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začněte se učit
happening at the right time and never-ending, perennial, enduring
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by an accident, not intentionally, nieumyślnie, przez nieuwagę
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speed (when it comes to physic)
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not favouring, unfriendly
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pure, not mixed with negative feelings (about happiness)
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strach na wróble, a figure dressed in shabby clothes in order to scare crows in the field
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brutal, unpleasant (weather), ... cold - extremely cold
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to treat sb as a celebrity
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extremely stupid, foolish (remark, comment), niemądry
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a woman fond of flirting, horse difficult to control and playful, płochliwy, lekkoduszny, kokieteryjny
to be conversant with sth začněte se učit
to have knowledge about sth
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nervous, frightened, roztrzęsiony, stremowany (informal)
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to be felicitous about sth začněte se učit
to be real. y nice, take care of all the person's needs
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sensitive, drażliwy, przewrażliwiony, nadwrażliwy
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sb who burgles from window that isn't on the ground level or through the roof
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$ paid to author for using his works, tantiemy
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to make your neck as long as it is possible to see sth
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to be good at sth and like it very much, w swoim żywiole
to leave no stone unturned začněte se učit
to search for sth thoroughly
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marnotrawca, rozrzutnik (o osobie)
sth that fell off the back of a lorry začněte se učit
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to have a passion for sb, in love with sb (idiom)
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to fail in one's plans (idiom)
to be in a delicate condition začněte se učit
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to have plans towards sth (idiom)
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a person who speaks as if he knew more than other people (idiom)
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one's hoped didn't succeed (idiom)
to tell sb where to get off začněte se učit
to tell sb to go away when you are fed up with him (idiom)
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to pay for sth, pokryć koszty (czegoś) (idiom)
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to pay for sth immediately (idiom)
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sth is beyond the limit of one's knowledge (idiom)
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popilnować, przypilnować (w zastępstwie kogoś) (idiom)
to lead someone up the garden path začněte se učit
'what a load of old cobblers' začněte se učit
we say it when sth is a complete nonsense (idiom)
to see things though rose tinted spectacles začněte se učit
to be rather over optimistic (idiom)
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it was long time ago (idiom)
sth is right up one's street začněte se učit
sth which you are very familiar and which you enjoy doing (idiom)
to throw out the baby with the bath water začněte se učit
to get rid of many good things at the same time as getting rod of the bad (idiom)
sth is not your strongest suit začněte se učit
you are not particularly very good at doing sth (idiom)
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to treat sth in a way which is only half serious (idiom)
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to do sth with a lot of energy and very well (idiom)
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it is true/valid and can be proved (idiom)
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to drive sb crazy/irritate them immensely (idiom)
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sb receives great applause/have been very successful (idiom)
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to like sb very much (idiom)
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to loose one's temper (idiom)
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sth is beginning to show signs of breaking down (idiom)
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to play truant/run away (idiom)
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