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dwa ognie
a game in which two teams of players try to hit their opponents' bodies with a ball that they throw: We like to play...
začněte se učit
We like to play dodgeball.
wziąć udział w kwalifikacjach do...
to compete for a position in a sports team or a part in a play: Luke's... the college football team.
začněte se učit
try out for...
Luke's trying out for the college football team.
futbol amerykański (US)
začněte se učit
piłka nożna
a game played between two teams of eleven people, where each team tries to win by kicking a ball into the other team's goal. Did you play ... at school?
začněte se učit
football, soccer
Did you play soccer at school?
a competition for a position on a team or a part in a play: ... for the team will be held next week.
začněte se učit
Tryouts for the team will be held next week.
być beznadziejnym w czyms
If someone or something ..., that person or thing is bad or unpleasant: While my brother was sick, I had to do all of his chores and it...
začněte se učit
suck at...
While my brother was sick, I had to do all of his chores and it sucked.
a complicated system of paths or passages that people try to find their way through for entertainment. The old part of the town was a ... of narrow passages.
začněte se učit
The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.
brzuch mnie boli (z nerwów), motyle w brzuchu
a feeling of being very nervous or frightened about something: I'm meeting her parents tonight, and I have a bad case of...
začněte se učit
butterflies in my stomach
I'm meeting her parents tonight, and I have a bad case of butterflies in my stomach.
wzmacniać charakter
začněte se učit
build character
It builds character
zgłosić remis
to finish at the same time or score the same number of points, etc. in a competition as someone or something else: We ... with a team from the south in the championships.
začněte se učit
call a draw // tie
We tied with a team from the south in the championships.
dyscyplina sportu
začněte se učit
A sports discipline // A sport // An event
łyżwiarz figurowy
a person who takes part in the sport or activity of moving quickly on ice, making patterns and often jumping, while wearing skates (= boots with thin metal bars attached to the bottoms): He used to be a professional...
začněte se učit
figure ice-skater
He used to be a professional figure skater
usunąć mnie z drużyny
začněte se učit
take me off the team
złożyć pozew
a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization rather than the police in order to obtain a legal decision: Two of the directors ... against their former employer.
začněte se učit
file a lawsuit
Two of the directors filed a lawsuit against their former employer.
Igrzyska, Igrzyska Olimpijskie
začněte se učit
Games, Olympic Games
extremely large: Billie ate his way through a ... ice cream sundae.
začněte se učit
Billie ate his way through a ginormous ice cream sundae.
a list of television and radio programmes showing how popular they are: The show has fallen in the ... this week.
začněte se učit
The show has fallen in the ratings this week.
ostateczna rozgrywka
an event, such as a meeting or fight, that ends a disagreement or decides who will win: Sunday’s ... will decide whether Mexico or Italy is the world soccer champion.
začněte se učit
Sunday’s showdown will decide whether Mexico or Italy is the world soccer champion.
Dostałem się do drużyny
začněte se učit
I made the team
wydarzenie sportowe
začněte se učit
sports event
łyżwiartswo figurowe
a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps
začněte se učit
figure skating
A ... gold medalist
začněte se učit
A two-time gold medalist
to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message, or programme on television or radio: I was told the news first and then I ... it to the others.
začněte se učit
I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.
kibic, fan
someone who ... a particular idea, group, or person: He is one of the president's strongest ... within industry.
začněte se učit
supporter, fan
He is one of the president's strongest supporters within industry.
infml, szaleć
to become extremely angry: My sister will ... when she finds out I crashed her car.
začněte se učit
go nuts
My sister will go nuts when she finds out I crashed her car.
the number of points, goals, etc. achieved in a game or competition: Have you heard the latest cricket ...?
začněte se učit
Have you heard the latest cricket score?
włączyć radio/tv
to turn on a radio or television: Millions of viewers ... to learn the election results.
začněte se učit
tune in
Millions of viewers tuned in to learn the election results.
