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—mathematically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ matematycznie
□ mathematical /ˌmæɵəˈmætɪkl; US / adj. mathematical calculations/problems ▶ matematyczny
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mathematics /ˌmæɵəˈmætɪks; US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes ▶ matematyka
mathematician /ˌmæɵəməˈtɪʃn; US / noun [countable] a person who studies or is an expert in mathematics ▶ matematyk
macierz, kontekst
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matrix, context
2(formal) the formal social, political, etc. situation from which a society or person grows and develops the European cultural matrix ▶ kontekst
matrix /ˈmeɪtrɪks; US / noun [countable] (pl. matrices /ˈmeɪtrɪsi: z; US /) 1 an arrangement of numbers, symbols, etc. in rows and columns, treated as a single quantity ▶ macierz
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matt (US also matte) /mæt; US / adj. not shiny This paint gives a matt finish. ▶ matowy
sprawa, kwestia
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matter, matter
We have several urgent matters to deal with at the meeting. Finding a job will be no easy matter. to simplify/complicate matters They should try to settle matters (wyrównać rachunki) between themselves before going to court. ▶ sprawa kwestia
matter1 /ˈmætə(r); US / noun 1[countable] a subject or situation that you must think about and give your attention to It’s a personal matter and I don’t want to discuss it with you.
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Eat that food! There’s nothing the matter with it (niczego mu nie brakuje). ▶ problem
2[sing.] the matter (with sb/sth) the reason sb/sth has a problem or is not good She looks sad. What’s the matter with her (co jej się stało)? There seems to be something the matter (wygląda na to, że coś się dzieje) with the car.
znaczyć, mieć znaczenie
Por. it doesn’t matter i I don’t mind: ‘ I’ve broken a cup!’ ‘ It was an old one. It doesn’t matter (nic się nie stało).’ • ‘ What shall we have for dinner?’ ‘ I don’t mind (cokolwiek).’
začněte se učit
If you can’t eat it all, it doesn’t matter (nic nie szkodzi). Nobody’s hurt, and that’s all that matters. What matters most is giving the children a good start in life. It doesn’t matter to me what he does in his free time. ▶ znaczyć mieć znaczenie
matter2 /ˈmætə(r); US / verb [intransitive] [not used in the continuous tenses] matter (to sb) to be important It doesn’t really matter (to naprawdę nieważne) how much it costs. Does it matter (czy coś się stanie) if we are a little bit late?
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mattress /ˈmætrəs; US / noun [countable] a large soft thing that you lie on to sleep, usually put on a bed ▶ materac
dojrzały, dorosły
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mature, maturity
□ mature verb [intransitive] He matured a lot during his two years at college. ▶ dojrzewać dorośleć —maturity /məˈtʃʊərəti -ˈtjʊə-; US -ˈtʊr- / noun [uncountable] ▶ dojrzałość dorosłość
mature /məˈtʃʊə(r) -ˈtjʊ(r); US -ˈtʊr / adj. 1 behaving in a sensible adult way Is she mature enough for such responsibility? ▶ dojrzały dorosły 2 fully grown or fully developed a mature tree/bird/animal ▶ dojrzały dorosły rozwinięty
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maxim /ˈmæksɪm; US / noun [countable] a few words that express a rule for good or sensible behaviour Our maxim is: ‘ If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.’ ▶ sentencja maksyma
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maximize (also maximise) /ˈmæksɪmaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to increase sth as much as possible to maximize profits ▶ maksymalizować
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□ maximum adj. [only before a noun] a maximum speed of 120 miles per hour ▶ maksymalny
maximum /ˈmæksɪməm; US / noun [sing.] (abbr. max /mæks; US /) the greatest amount or level of sth that is possible, allowed, etc. The bus can carry a maximum of 40 people. That is the maximum we can afford. to set the dial to maximum ▶ maksimum
chyba, być może
začněte se učit
perhaps, maybe
maybe /ˈmeɪbi; US / adv. perhaps; possibly ‘ Are you going to come?’ ‘ Maybe.’ There were three, maybe four armed men. Maybe I’ll accept the invitation and maybe I won’t. Maybe we ought to try again. ▶ może być może, że
1 maja
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may day
ˈMay Day noun [countable] 1st May ▶ Święto 1 Maja May Day jest tradycyjnie obchodzony jako święto wiosny, a w niektórych krajach także jako święto pracy.
