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otázka odpověď
okropny. wstrętny. paskudny.
začněte se učit
nasty. nasty. nasty. nasty.
To było okropne doświadczenie, kiedy zostałem zwolniony.
začněte se učit
It was a nasty experience when I got fired. It was. a nasty. experience. when. I got. fired. It was a nasty experience when I got fired.
zostać zwolnionym/ wyrzuconym (z pracy)
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to be fired. to be fired. to be fired. to be fired.
On został wyrzucony z pracy.
začněte se učit
He was fired. He was fired. He was fired. He was fired.
okropne doświadczenie.
začněte se učit
a nasty experience. a nasty experience. a nasty experience. a nasty experience.
začněte se učit
huge. huge. huge. huge.
Ten pokój jest ogromny!
začněte se učit
This room is huge! This room is huge! This room is huge! This room is huge!
czy ten pokój jest ogromny?
začněte se učit
is this room huge? is this room huge? is this. room. huge.? is. this room. huge?
Ten budynek nie jest ogromny.
začněte se učit
This building is not huge. This building is not huge. This building.is. not huge. This. building.is. not. huge.
to jest ogromna różnica!
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this is a huge difference! this is a huge difference! this is a huge. difference. this.is. a huge. difference!
ogromna różnica
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a huge difference. a huge. difference. a huge. difference. a huge difference.
začněte se učit
paw. paw. paw. paw. paw.
ogromna łapa.
začněte se učit
a huge paw. a huge. paw. a huge. paw. a huge paw.
začněte se učit
paws. paws. paws. paws. paws.
cztery łapy.
začněte se učit
four paws. four paws. four paws. four paws.
Ten pies ma ogromne łapy.
začněte se učit
This dog has huge paws. This dog has huge paws. This dog has. huge. paws. This. dog. has. huge. paws. This dog has huge paws.
začněte se učit
during. during. during. during. during.
podczas lekcji.
začněte se učit
during the lesson. during the lesson. during. the. lesson. during. the lesson.
podczas spotkania.
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during the meeting. during the meeting. during. the meeting. during the meeting.
podczas lata.
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during the summer. during the summer. during. the summer. during. the summer.
začněte se učit
summer. summer. summer. summer.
začněte se učit
spring. spring. spring. spring. spring.
začněte se učit
autumn. autumn. autumn. autumn. autumn.
jesień. po amerykańsku.
začněte se učit
fall. fall. fall. fall. fall. fall.
začněte se učit
winter. winter. winter. winter.
začněte se učit
usually. usually. usually. usually. usually.
Co zwykle robisz?
začněte se učit
What do you usually do. What.do. you. usually.do. What do you usually do. What do. you usually do.
Co zwykle robisz wiosną.
začněte se učit
What do you usually do in spring. What do you usually do in spring. What do you usually do in spring. What.do. you. usually.do. in spring.
CO zwykle robisz latem.
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WHAT.do. you usually.do. in summer.
CO zwykle robisz latem.
začněte se učit
WHAT you usually do in summer. WHAT.do. you usually. do in summer.
Co zwykle robisz jesienią.
začněte se učit
What do you usually do in the fall. What. do you. usually.do. in the fall.
Co zwykle robisz jesienią.
začněte se učit
What do you. usually.do. in the fall. What do you. usually.do. in the fall. What do you. usually.do. in the fall.
začněte se učit
immediately. immediately. immediately. immediately. immediately.
Przyjdź tutaj.
začněte se učit
Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here.
Przyjdź tutaj. natychmiast.
začněte se učit
Come here. immediately. Come here. immediately. Come here. immediately. Come. here. immediately.
Wstań natychmiast.
začněte se učit
Get up immediately. Get.up. immediately. Get up immediately. Get up immediately.
Natychmiast przestań mówić.
začněte se učit
Stop talking immediately. Stop talking immediately. Stop talking. immediately. Stop. talking. immediately. Stop. talking. immediately.
przestań mówić.
začněte se učit
stop talking. stop talking. stop talking. stop talking.
začněte se učit
against. against. against. against.
Oni grają przeciwko sobie.
začněte se učit
They are playing against each other. They. are. playing. against. each. other.
začněte se učit
team. team. team. team.
Dwie drużyny grają przeciwko sobie.
začněte se učit
Two teams play against each other. Two teams. play. against. each. other. Two teams play against each other. Two teams. play. against. each other.
czyj. czyja.
začněte se učit
whose. whose. whose. whose.
czyj to jest pies?
začněte se učit
whose dog is this. whose dog is this. whose. dog.is. this. whose dog is this.
