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They met at the party on Saturday.
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They’ll regret it.
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Her daughter is very pretty.
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You should use a good stain remover.
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There was a big vase of flowers next to my bed.
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Is there anything else they can help you with?
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I decided go home, as it was getting late.
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I wish you a pleasant journey.
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Could she take the sugar bowl out of the cupboard.
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It was a great pity, that they died so young.
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She asked the waiter for a bill.
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I don’t think a leather jacket suits you.
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I held my position despite the crises.
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Maybe I should quit smoking to improve my health.
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How should we know.
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Song of this band was a great success in the USA.
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It is crucial, that you should have your own car.
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She quickly opened the envelope.
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Can we go to the toilet, Miss?
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Where did you buy this fancy sugar bowl?
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They don’t know for certain.
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She has broad shoulders.
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It was so embarrassing.
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Don’t take that tone with her.
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What do they want to do now?
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This bridge is very high.
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She gave him a tube of toothpaste.
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It’s not the effect he hoped for.
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I know him pretty well.
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They can hold the meat in the refrigerator.
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He doesn’t even know it for sure.
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He is arriving tomorrow.
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He went shopping, but he won’t be back, until late this afternoon.
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Now I see my error and regret it.
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He turned around and saw him comes into the room.
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The line is busy, so you‘ll try again later.
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They were in the shop at the corner.
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I can’t imagine her, cycling to school every day.
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Just pick one you like better.
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Do you know I love you, don’t you?
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I would come to the phone but I wasn’t there.
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He has regular meetings every Friday.
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We were half conscious.
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In their humble opinion, that was the show of the year.
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We held a doll in our hands.
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They have no doubts.
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She saw, that waiter bring John a cup of coffee.
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I should be able, to do that.
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His face was of a very regular shape.
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corn v angličtině

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