wyniki, występ
how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity: He was an experienced player who was always seeking to improve his...
začněte se učit
He was an experienced player who was always seeking to improve his performance.
od samego początku
začněte se učit
from the get-go
začněte se učit
fella, fellow
someone who is taller or larger than usual; Dad terrified us with stories of a big, bad ... who ate little children.
začněte se učit
Dad terrified us with stories of a big, bad giant who ate little children.
kij, maczuga
a heavy stick used as a weapon; a long, thin stick used in golf to hit the ball: a set of golf...
začněte se učit
a set of golf clubs
podać, podanie (piłk do partnera)
a movement of the ball from one player to another member of the same team in a team sport
začněte se učit
wsad (w koszykówce)
a shot in basketball in which a player jumps up and pushes the ball down through the net
začněte se učit
the activity of taking part in a sport or a game: Rain stopped ... during the final of the National Tennis Championship // Just a beatiful...
začněte se učit
Rain stopped play during the final of the National Tennis Championship. // Just a beatiful play
bez patrzenia (rzut piłką)
začněte se učit
rzyt za 3 punkty
začněte se učit
three pointer
material made of threads of rope, string, wire, or plastic with spaces between them, allowing gas, liquid, or small objects to go through, or an object made with this material that is used to limit the movement of something: a fishing...
začněte se učit
a fishing net
przy boisku
Bob is... with Mesii.
začněte se učit
Bob is courtside with Mesii.
in a way that is very shocking or surprising: His new wife is ... beautiful.
začněte se učit
His new wife is staggeringly beautiful.
pokaz, prezentacja
the fact of someone showing how they feel: There's never much (of a) ... of affection between them.
začněte se učit
There's never much (of a) display of affection between them.
sportowy (sprawność)
strong, healthy, and good at sports: She looks very...
začněte se učit
She looks very athletic.
in a different way from what most people believe: ... to popular opinion, I don't dye my hair!
začněte se učit
Contrary to popular opinion, I don't dye my hair!
nie wystarczać by
to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment: August car sales ... the industry's expectations.
začněte se učit
fall short of
August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.
to include different types of things: The festival is to ... everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.
začněte se učit
The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.
wirtuozeria, mistrzostwo
the quality of being extremely skilled at something: The technical ... of the paintings is such that you can almost smell the flowers.
začněte se učit
The technical virtuosity of the paintings is such that you can almost smell the flowers.
a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong: Every ... has rights which must never be taken away.
začněte se učit
Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.
to disrespect informal someone: Don't ... me, man!
začněte se učit
Don't diss me, man!
kolega z drużyny
a player on the same team
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mecz po meczu
začněte se učit
one game at a time
wyjść na boisko // wyjść na scenę // stawić komuś czoła
začněte se učit
go out there
niech się dzieje co chce
začněte se učit
Let the chips fall where they may
grać w tenisa
začněte se učit
play tennis
a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left: a tennis/chess/golf...
začněte se učit
a tennis/chess/golf tournament
wynik zero w tenisie
začněte se učit
a part of a game of tennis or volleyball: They won in straight ... (= they won every ...).
začněte se učit
They won in straight sets (= they won every set).
pokonać, pobić
to defeat or do better than: Holland ... Belgium (by) 3–1.
začněte se učit
Holland beat Belgium (by) 3–1.
mecz (piłka nożna)
začněte se učit
piłka meczowa
a situation in a game such as tennis when the player who is winning will win the match if they get the next point
začněte se učit
match point
one part of a competition in activities such as tennis: I won the first ..., and then lost the next two.
začněte se učit
I won the first game, and then lost the next two.
dzika karta
začněte se učit
wild card
to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition: They ... the Italian team and reached the final.
začněte se učit
They defeated the Italian team and reached the final.
awansować do
to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something: She's the youngest player ever to ... a semifinal.
začněte se učit
advance to
She's the youngest player ever to advance to a semifinal.