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mayonnaise /ˌmeɪəˈneɪz; US ˈmeɪəneɪz / noun [uncountable] a cold thick pale yellow sauce made with eggs and oil ▶ majonez
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the Mayor
mayoress /meəˈres; US ˈmeɪərəs / noun [countable] 1(also ˌlady ˈmayor) a woman mayor ▶ kobieta-burmistrz 2 (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) a woman who is married to or helps a mayor ▶ burmistrzowa
mayor /meə(r); US ˈmeɪər / noun [countable] a person who is elected to be the leader of a group of people who manage the affairs of a town or city ▶ burmistrz
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a meadow
meadow /ˈmedəʊ; US / noun [countable] a field of grass ▶ łąka
After the meal you clear the table and wash up/wash the dishes. If you don’t want to cook, you can go out for a meal/eat out or you can get a takeaway. A picnic is a meal you prepare at home and take to eat outdoors.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tea and supper are usually smaller meals, but some people use these words to talk about the main evening meal. The midday meal can be called dinner. Before a meal you lay the table by putting a tablecloth, cutlery, etc. on it.
začněte se učit
meal /mi: l; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the time when you eat or the food that is eaten at that time Shall we go out for a meal on Friday? a heavy/light meal ▶ posiłek
znaczyć, wyrażać
Czasownik mean nie występuje w czasach continuous. Natomiast często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): The weather during filming was terrible, meaning that several scenes had to be shot again later.
začněte se učit
mean, express
Does the name ‘ Kate Wright’ mean anything to you? ▶ znaczyć wyrażać
mean1 /mi: n; US / verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle meant /ment; US /) 1[not used in the continuous tenses] to express, show or have as a meaning What does this word mean? The bell means that the lesson has ended.
mieć na myśli
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[often passive] mean (sb) to do sth; mean sth (as/for sth/sb); mean sb/sth to be sth to intend sth; to be supposed to be/do sth I’m sure she didn’t mean to offend you (nie chciała cię obrazić). She meant the present to be for both of us.
2 I don’t understand what you mean. Well, she said ‘ yes’ but I think she really meant ‘ no’. What do you mean by ‘ a lot of money’? I see what you mean, but I’m afraid it’s not possible. ▶ mieć na myśli rozumieć (przez coś)
skąpy, złośliwy
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2mean (to sb) (used about people or their behaviour) unkind It was mean of him not to invite you too. ▶ nieprzyjemny złośliwy podły
mean2 /mi: n / adj. 1 mean (with sth) wanting to keep money, etc. for yourself rather than let other people have it It’s no good asking him for any money – he’s much too mean. They’re mean with the food in the canteen. ▶ skąpy małostkowy
wić się
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to meander
3 (used about a conversation, discussion, etc.) to develop slowly and change subject often, in a way that makes it boring or difficult to understand) ▶ (rozmowa itp.) toczyć się długo i z wieloma dygresjami
meander /miˈændə(r)/ verb [i] 1 (used about a river, road, etc.) to have a lot of curves ▶ wić się 2 to walk or travel slowly or without any definite direction The meeting meandered along for hours without any decisions being made. ▶ błąkać się
sens, znaczenie
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sense, meaning
2[uncountable] the purpose or importance of an experience With his child dead there seemed to be no meaning in life. ▶ treść znaczenie sens
meaning /ˈmi: nɪŋ; US / noun 1[c, u] the thing or idea that sth represents; what sb is trying to communicate This word has two different meanings in English. What do you think the meaning is of the last line of the poem? ▶ znaczenie sens
znaczący, treściwy
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meaningful, full-bodied
2 (used about a look, expression, etc.) trying to express a certain feeling or idea They kept giving each other meaningful glances across the table. ▶ porozumiewawczy □ meaningfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ znacząco treściwie porozumiewawczo
meaningful /ˈmi: nɪŋfl; US / adj. 1 useful, important or interesting Most people need a meaningful relationship with another person. ▶ znaczący treściwy
bez sensu, bez znaczenia
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meaningless, irrelevant
meaningless /ˈmi: nɪŋləs; US / adj. without meaning, reason or sense The figures are meaningless if we have nothing to compare them with. ▶ bez znaczenia bez sensu
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□ meanness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ skąpstwo nieuprzejmość
środek, sposób
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2[pl.] (formal) all the money that sb has This car is beyond the means of most people. If you don’t live within your means you’ll get into serious debt. ▶ środki (do życia) zasoby finansowe bogactwo
means /mi: nz; US / noun 1 [countable] (pl. means) a means (of doing sth) a method of doing sth Is there any means of contacting your husband? Do you have any means of transport? Czy masz czym dojechać? ▶ sposób środek
stanowczo nie
začněte se učit
by no means
by all means (used to say that you are happy for sb to have or do sth) ‘ Can I borrow your newspaper?’ ‘ By all means.’ ▶ jak najbardziej!
