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There are few movies, he hasn’t seen.
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He’s feeling much better today.
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I’ve been looking for you everywhere.
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She put the vase on the table.
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I got lost, when I saw them holding hands.
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What is her chance for success?
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It depends from her.
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I had this mug for many years.
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Our bed is a very uncomfortable, it’s hard and narrow.
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He was helpful and friendly.
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How big is their house?
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I’m going to the park despite the rain.
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They keep the wine in oak barrels.
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He came into the room, with a big smile on her face.
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My flat is huge.
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They went out of the cave, and saw the sunlight.
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He has little hands.
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I spent a great deal of time here.
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He is certain to win the election.
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Where should I get off.
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Did you get my message?
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What is his favourite kind of music?
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At the third stop.
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I didn’t know, it would cost so much.
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How much is a stamp for a letter?
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I attend a training course.
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I checked my answering machine.
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They live in a nice little house.
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I’m sorry but I don’t understand the last sentence.
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He gave me a lots of useful advice.
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Why doesn’t she do something?
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Have you seen his latest film?
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I cannot tell, whether she is old or young.
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Tom looked at her pretty face.
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She convinced me, to go on a blind date with her friend.
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Today is hottest than ever.
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His mother will be furious about that.
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I can tell you.
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We were holding a thin book.
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I have some good news for you.
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Could you hand me that blue envelope?
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You paid the waiter and stepped out into the street.
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She gave me a broad smile.
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She seems to be tired.
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I was absolutely furious.
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What has she done?
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He was pretty furious about it.
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Does she know it for sure?
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To some extent I can agree.
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I have to come back home before midnight.
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I’ve never seen you.
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For a certain reason, I don’t want to go there.
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The battery in my mobile phone is completely flat.
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I’ve never ridden a horse before.
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I have to go home.
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His head is always full of crazy ideas.
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I can’t do anything about it.
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Helen took the boys on a tour.
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He bought a packet of chewing gum.
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She was just kidding.
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I’ll come to you before noon.
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She has to read this book by Friday.
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I bought a new computer.
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He has to drink a glass of milk every morning.
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I gave her a birthday present.
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You know everyone by name.
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I pulled the thick curtains.
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She is certain, that we can do it.
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He checked this job it’s good.
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She’s been avoiding me, for a month now.
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fly v angličtině

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