Storm damage 2

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to pull a plant and its roots out of the ground
začněte se učit
Pol. wyrwać z korzeniami
Hundreds of mature trees were uprooted in the storm.
a large underground pipe that carries the public supply of water to buildings
začněte se učit
water main
Pol. główny przewód wodociągowy, magistrala wodociągowa
The severe cold caused a water main to burst and flood the street.
Pol. przewód gazowy
začněte se učit
gas main
a gas main
the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion
začněte se učit
Pol. szczątki, ruiny, gruz
Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.
to press sth so hard that it breaks or is damaged
začněte se učit
Pol. zmiażdżyć, przygnieść
His arm was badly crushed in the car accident.
to completely destroy something or make something disappear
začněte se učit
sweep away
Pol. zmieść, zmiatać, porwać
A large wave swept away half the sandcastle
the place where a ship or boat is moored
začněte se učit
Pol. miejsce cumowa
We rented a mooring.

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