Pies Martina.
začněte se učit
Martin's dog. Martin's dog. Martin's dog.
Pies mojego brata.
začněte se učit
My brother's dog.My. brother's. dog. My brother's dog.
To jest pies Moniki.
začněte se učit
This is Monika's dog. This is Monika's dog. This.is. Monika's dog.
To jest rower mojego przyjaciela.
začněte se učit
This is my friend's bike. This is my friend's bike. This.is. my. friend's. bike.
daj z siebie wszystko.
začněte se učit
do your best.do. your. best. do your best. do your best.
On dał z siebie wszystko.
začněte se učit
He gave his best.He. gave. his. best. He gave his best.
Oni dali z siebie wszystko.
začněte se učit
They did their best. They did their best. They. did. their. best. They did their best.
Drużyna dała z siebie.
začněte se učit
The team gave it their best. The team gave it their best. The. team. gave.it. their best. The team gave it their best.
začněte se učit
give. give. give. give. give.
dać 3 formy czasownika.
začněte se učit
give. gave. given. give. gave. given. give. gave. given.
Ona dała mi książkę.
začněte se učit
She gave me a book. She gave me a book. She gave.me. a book. She gave. me a book.
Czy zaprosiłaś George'a na przyjęcie.
začněte se učit
Did you invite George to the party. Did you invite George to the party. Did you invite George to the party. Did. you. invite. George.to. the. party. Did you invite George to the party.
začněte se učit
invite. invite. invite. invite. invite.
zaprosić na przyjęcie.
začněte se učit
invite to a party. invite to a party. invite to a party. invite to a party.
iść na przyjęcie.
začněte se učit
go to a party. go to a party. go to a party. go to a party.
być na przyjęciu.
začněte se učit
be at the party. be at the party. be at the party. be at the party.
Jestem na przyjęciu.
začněte se učit
I'm at the party. I'm at the party. I'm at the party. I'm at the party.
Oni s a na przyjęciu urodzinowym.
začněte se učit
They are at a birthday party. They. are.at. a birthday. party. They are at a birthday party.
wczoraj wieczorem.
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yesterday evening. yesterday evening. yesterday evening.
dzisiaj rano.
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today morning. today morning. today morning. today morning.
po północy.
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after midnight. after midnight. after midnight. after midnight.
film skończył się po północy.
začněte se učit
the movie finished. after midnight. the movie finished. after midnight. the movie. finished. after. midnight. the movie finished. after midnight.
Gdzie ona spotkała Adama.
začněte se učit
Where did she meet Adam. Where did she meet Adam. Where did she meet Adam. Where. did. she. meet. Adam.
Gdzie my się spotkaliśmy.
začněte se učit
Where did we. meet. Where did we. meet. Where did we. meet.
Wy spotkaliście się wczoraj.
začněte se učit
You met yesterday. You met yesterday. You met yesterday. You met yesterday.
Kto spotkał CIebie w sklepie.
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Who met you in the store. Who met you in the store. Who met you in the store. Who. met. you. in the store.
NIe uczyłem się ostatniej nocy.
začněte se učit
I didn't study last night. I didn't study last night. I didn't study. last night. I didn't study last night.
Nie oglądałem nic wczoraj.
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I didn't watch anything yesterday. I didn't watch. anything. yesterday.
začněte se učit
Immediately. Immediately. Immediately.
začněte se učit
quickly. quickly. quickly. quickly.
Chodź tutaj szybko!
začněte se učit
Come here quickly! Come here quickly! Come here quickly! Come. here quickly!
Ostrożnie. jako przysłówek
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Carefully. Carefully. Carefully. Carefully.
CHodź ostrożnie po dachu.
začněte se učit
Walk carefully on the roof. Walk carefully.on. the. roof. Walk carefully. on the roof.
Ostrożny. jako przymiotnik.
začněte se učit
Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful.
bądź ostrożny.
začněte se učit
be careful. be careful. be careful. be careful.
On jest szybkim biegaczem.
začněte se učit
He is a quick runner. He is a quick runner. He is a quick runner. He is a quick runner.
On jest szybki.
začněte se učit
He is quick. He is quick.
On biega szybko (jak? czyli przysłówek)
začněte se učit
He runs quickly. He runs quickly. He runs quickly. He runs quickly.
Jedź powoli (jak? czyli przysłówek)
začněte se učit
Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Drive slowly.
Jedź ostrożnie.
začněte se učit
Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Drive carefully.
Mów powoli.
začněte se učit
Speak slowly. Speak slowly. Speak slowly. Speak slowly.
Mów głośno.
začněte se učit
Speak loudly. Speak loudly. Speak loudly.

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