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My father unzipped his briefcase.
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This is serious stuff, no kidding.
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Could I borrow it?
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Can he use the internet?
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We couldn’t sleep last night.
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The room was square in shape.
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A child gave her a birthday present.
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He was very naughty, when he was little.
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I regret to inform you, that I am unable to accept your proposal.
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I’m convinced that we’re going in the right direction.
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They spent the weekend in the mountains.
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They wish, they had picked the other one.
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I’m calling the police.
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She replaced the receiver.
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I wake up at noon.
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It can wait until Monday.
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Could you lend me some money?
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She had to see it, with her own eyes.
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We would rather stay home tonight.
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I didn’t dare to ask her.
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Nobody anticipated defeat.
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They looked at themselves, it the wardrobe mirror.
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So what happened then?
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They live in the London area.
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He’s been painting away all morning.
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How do you spell, comfortable?
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I regret my decision.
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Can I use your computer?
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My mother was wearing a dark green blouse.
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We can’t predict the future.
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I hope will see each other soon.
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I drove them to the train station.
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Do we know the sum, of these two numbers?
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We managed to get through the gap in the fence.
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You have a low level of ambitions.
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The front crawl was the thirst style, I’ve learnt.
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We want to speak with the receptionist.
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This room is about 5 meters in width.
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She hopes you’ll be able to stay longer than last time.
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And they lived happily ever after.
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She was discussing the country’s economic development.
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She should arrange this shopping window again.
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corn v angličtině

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