by no means; not by any means not at all I’m by no means sure that this is the right thing to do. ▶ w żaden sposób stanowczo nie by means of by using We got out of the hotel by means of the fire escape. ▶ za pomocą/pośrednictwem drogą
w międzyczasie
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In the meantime
in the meantime in the time between two things happening Our house isn’t finished so in the meantime we’re living with my mother. ▶ tymczasem w międzyczasie
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The new computer will arrive next week. Meanwhile you’ll have to manage without. ▶ tymczasem w tym czasie
meanwhile /ˈmi: nwaɪl; US / adv. during the same time or during the time between two things happening Peter was at home studying. Omar, meanwhile, was out with his friends.
začněte se učit
Measlespozornie wygląda jak rzeczownik w lm, ale jest to rzeczownik niepoliczalny i używa się go z czasownikami w lp: In many countries measles is a very dangerous disease.
measles /ˈmi: zlz; US / noun [uncountable] a common infectious disease, especially among children, in which your body feels hot and your skin is covered in small red spots ▶ odra
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Could you measure how wide the table is to see if it will fit into our room? Britain now uses the metric system for measuring. ▶ mierzyć
measure1 /ˈmeʒə(r); US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to find the size, weight, quantity, etc. of sb/sth in standard units by using an instrument to measure the height/width/length/depth of something
dorastać do czegoś
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measure up (to sth)
measure up (to sth) to be as good as you need to be or as sb expects you to be Did the holiday measure up to your expectations? ▶ dorastać (do czegoś)
środki, kroki
začněte se učit
measures, steps
The government is to take new measures (podjąć nowe środki) to reduce inflation. ▶ środki kroki
measure2 /ˈmeʒə(r); US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable, usually pl.] an official action that is done for a special reason As a temporary measure, the road will have to be closed. emergency measures
stopień, miara
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2[sing.] (formal) a/some measure of sth The play achieved a measure of success. ▶ stopień miara 3[sing.] a way of understanding or judging sth The school’s popularity is a measure of the teachers’ success. ▶ miara wyznacznik
uszyty na miarę
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made to measure
made to measure specially made or perfectly suitable for a particular person, use, etc. I’m getting a suit made to measure for the wedding. ▶ zrobiony/uszyty na miarę
for good measure in addition to sth, especially to make sure that there is enough He made a few extra sandwiches for good measure. ▶ na zapas
pomiary, mierzenie
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measurements, measuring
2[countable] a size, amount, etc. that is found by measuring What are the exact measurements of the room? Shall I take your measurements (wziąć pani miarę)? ▶ rozmiar miara metraż kubatura
measurement /ˈmeʒəmənt; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] the act or process of measuring sth the metric system of measurement ▶ pomiar/y mierzenie
taśma miernicza
začněte se učit
tape measure
ˈtape measure (also ˈmeasuring tape) noun [countable] a long thin piece of plastic, cloth or metal with centimetres, etc. marked on it. It is used for measuring things. ▶ taśma miernicza
The meat from birds is called white meat. We can fry, grill, roast or stew meat. We carve a joint of meat. Meat can be described as tough or tender, lean or fatty. Uncooked meat is raw. You buy meat at the butcher’s
meat We get pork, ham or bacon from a pig, beef from a cow and veal from a calf. Mutton comes from a sheep, but we get lamb from a lamb. We often call beef, mutton and lamb red meat.