a part of a competition: She was knocked out of the championship in the third...
začněte se učit
She was knocked out of the championship in the third round.
a game played inside, in which you roll a heavy ball down a track to try to knock down a group of pins (= tall, thin wooden objects)
začněte se učit
turlać (kręgle)
to (cause something to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side: The vase ... off the edge of the table and smashed.
začněte se učit
The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.
tor (na kręgielni, basenie)
a special strip of a road, sports track, or swimming pool that is used to keep vehicles or competitors separate: The German runners/swimmers are in ... 4 and 6.
začněte se učit
The German runners/swimmers are in lanes 4 and 6.
a building in which you can go bowling, or the narrow track along which balls are rolled during a game of bowling
začněte se učit
bowling alley
A competitor's ... is their ability to be successful over a period of time: After a bad year, she has regained her...
začněte se učit
After a bad year, she has regained her form.
sl wy
začněte se učit
y'all = you all
to prepare something for use, especially after it has not been used for a long time: It's time to ... the old chemistry books and start studying.
začněte se učit
dust off
It's time to dust off the old chemistry books and start studying.
Do tego to doszło?
začněte se učit
Is this what it's come to?
zostało 10 sekund
začněte se učit
10 seconds to go
czas, przerwa na żądanie
a short period during a game in some sports when the players stop playing in order to rest, plan what they are going to do next, etc.: The coach called a ... to discuss strategy.
začněte se učit
The coach called a timeout to discuss strategy.
someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject: a tennis/maths...
začněte se učit
a tennis/maths coach
(in sports) the ability to prevent the opposition from scoring points; The team has pretty good scoring ability, but it’s weak on...
začněte se učit
The team has pretty good scoring ability, but it’s weak on defense.
a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning: I have a ... that the relationship won't last.
začněte se učit
gut feeling
I have a gut feeling that the relationship won't last.
Przeczucie mi mówi...
začněte se učit
My gut tells me...
an unpleasant person: You lied to me, you ...!
začněte se učit
You lied to me, you bastard!
tchórzliwy (bez kregosłupa)
A ... person does not have much determination and is not willing to take risks: He was, she concluded, a ... individual.
začněte se učit
He was, she concluded, a spineless individual.
za wszelką cenę
začněte se učit
at all costs
łowca chwały
začněte se učit
glory hound
kręgosłup moralny
the quality of a person’s character, esp. its moral strength: He lacked the ... to be president.
začněte se učit
moral fiber
He lacked the moral fiber to be president.
uprawiać sport
začněte se učit
do sports
I do sports
aktywność fizyczna
začněte se učit
physical activity
(a) physical action performed to make or keep your body healthy: You should get some ... even when you’re pregnant.
začněte se učit
You should get some exercise even when you’re pregnant.
wykonywać prace domowe
začněte se učit
do housework
I do houserwork
a way of operating, living, or behaving: Each department in the company has its own ... of operation.; Switch your phone to silent...
začněte se učit
Each department in the company has its own mode of operation.; Switch your phone to silent mode.
spalać kalorie
začněte se učit
burn calories
intensywny (kurs, kolor)
involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time: two weeks of ... training
začněte se učit
two weeks of intensive training
intensywna (atmosfera, emocje)
extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong: ... cold/heat/hatred // He suddenly felt an ... pain in his back.
začněte se učit
intense cold/heat/hatred // He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back.
to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth, usually because you have been doing something very energetic: Matteo arrived at the top of the hill, ... and covered in sweat.
začněte se učit
Matteo arrived at the top of the hill, panting and covered in sweat.
the sport or activity of ... a boat:
začněte se učit
the sport or activity of rowing a boat:
a sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands: Many doctors believe that ... is too dangerous and should be banned.
začněte se učit
Many doctors believe that boxing is too dangerous and should be banned.
przypływ endorfin
začněte se učit
endorphin rush
one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement: These exercises build ... and increase stamina.
začněte se učit
These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.
sprawny fizycznie
healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise: You need to be very ... to hike the Inca Trail.
začněte se učit
You need to be very fit to hike the Inca Trail.
