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I was supposed to go with you.
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When the weather improves, he’ll go outside.
We can do, whatever we like.
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Does he know it for sure?
Susan is a responsible mother of two children.
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They phoned me late at night, asking to pick her up, from the station.
She’s probably tired.
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How many people are there in your family?
Neither of us can go there.
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I started the search two days ago.
They went to the bank to pay the bill.
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He did it for a certain reason.
I dug, a deep hole.
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Nothing is so certain as death.
This will surely cause problems.
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Could you hand me that apple?
This T-shirt is too small for her.
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We’re certain that we will never see you again.
It’s not certain where you will work,
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He always swims, at the shallow end of the pool.
We don’t like houses with flat roofs.
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Can he use the phone?
We will probably call you, but it depends on our mood.
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She is a bad person.
Should you need any help, call us.
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The receptionist gave me the wrong key.
They need someone to clear the table.
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I’ve never been to the USA before.
Our daughter was wearing very short skirt.
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It is a certain road.
Cut the cheese into thin slices.
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How many people attend the work?
The battery in this mobile phone needs replacing.
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The bridge is seven meters high.
What do we propose to do?
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She lost her ID card.
The hole in the tooth, was enormous.
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I should go that way.
They received a message from a certain person.
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Tom looked at her pretty face.
How high is this wardrobe?
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Does she always write the cards from vacation?
He blew out the candle.
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They told their assistants to work on their own rate.
I ‘ve been an enormous help to her.
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He made a wrong decision and now he regret it.
You have broad shoulders.
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How should she know?
Warsaw is the largest city in Poland.
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He should be able to do that.
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