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meat /mi: t; US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the parts of animals or birds that people eat meat and two vegetables meat-eating animals ▶ mięso
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meatball /ˈmi: tbɔ: l; US / noun [countable] a small ball of minced meat ▶ pulpet
mięsny, treściwy
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meaty, pithy
2 containing a lot of important or good ideas a meaty topic for discussion ▶ treściwy 3 large and fat meaty tomatoes ▶ mięsisty
meaty /ˈmi: ti; US / adj. (meatier; meatiest) 1 like meat, or containing a lot of meat a meaty texture meaty sausages ▶ mięsny
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2(mecca) [countable, usually sing.] a place that many people wish to visit because of a particular interest Italy is a mecca for art lovers. ▶ mekka
Mecca /ˈmekə; US / noun 1 [sing.] the city in Saudi Arabia where Muhammad was born, which is the centre of Islam ▶ Mekka
mechanik, mechanika
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mechanic, mechanic
3(the mechanics) [pl.] the way in which sth works or is done Don’t ask me – I don’t understand the mechanics of the legal system. ▶ działanie
mechanic /məˈkænɪk; US / noun 1 [countable] a person whose job is to repair and work with machines a car mechanic ▶ mechanik 2 (mechanics) [uncountable] the science of how machines work ▶ mechanika
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2 (used about sb’s behaviour) done like a machine as if you are not thinking about what you are doing He played the piano in a dull and mechanical way. ▶ mechaniczny machinalny
mechanical /məˈkænɪkl; US / adj. 1 connected with or produced by machines a mechanical pump mechanical engineering inżynieria mechaniczna mechanical problems a mechanical mind zmysł techniczny ▶ mechaniczny
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□ mechanically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ mechanicznie machinalnie
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2 the way in which sth works or is done the mechanism of the heart I’m afraid there is no mechanism for dealing with your complaint. ▶ mechanizm
mechanism /ˈmekənɪzəm; US / noun [countable] 1 a set of moving parts in a machine that does a certain task Our car has an automatic locking mechanism. ▶ mechanizm maszyneria
mechanizować, mechanizacja
začněte se učit
mechanize, mechanization
□ mechanization (also mechanisation) /ˌmekənaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -nəˈz- / noun [uncountable] Increased mechanization has led to unemployment. ▶ mechanizacja
mechanize (also mechanise) /ˈmekənaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to use machines instead of people to do work We have mechanized the entire production process. ▶ mechanizować
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/ˈmedl / noun [c] a small flat piece of metal, usually with a design and words on it, which is given to sb who has shown courage or as a prize in a sport He was awarded a medal for bravery. to win a gold/silver/bronze medal in the Olympics ▶ medal
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medallion /məˈdæliən; US / noun [countable] a small round piece of metal on a chain which is worn as jewellery around the neck ▶ medalion
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a medallist
medallist (US medalist) /ˈmedəlɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who has won a medal, especially in sport an Olympic gold medallist ▶ medalist(k)a
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□ median noun 1 the middle value of a series of numbers arranged in order of size ▶ mediana
median /ˈmi: diən; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 having a value in the middle of a series of values the median age/price ▶ średni 2 located in or passing through the middle a median point/line ▶ środkowy
mediować w sporze
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mediate in a dispute
□ mediation /ˌmi: diˈeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ pośrednictwo (w rozwiązywaniu sporu) mediacja —mediator /ˈmi: dieɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] ▶ pośrednik (w rozwiązywaniu sporu) mediator
/ˈmi:dieɪt/ v mediate (in sth) (between A and B) to try to end a disagreement between two or more people As a supervisor she had to mediate between her colleagues and the management. to mediate a settlement ▶ pośredniczyć (w rozwiązywaniu sporu)
medyczny, lekarski
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medical, medical
□ medically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ medycznie