Śmiało. Proszę bardzo.
začněte se učit
Be my guest
nagła śmierć
začněte se učit
sudden death
piłka do koszykówki
the ball used in the game of basketball:
začněte se učit
boisko (koszykówka, tenis, siatkówka)
začněte se učit
boisko (pilka nożna, bejsbol, futbol amerykański)
začněte se učit
stanie na głowie
the act of balancing upside down on your head, using your hands or bent arms to support you: She learned how to do a ... when she was 50 years old.
začněte se učit
She learned how to do a headstand when she was 50 years old.
stanie na rękach
an action in which you balance vertically on your hands with your legs pointing straight up in the air
začněte se učit
przewrót (salto, fikołek)
a rolling movement or jump, either forwards or backwards, in which you turn over completely, with your body above your head, and finish with your head on top again: Do you want to see me do a ...?
začněte se učit
Do you want to see me do a somersault?
začněte se učit
fikołek w przód
začněte se učit
forward roll
fikołek w tył
začněte se učit
backward roll
a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a large ball backwards and forwards over a high net without allowing the ball to touch the ground: In physical education, we play ... or do exercises.
začněte se učit
In physical education, we play volleyball or do exercises.
zapalony (kibic), ktoś pełen zapału
... football supporter
začněte se učit
avid football supporter
po dziś dzień
up to and including the present moment: ... nobody knows what happened to him.
začněte se učit
to this day
To this day nobody knows what happened to him.
that is the reason or explanation for: His mother was Italian, ... his name - Luca.
začněte se učit
His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
in the past: The European Union was ... called the European Community.
začněte se učit
The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
...-wearing fans
začněte se učit
scarf-wearing fans
začněte se učit
match (bryt), game (amer.)
sport drużynowy
začněte se učit
team sport
ziemia (do gry)
soil on the ground: I've been digging in the ..., planting seeds.
začněte se učit
I've been digging in the dirt, planting seeds.
someone who takes part in a game or sport: The team has many talented...
začněte se učit
The team has many talented players.
bramka (w piłce nożnej, hokeju)
an area on a playing field, that usually has two posts with a net fixed behind them, where players try to send the ball in order to score in sports such as football and hockey: Black kicked/headed the ball into/towards the...
začněte se učit
Black kicked/headed the ball into/towards the goal.
Something that is ... is created by and exists only in the mind: The story is set in an ... world.
začněte se učit
The story is set in an imaginary world.
to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god: On the island the people ... different gods.
začněte se učit
On the island the people worshipped different gods.
certainly true: an ... fact; a woman of ... brilliance
začněte se učit
an undeniable fact; a woman of undeniable brilliance
duch drużyny
začněte se učit
team spirit
skandować (na meczu)
to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously: The crowd were ... the team's name.
začněte se učit
The crowd were chanting the team's name.
kibicować, wiwatować
to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement: Everyone ... as the winners received their medals.
začněte se učit
Everyone cheered as the winners received their medals.
spoić, związać
to develop a close connection or strong relationship with someone, or to make someone do this: The aim was to ... the group into a closely knit team.
začněte se učit
The aim was to bond the group into a closely knit team.
z daleka
from or at a great distance: He watched the proceedings...
začněte se učit
from afar
He watched the proceedings from afar.
wydarzenie sportowe
začněte se učit
sporting event
Nie wierz mi na słowo
začněte se učit
Don't take my word for it
Grałe w piłkę nożną w liceum
začněte se učit
I played soccer in high school
Jaki jest wynik?
začněte se učit
What's the score?
