky charm
a quality that pleases and attracts people The charm of the island lies in its unspoilt beauty. a man of great charm Alison found it hard to resist Frank’s charms.
oczarować, zaczarować
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to please and attract sb Her drawings have charmed children all over the world. to protect sb/sth as if by magic He has led a charmed life (miał życie jakby chronione przez czary), surviving serious illness and a plane crash.
uroczy, uroczo
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very pleasing or attractive a charming old church
zwęglony, osmalony
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charred, charred
burnt black by fire
wykres, diagram
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chart, diagram
[countable] a drawing which shows information in the form of a diagram, etc. a temperature chart This chart shows the company’s sales for this year. a map of the sea or the sky navigation charts
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1 to follow or record sth carefully and in detail This TV series charts the history of the country since independence. ▶ prześledzić notować 2 to make a map of one area of the sea Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768. ▶ sporządzać mapę morsk
status, czarter
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2 the renting of a ship, plane, etc. for a particular purpose or for a particular group of people a charter airline ▶ czarter czarterowy
a written statement of the rights, beliefs and purposes of an organization or a particular group of people The club’s charter does not permit women to become members. ▶ statut karta
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to rent a ship, plane, etc. for a particular purpose or for a particular group of people As there was no regular service to the island we had to charter a boat. ▶ czarterować 2 to give a charter to an organization or a particular group of people
dyplomowany księgowy
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chartered accountant
gonić, pędzić
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to run after sb/sth in order to catch them or it The dog chased the cat up a tree. The police car chased after the stolen van. ▶ gonić ścigać 2[intransitive] to run somewhere fast The kids were chasing around the park. ▶ pędzić
pogoń, pościg
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the act of following sb/sth in order to catch them or it an exciting car chase ▶ pogoń pościg
rzucić się w pogoń
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give a chase
give chase to begin to run after sb/sth in order to try to catch them or it The robber ran off and the policeman gave chase.
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the metal frame of a vehicle onto which the other parts fit
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chat (with/to sb) (about sth) to talk to sb in an informal, friendly way The two grandmothers sat chatting about the old days. Helen chats away for hours on the phone to her friends.
pogawędka, czat
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chat, chat
2[uncountable, countable] a conversation you have on the Internet by exchanging written messages with one or more people Log on to the site for live chat and message boards. ▶ czat
a friendly informal conversation I’ll have a chat with Jim about the arrangements. ▶ pogawędka pogaduszka
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talking a lot in a friendly way My neighbour’s very chatty – she tells me all the news. ▶ gadatliwy 2 in an informal style a chatty letter ▶ gawędziarski
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a chauffeur
a person whose job is to drive a car for sb else a chauffeur-driven limousine
szowinizm, szowinistyczny
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chauvinism, chauvinistic
▶ szowinist-a/ka —chauvinistic /ˌʃəʊvɪˈnɪstɪk; US / adj. ▶ szowinistyczny
the belief that your country is better than all others ▶ szowinizm 2(also male ˈchauvinism) the belief that men are better than women ▶ męski szowinizm □ chauvinist /-ɪst; US / noun [countable]
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3 low in price and quality and therefore not attractive The clothes in that shop look cheap. ▶ tandetny
low in price; costing little money Oranges are cheap at the moment. Computers are getting cheaper all the time. ▶ tani  SYNONYM  inexpensive  OPPOSITE  expensive 2 charging low prices a cheap hotel/restaurant ▶ tani
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(informal) for a low price I got this coat cheap in the sale. ▶ tanio  IDIOMS  be going cheap (informal) be on sale at a lower price than usual They’ve got strawberries going cheap at the market. Na targu są tanie truskawki. ▶ mieć niską cenę

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