medical1 /ˈmedɪkl; US / adj. connected with medicine and the treatment of illness medical treatment/care opieka medyczna the medical profession a medical student a medical school akademia medyczna ▶ medyczny lekarski
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medication /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (especially US) medicine that a doctor has given to you Are you on any medication? ▶ lekarstwo
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2 [countable, uncountable] a substance, especially a liquid, that you take in order to cure an illness Take this medicine three times a day. cough medicine ▶ lekarstwo lek
medicine /ˈmedsn; ˈmedɪsn; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [uncountable] the science of preventing and treating illness to study medicine ▶ medycyna
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medieval (also mediaeval) /ˌmediˈi: vl; US / adj. connected with the Middle Ages medieval art/architecture/castles ▶ średniowieczny
średni, lichy
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mediocre /ˌmi: diˈəʊkə(r); US / adj. of not very high quality He gave a mediocre performance ▶ średni mierny lichy □ mediocrity /ˌmi: diˈɒkrəti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ mierność lichość
začněte se učit
to meditate
2 to spend time thinking deeply in a special way so that you become calm and peaceful, often as part of religious training ▶ medytować □ meditation /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [u] Meditation is practised in Eastern religions. ▶ rozmyślanie medytacja
meditate /ˈmedɪteɪt; US / verb [intransitive] 1meditate (on/upon sth) to think carefully and deeply (about sth) I’ve been meditating on what you said last week. ▶ rozmyślać medytować
Morze śródziemne
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Mediterranean Sea
□ Mediterranean adj. [only before a noun] Mediterranean cookery ▶ śródziemnomorski
the Mediterranean /ˌmedɪtəˈreɪnɪən; US / (also informal the Med /med; US /) noun [sing.] the Mediterranean Sea or the countries around it ▶ Morze Śródziemne kraje śródziemnomorskie
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2 (used about meat) cooked until it is brown all the way through ▶
medium1 /ˈmi: diəm; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 in the middle between two sizes, lengths, temperatures, etc.; average She was of medium height. Would you like the small, medium or large packet? a medium-sized car/town/dog ▶ średni
środek przekazu
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2[countable, uncountable] (abbr. med) medium size Have you got this shirt in (a) medium? ▶ średni rozmiar 3[countable] (pl. mediums) a person who says that they can speak to the spirits of dead people ▶ medium
medium2 /ˈmi: diəm / noun 1 [countable] (pl. media or mediums) a means you can use to express The Internet is the modern medium of communication. English is the medium of instruction in the school. ▶ środek (np. komunikacji) środek przekazu
spotykać, zbierać się
začněte se učit
meet, gather
Representatives from both countries will meet for talks in London. ▶ spotykać (się) zbierać się
meet /mi: t; US / verb (past tense, past participle met /met; US /) 1[intransitive, transitive] to come together by chance or because you have arranged it I just met Kareem on the train. What time shall we meet for lunch?
spotykać, kogoś gdzieś
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3[intransitive, transitive] to see and know sb for the first time Where did you first meet your husband? Have you two met before? ▶ zapoznawać się z kimś poznawać (kogoś)
2[transitive] to go to a place and wait for sb/sth to arrive I’ll come and meet you at the station. A coach will meet your plane and take you to your hotel. ▶ wychodzić na spotkanie oczekiwać
spotykać się, doświadczać czegoś
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5[transitive] to experience sth, often sth unpleasant We will never know how he met his death. ▶ doświadczać czegoś
4[intransitive, transitive] to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a sports competition These two teams met in last year’s final. Yamada will meet Suzuki in the second round. ▶ spotykać się
zebranie, posiedzenie
We call, arrange or organize a meeting. We can also cancel or postpone a meeting.
začněte se učit
meeting, meeting
to go to/attend a meeting I’m afraid Mrs Riley is in a meeting at the moment. ▶ zebranie posiedzenie
meeting /ˈmi: tɪŋ; US / noun 1[countable] an organized occasion when a number of people come together in order to discuss or decide sth The group hold regular meetings all year. We need to have a meeting to discuss these matters.