Dostałem się do drużyny
začněte se učit
I made the team
pole golfowe
an area of land used for playing golf
začněte se učit
golf course
klub golfowy, kij do golfa
one of a set of specially shaped wooden or metal sticks used for hitting a golf ball
začněte se učit
golf club
a large, flat surface, of ice or other hard material, for skating (= a sport using special boots to move along) or the area or building that contains this:
začněte se učit
an ice rink
biec maraton
začněte se učit
run a marathon
the activity of travelling in a canoe (= a small, light, narrow boat, pointed at both ends): In the summer I take my kids boating, rafting, and...
začněte se učit
In the summer I take my kids boating, rafting, and canoeing.
the sport of fighting with long, thin swords: a ... tournament/mask
začněte se učit
a fencing tournament/mask
piłka ręczna
a game similar to football, played by throwing a ball instead of kicking it
začněte se učit
podać pałeczkę
začněte se učit
pass the baton
tenis stołowy
a game that is played on a large table where two or four players hit a ball over a low net using small, round bats
začněte se učit
Table Tennis
podnoszenie ciężarów
the activity of lifting heavy objects either as a sport or for exercise: He won Olympic gold in ... at the 1956 and 1960 Games.
začněte se učit
He won Olympic gold in weightlifting at the 1956 and 1960 Games.
a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground
začněte se učit
(part of) the side of a hill or mountain: There are some nice gentle (= not steep) ... that we can ski down.
začněte se učit
There are some nice gentle (= not steep) slopes that we can ski down.
skoki narciarskie
a sport in which a person on skis moves very fast down a specially made steep slope that turns up at the end, and jumps off from the bottom of it, landing on a lower level: The 120 meter jump in Hocaba was the stage for the team...
začněte se učit
Ski Jumping
The 120 meter jump in Hocaba was the stage for the team ski jumping.
infml iść na siłownię
začněte se učit
hit the gym
siłownia, sala gimnastyczna
a place or club where you can go to exercise using machines, weights, and other equipment: I go to the ... twice a week.
začněte se učit
I go to the gym twice a week.
rakieta tenisowa
začněte se učit
tennis racket
wysiłek fizyczny
začněte se učit
physical strain
wysilić się
začněte se učit
strain yourself
biec 10 km
začněte se učit
do a 10K
a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organized events: He became a professional ... at the age of 16.
začněte se učit
He became a professional athlete at the age of 16.
(in some sports) the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring
začněte se učit
a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed: We only lost the game because the ... was biased.
začněte se učit
referee, ref
We only lost the game because the referee was biased.
zakwasy mięśni
pain because of injury, infection, or too much use: All of the runners experienced muscle ... and weakness for several days.
začněte se učit
muscle fever, delayed onset muscle soreness
All of the runners experienced muscle soreness and weakness for several days.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
Fatalnie gram w piłkę nożną
začněte se učit
I'm terrible at soccer
Ma dystans i poczucie humoru (nie obraża się gdy ktoś żartuje, że słabo gra)
začněte se učit
He is a good sport
kij bejsbolowy
a specially shaped piece of wood used for hitting the ball in some games: a baseball/cricket/rounders/table tennis...
začněte se učit
a baseball/cricket/rounders/table tennis bat
poprzeczka (część bramki)
a horizontal bar, either the part that forms the top of a goal, or the part of a bicycle between the seat and the handlebars
začněte se učit
crossbar (part of the goal)
a strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head: a bicycle...
začněte se učit
a bicycle helmet
obręcz (kosza w koszykówce)
a ring of wood, metal, or plastic: Dad put up a basketball ... in the driveway on the front of the garage.
začněte se učit
Dad put up a basketball hoop in the driveway on the front of the garage.
ochraniacz na zęby
a device that can be put inside the mouth in order to protect the teeth and gums, for example when playing sport: My dentist has given me a ... to stop me grinding my teeth in my sleep.
začněte se učit
My dentist has given me a mouthguard to stop me grinding my teeth in my sleep.
rakietka (pingpongowa)
a flat blade held with a short handle that is used in some games such as table tennis for hitting a small ball.
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