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niższym, młodszy rangą
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2[only before a noun] (Brit.) of or for children below a particular age the junior athletics championships She’s moving from the infant school to the junior school (do ostatnich czterech lat szkoły podstawowej dla dzieci od 7 do 11 lat) next term.
junior1 /ˈdʒu: niə(r); US / adj. 1 junior (to sb) having a low or lower position (than sb) in an organization, etc. a junior doctor/employee a junior officer podoficer A lieutenant is junior to a captain in the army. ▶ niższy/młodszy rangą
osoba młodsza rangą
3[countable] (Brit.) a child who goes to junior school The juniors are having an outing to a museum today. ▶ dziecko chodzące do szkoły dla dzieci w wieku od 7 do 11 lat
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2[sing.] [with his, her, your, etc.] a person who is younger than sb else by the number of years mentioned She’s two years his junior/his junior by two years. Jest od niego dwa lata młodsza.
junior2 /ˈdʒu: niə(r); US / noun 1 [countable] a person who has a low position in an organization, etc. office juniors ▶ osoba niższa/młodsza (rangą)
graty, rupiecie
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lumber, junk
ˈjunk food noun [uncountable] (informal) food that is not very good for you but that is ready to eat or quick to prepare junk food like crisps and sweets ▶ niezdrowa żywność (produkty gotowe lub łatwe do przyrządzenia)
junk /dʒʌŋk; US / noun [uncountable] (informal) things that are old or useless or do not have much value There’s an awful lot of junk up in the attic. ▶ rupiecie graty starzyzna
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junta /ˈdʒʌntə; US ˈhʊn- / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group, especially of military officers, who rule a country by force ▶ junta
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Jupiter /ˈdʒu: pɪtə(r); US / noun [sing.] the planet that is fifth in order from the sun ▶ Jowisz
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jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn; US / noun [uncountable] legal power or authority; the area in which this power can be used That question is outside the jurisdiction of this council. ▶ jurysdykcja kompetencja władzy obszar kompetencji władzy
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juror /ˈdʒʊərə(r); US / noun [countable] a member of a jury ▶ członek ławy przysięgłych juror/ka (konkursu)
ława przysięgłych
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a jury
2 a group of people who decide who is the winner in a competition The jury is/are about to announce the winners. ▶ jury sąd konkursowy
/ˈdʒʊəri/ noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] ( pl. juries) 1 a group of members of the public in a court of law who listen to the facts about a crime and decide if sb is guilty or not guilty Has/have the jury reached a verdict? ▶ ława przysięgłych
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2 almost not I could only just hear what she was saying. We got to the station just in time. I just managed to pass the exam. ▶ ledwo zaledwie
just1 /dʒʌst; US / adv. 1 exactly It’s just 8 o’clock. That’s just what I meant. Just as I thought, he’s forgotten his keys. You’re just as clever as he is. The room was too hot before, but now it’s just right (w sam raz)... ▶ dokładnie
własnie, dopiero co
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just now
4 at exactly this/that moment, or immediately after He was just about to break the window when he noticed a policeman. Just as I was beginning to enjoy myself, John said it was time to go. Just then the door opened.
3 a very short time before She’s just been to the shops. He’d just returned from France when I saw him. They came here just before (tuż przed) Easter. ▶ właśnie dopiero co
sprawiedliwy, rozsądny
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just2 /dʒʌst; US / adj. fair and right; reasonable a just punishment I don’t think that was a very just decision. ▶ sprawiedliwy rozsądny
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2[uncountable] the quality of being fair or reasonable Everybody realized the justice of what he was saying. ▶ słuszność 3[uncountable] the law and the way it is used the criminal justice system ▶ sprawiedliwość
justice /ˈdʒʌstɪs; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the fair treatment of people a struggle for justice ▶ sprawiedliwość
oddawać komuś sprawiedliwość
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do justice to somebody
do justice to sb/sth; do sb/sth justice to treat sb/sth fairly I don’t like him, but to do him justice, he’s a very clever man. The photograph doesn’t do justice to her incredible beauty. ▶ oddawać komuś sprawiedliwość
sędzia pokoju
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Justice of the Peace
ˌJustice of the ˈPeace noun [countable] (abbr. JP /ˌdʒeɪ ˈpi:; US /) a person who judges less serious cases in a court of law in Britain ▶ sędzia pokoju
usprawiedliwiony, uzasadniona
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□ justifiably /-əbli; US / adv. She was justifiably angry and upset. ▶ w usprawiedliwiony/uzasadniony sposób
justifiable /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbl; ˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəbl; US / adj. that you can accept because there is a good reason for it His action was entirely justifiable. ▶ usprawiedliwiony uzasadniony
usprawiedliwienie, uzasadnienie
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justification, justification
justification /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) justification (for sth/doing sth) (a) good reason I can’t see any justification for tax rises. ▶ usprawiedliwienie uzasadnienie
usprawiedliwiać, uzasadniać
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justify, justify
justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ verb [transitive] (justifying; justifies; past tense, past participle justified) to give or be a good reason for sth Can you justify your decision? Nothing can justify being unkind to children. ▶ usprawiedliwiać uzasadniać
wystawać, sterczeć
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jut /dʒʌt; US / verb [intransitive] (jutting; jutted) jut (out) (from/into/over sth) to stick out further than the surrounding surface, objects, etc. rocks that jut out into the sea ▶ wystawać sterczeć
nieletni, młodociany
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2 silly and more typical of a child than an adult Patrick’s twenty but he is still quite juvenile. ▶ dziecinny niedojrzały  SYNONYM  childish □ juvenile noun [countable] ▶ nieletn-i/a młodocian-y/a
juvenile /ˈdʒu: vənaɪl; US -vənl / adj. 1 [only before a noun] (formal) of, for or involving young people who are not yet adults juvenile crime ▶ nieletni młodociany małoletni
młodociany przestępca
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juvenile delinquent
ˌjuvenile delinquent noun [countable] a young person who is guilty of committing a crime ▶ młodociany przestępca

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