začněte se učit
megalomania /ˌmeɡələˈmeɪniə; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a mental illness or condition in which sb has an exaggerated belief in their own importance or power ▶ megalomania 2 a strong feeling that you want to have more and more power ▶ megalomania
začněte se učit
megalomaniac /ˌmeɡələˈmeɪniæk; US / noun a person suffering from or showingmegalomania ▶ megaloman/ka □ megalomaniac adj. ▶ megalomański
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megaphone /ˈmeɡəfəʊn; US / noun [countable] a piece of equipment that you speak through to make your voice sound louder when speaking to a crowd ▶ megafon tuba
melancholia, smutek
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melancholy, sadness
melancholy /ˈmelənkəli; US -kɒli; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) a feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time ▶ melancholia smutek przygnębienie □ melancholy adj. ▶ melancholijny smutny przygnębiający
aksamitny, ciepły o kolorach
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□ mellow verb [intransitive, transitive] The colour of natural stone mellows with age. Experience had mellowed her views about many things. ▶ łagodzić stawać się łagodnym
mellow /ˈmeləʊ; US / adj. 1 (used about colours or sounds) soft and pleasant ▶ miękki aksamitny ciepły
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melodramatic /ˌmelədrəˈmætɪk; US / adj. (used about sb’s behaviour) making things seem more exciting or serious than they really are Don’t be so melodramatic, Simon – of course you’re not going to die! ▶ melodramatyczny
melodrama /ˈmelədrɑ: mə; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a story, play or film in which a lot of exciting things happen and in which people’s emotions are stronger than in real life ▶ melodramat
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melody /ˈmelədi; US / noun [countable] (pl. melodies) a song or tune; the main tune of a piece of music ▶ melodia
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a melon
melon /ˈmelən; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a large round fruit with a thick yellow or green skin and a lot of seeds ▶ melon
topić się, topnieć
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to melt
2[intransitive] (used about sb’s feelings, etc.) to become softer or less strong My heart melted when I saw the baby. ▶ mięknąć rozczulać się
melt /melt; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to change or make sth change from a solid to a liquid by means of heat When we got up in the morning the snow had melted. First melt the butter in a saucepan. ▶ topić (się) topnieć
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melt something down
melt away to disappear The crowd slowly melted away when the speaker had finished. ▶ ulatniać się znikać melt sth down to heat a metal or glass object until it becomes liquid ▶ przetapiać
temperatura topnienia
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melting temperature
ˈmelting point noun [uncountable, countable] the temperature at which a solid melts ▶ temperatura topnienia
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melting pot
ˈmelting pot noun [countable] a place where a lot of different cultures, ideas, etc. come together New York is a melting pot of different cultures. ▶ tygiel
członek, członkini
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member, member
member /ˈmembə(r); US / noun [countable] a person, animal or thing that belongs to a group, club, organization, etc. All the members of the family were there. to become a member of a club a member of staff ▶ człon-ek/kini
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member of parliament
ˌMember of ˈParliament noun [countable] (abbr. MP /ˌem ˈpi:; US /) a person who has been elected to represent people from a particular area in Parliament I’m going to write to my local MP about the problem. the MP for Oxford East ▶ pos-eł/łanka
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2[countable, uncountable] the people who belong to a group, organization, etc. Membership has fallen in the past year. ▶ członkostwo liczba członków W lp słowa membership można używać z czasownikiem w lp lub lm.
membership /ˈmembəʃɪp; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the state of being a member of a group, organization, etc. To apply for membership, please fill in the enclosed form. a membership card/fee ▶ członkostwo przynależność
membrana, błona
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membrane, membrane
membrane /ˈmembreɪn; US / noun [countable] a thin skin which covers certain parts of a person’s or an animal’s body ▶ błona membrana
notatka służbowa
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memo /ˈmeməʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. memos) (also formal memorandum /ˌmeməˈrændəm; US / (pl. memoranda /-də; US /) a note sent from one person or office to another within an organization ▶ notatka (służbowa) memorandum
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memorable /ˈmemərəbl / adj. worth remembering or easy to remember The concert was a memorable experience. ▶ niezapomniany łatwy do zapamiętania pamiętny  SYNONYM  unforgettable □ memorably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ pamiętnie w sposób niezapomniany
pomnik, memoriał
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monument, memorial
a war memorial a memorial service nabożeństwo w intencji upamiętniającej ▶ pomnik memoriał
