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He can’t do anything about it.
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She has no doubts.
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Why don’t they do something?
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She spent a great deal of time here.
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Could you hand him that wallet?
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He’s never seen you.
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We have some good news for you.
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Their mother would be furious about that.
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I’m certain they would appreciate it.
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We don’t understand.
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You came into the room with a big smile on your face.
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They wish you a pleasant journey.
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We have to be polite.
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Her behaviour hasn’t improved at all.
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They don’t know for certain.
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I asked the waiter for a bill.
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She would come to the phone but she wasn’t there.
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To some extent he can agree.
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I think, he doesn’t understand the last sentence.
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She has regular meetings every Friday.
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Is there anything else, I can help you with?.
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You put the meat in a shallow dish.
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We gave you a lots of useful advice.
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You’re going to the park despite the rain.
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Every summer she cuts her hair for short.
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Where did they buy this fancy sugar bowl?
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They splashed water over their faces.
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I quickly opened the envelope.
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She can tell you.
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They looked at chapter 5.
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He’s been looking for you everywhere.
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What does he want to do now?
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I gave you a birthday present.
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My mother took her money and went to the bank.
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London is about 300 kilometres away.
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They were just kidding.
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The line is busy, so she’ll try again later.
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It was one of their favourite corners of the world.
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He deeply regrets this misunderstanding.
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She doesn’t know that for certain.
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You felt miserable.
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I’ve been avoiding you since 2 months.
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We went out of the cave and we saw the snow.
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She thinks that today is the hottest than ever.
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His done nothing wrong.
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They are certain that we can do it.
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Thomas convinced him, to go to the restaurant with us.
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He bought a new computer.
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We bought one bottle of milk in the shop.
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corn v angličtině

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