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We can’t enter the building without a pass.
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I’ve never seen such a huge car.
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She hasn’t worried about such things before.
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Should I risk entering the cave?
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They used to know, all the neighbours by name.
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You were sitting on a stool.
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Was Thomas and Kate, at the party together.
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He fell over while dancing.
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Could I stop here please?
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She sat on a cushion.
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The photographer took hundreds of pictures.
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What a spectacular jump!
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They need a piece of string, to secure this box.
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Lift them up one more time.
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They’ve noticed some movements in the garden.
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Was he happy?
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She hopes, she finds out where we put all our Christmas decorations.
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They took his children for a walk.
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I took a step back.
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She found it one day, jammed at the back of drawer.
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They opened the chest of drawers.
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He stood up and closed the window.
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We dropped the bag inside, and shut the drawer.
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Was Thomas satisfied with the score?
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He’ll call you back.
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She’s got plenty of decorations here.
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Then you gave a jump.
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Her house was placed, on the edge of the forest
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Don’t come a step nearer.
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Thomas lifted the heavy box.
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She lost her balance and fell over.
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They have been serving aboard ship, for over two years now.
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We stopped to admire the view.
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Was I at school yesterday?
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He sat, on the edge of the bed.
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She stood up, when her boss entered the room.
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I stopped and took a picture.
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Only a few more steps, and you’ll be there.
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He lifted his head and listening attentively.
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Could he take a picture for us?
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Thomas was searching in a drawer his underwear.
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They had to lower their heads, to get through the door.
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Suddenly we stood up and went away.
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She fell, and hit her head.
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There’s been a huge jump in prices.
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Let’s go for a walk.
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This book is very cheap.
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The glass fell from our hands.
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You’re preparing fine cream.
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It’s worth a fortune!
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stone v angličtině

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