memorial /məˈmɔ: riəl; US / noun [countable] a memorial (to sb/sth) something that is built or done to remind people of an event or a person a memorial to the victims of the bombing
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to memorize
memorize (also memorise) /ˈmeməraɪz; US / verb [transitive] to learn sth so that you can remember it exactly Actors have to memorize their lines. ▶ uczyć się na pamięć zapamiętywać
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2[countable, uncountable] That day remained firmly in my memory for the rest of my life. Are you going to do your speech from memory, or are you going to use notes? The appointment completely slipped my memory (wyleciało mi z głowy). ▶ pamięć
memory /ˈmeməri; US / noun (pl. memories) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] sb’s ability to remember things to have a good/bad memory A teacher needs to have a good memory for names. The drug can affect your short-term memory. ▶ pamięć
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in memory of sb in order to remind people of sb who has died A service was held in memory of the dead. ▶ ku pamięci (kogoś)
3[countable] something that you remember That is one of my happiest memories. I have no memories of that time at all. childhood memories ▶ wspomnienie
naprawiać, reperować
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mend1 /mend; US / verb [transitive] to repair sth that is damaged or broken Can you mend the hole (czy możesz zaszyć/zacerować dziurę) in this jumper for me? This window needs mending – it won’t shut properly. ▶ naprawiać reperować
zapalenie opon mózgowych
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meningitis /ˌmenɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a dangerous illness which affects the brain and the spinal cord ▶ zapalenie opon mózgowych
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the menopause /ˈmenəpɔ: z; US / noun [sing.] the time when a woman stops menstruating and can no longer have children. This usually happens around the age of 50. ▶ menopauza
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menstrual /ˈmenstruəl; US / adj. connected with the time when a womanmenstruates each month The average length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days. ▶ miesiączkowy menstruacyjny
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□ menstruation /ˌmenstruˈeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ miesiączkowanie menstruacja
menstruate /ˈmenstrueɪt; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) (used about women) to lose blood once a month from the womb ▶ miesiączkować mieć okres/miesiączkę W języku codziennym używa się zwrotu have a period.
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I’ve got a mental picture (portret pamięciowy) of the man but I can’t remember his name. ▶ umysłowy
mental /ˈmentl; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 of or in the mind; involving the process of thinking It’s fascinating to watch a child’s mental development. mental arithmetic rachunek pamięciowy
umysłowy, psychiczny
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mental, mental
□ mentally /-təli; US / adv. She’s mentally ill. ▶ umysłowo psychicznie
2 connected with illness of the mind a mental illness/hospital He’s suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. a mental hospital szpital dla psychicznie/umysłowo chorych ▶ umysłowy psychiczny
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mentality /menˈtæləti; US / noun [countable] (pl. mentalities) a type of mind or way of thinking I just can’t understand his mentality! the criminal mentality ▶ mentalność sposób myślenia
nadmieniać, wzmiankować
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mention, mention
He mentioned (to me) that he might be late. Did she mention what time the film starts? His name has been mentioned as a possible future President. ▶ wspominać o kimś/czymś nadmieniać
mention /ˈmenʃn; US / verb [transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to say or write sth about sb/sth without giving much information
not to mention (used to emphasize sth) and also; as well as This is a great habitat for birds, not to mention other wildlife. ▶ nie mówiąc o czymś
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don’t mention it (used as a polite reply when sb thanks you for sth) ‘ Thank you for all your help.’ ‘ Don’t mention it.’ ▶ proszę bardzo nie ma o czym mówić
□ mention noun [countable, uncountable] It was odd that there wasn’t even a mention of the riots in the newspaper. ▶ wzmianka
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□ mentoring /; US / noun [uncountable] The point of the mentoring programme is to empower young fathers with parenting skills. ▶ (fachowe) poradnictwo
mentor /ˈmentɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time She was a friend and mentor to many young actors. ▶ mentor/ka
menu, jadłospis
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menu, menu
ˈmenu bar noun [countable] a horizontal bar at the top of a computer screen that contains pull-down menus such as ‘ File’, ‘ Edit’ and ‘ Help’ Click on ‘ Tools’ in the menu bar. ▶ pasek menu
menu /ˈmenju:; US / noun [countable] 1 a list of the food that you can choose at a restaurant Could we have/see the menu, please? I hope there’s soup on the menu. They do a special lunchtime menu here. ▶ jadłospis karta (dań) menu
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mercenary1 /ˈmɜ: sənəri; US -neri / noun [countable] (pl. mercenaries) a soldier who fights for any group or country that will pay them ▶ najemnik żołnierz najemny

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