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an overstretched muscle, ligament or tendom
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sudden, strenous movements, heavy lifting strenous- wytężony,
strain symptoms and signs začněte se učit
pain, swelling, loss of function, loss of strength, painful muscle spasm
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rest of the affected area, ice, wet compress after 24h, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
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a forcible twisting of a joint with severe stretching or tearing of the ligaments forcible - gwałtowny, tearing- naciągnięcie
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overextending or twisting a limb beyond its normal range of movement
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a popping sound at the time of Injury, pain on movement, swelling and tenderness to touch tenderness - wrażliwość, czułość
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ice, elevation, a supporting bandage, avoiding walking elevation - uniesienie
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a complete separation of the bones that articulate to form the joint. the most commonly dislocated joint is shoulder
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trauma, a forward fall onto an outstretched hand or onto the shoulder trauma - uraz
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a misshapen appearance, pain, swelling, inability to move the joint, numbness with nerve damage, blue and black discoloration discoloration - odbarwienie, misshapen appearance - zniekształcony wygląd
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reduction, 2 weeks of immobilisation in a sling